≥92% of participants will apply patients' rights to their practice.
Upon completion of this self-study module, the participant will be able to:
Patients have both rights and responsibilities regarding their health and the healthcare services they receive. On March 26, 1997, President Bill Clinton appointed an Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in Health Care Industry. The Commission issued its final report, Quality First: Better Health Care for All Americans, in March 1998. As part of its work, the Commission issued a Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities. This document was intended to serve as a blueprint for how systems and procedures protect consumers and ensure improved quality of care. This Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities expressed three goals:
Patients have the right to care, treatment, and services that safeguard their dignity and respect their cultural, psychosocial, and spiritual values. These values often affect the patient's treatment needs and preferences. By understanding and respecting patients and their values, providers can help meet patients' needs for treatment and services and protect their rights. Many health plans, including those sponsored by the Federal government, have adopted these general principles. The Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities lists specific rights and responsibilities that Federal health plans and others have adopted. Under the Conditions of Participation, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) requires participating hospitals to protect and promote patients' rights, meaning that patients must be informed of their rights before accepting or refusing treatment. Sometimes, a patient is not able to communicate directly. In this case, patient rights should be discussed with the patient's legal representative. Patients must be able to understand information about their rights. Some patients need special help to understand. For example, patients who do not speak English have the right to a medical translator or translated materials. They have this right by law. Patient rights fall into seven general areas:
The premise of informed consent is that patients have a moral, legal, and ethical right to understand and agree with all aspects of their care, including all potential consequences of accepting or refusing care. Patients must have sufficient information to make decisions related to their healthcare that aligns with their values and preferences. The principle underlining informed consent is that a person has the right to decide what is done to their body. Risks associated with a procedure must be laid out so that they are understandable to the patient, and outline the benefits and positive outcomes the patient can anticipate after undergoing the procedure. The four principles related to informed consent are defined as follows: (Wagner, 2020):
Patients in healthcare facilities have the right to accurate and easily understandable information about their health plan, healthcare professionals, and healthcare facilities. If they speak another language or have physical or mental disabilities, appropriate information must be provided to make informed healthcare decisions. Patients have the right to know about the following:
Regulatory agencies require proof that facilities provide this to patients through direct observation and facility policies. Each facility has its methods for ensuring patients know and understand their rights. Most facilities display patient rights at intake points in the facility. Many facilities also provide patients with a written form of patient rights at intake during inpatient handbooks. Many facilities also require that the patient, or their legally responsible guardian, sign a document stating they were provided with patient rights. Rights and responsibilities may also be posted in waiting areas for patients, families, and visitors to review; however, a written list of rights may not be enough. The facility must ensure all patients understand their rights well enough to exercise them. This is true of all information. All information must be presented so that the patient can understand it.
Facilities must recognize that although a patient may speak English fluently as a second language, it may not be their preferred language for communicating and understanding health care information. Patients for whom English is not their first language need to be asked what language they want to use when discussing their healthcare, and their choice is adhered to and documented. When the patient does not speak English, it is advisable to use a professional interpreter, rather than a family member who may speak English, to translate. A qualified medical interpreter knows medical terminology, ethics, and maintaining patient confidentiality.
Medical interpreters have completed extensive training programs, and many professional interpreters hold master's degrees. If possible, the best scenario is to match the cultural and ethnic characteristics of the professional interpreter with that of the patient as closely as possible. In many cultures, patients will find it difficult and embarrassing to discuss intimate healthcare details with those of the opposite sex. Clinicians need to consider this when utilizing professional interpreters. In 2015, The American Community Survey of the U.S. Census Bureau reported that over 350 languages are spoken or signed in homes in this country. This includes over 150 Native American languages. This data emphasizes the challenges for healthcare and clinicians when communicating with patients (Allen et al., 2020). Family members may feel unduly pressured if asked to interpret, and may also have valid worries about their ability to do this, but are often hesitant to voice their concerns. The clinician should be especially aware of this with patients from different cultures where intimate healthcare issues may not be discussed openly or with adult children of the opposite sex. This means that patients may need special help if they do not speak English, cannot hear well, or have other mental or physical barriers to understanding. Examples of special help include:
Patients have the right to participate in decisions about their care and set the course of their treatment, meaning that patients must be given accurate information. Patients have the right to know their diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options. Healthcare professionals must discuss all treatment options with their patients, which includes the option of no treatment. Further, they need to know each treatment option's risks, benefits, and potential medical consequences.
Discussing clinical information with a patient is part of informed consent. Informed consent is an ongoing communication process between a healthcare provider and their patient. It allows the patient to make intelligent decisions about a proposed course of treatment. Information is helpful to a patient only if they can understand it. When discussing diagnosis and treatment options with the patient, avoid using medical jargon and terminology; seek the services of a translator or interpreter if necessary; and assist the patient in obtaining a second opinion if requested.
Health literacy has become a major healthcare focus recently and plays a crucial part in obtaining informed consent. Health literacy has evolved from focusing solely on what the patient understands to emphasize the clinician's responsibility to impart knowledge easily understood. The use of plain language has become a pivotal part of all healthcare communication. Simple language is not about 'dumbing down' healthcare information but using words that are part of everyday speech. If medical terminology must be used, it is adequately defined and explained. Research indicates that most adults in this country have an intermediate level of health literacy. Still, over one-third of the population has either basic or below a basic level of health literacy. Most people find healthcare services and treatment interventions difficult to understand. Clinicians should remember that in stressful situations, everyone, regardless of their level of education, can have difficulty comprehending what they are reading or hearing. Even healthcare providers who suddenly find themselves as the patient and need to make an informed decision may have difficulty comprehending the situation before them. The informed consent process should include a complete discussion of the following:
Obtaining informed consent is about more than obtaining a signature on a piece of paper. Ideally, it should be an unhurried collaborative discussion that considers the patient's beliefs and culture. The clinician must verify that the patient understands the information provided. This should not be done by simply asking if the patient understands since most patients will automatically answer yes. The best option is 'teach-back,' where the clinician asks the patient to repeat the information given in their own words (Allen et al., 2020). The clinician needs to be careful how they phrase this request so that the patient is not 'put on the spot' and made to feel that they are being quizzed. The clinician begins by saying, "I want to make sure that I have given you all the information needed for you to make a decision. Can you repeat back to me what you have heard?"
After receiving all pertinent information, a patient may give informed consent for treatment or refuse treatment. The clinician needs to anticipate questions the patient may hesitate to ask and provide the information. A good way to approach this is by saying, "Many patients who have to decide on treatment like yours often wonder about . . ." After all the information has been explained to the patient and their questions are addressed, the patient should be provided sufficient time to think about their decision and not asked to sign the consent form immediately. Except in an emergency, a patient must give his or her informed consent before the start of any procedure or treatment. Informed consent or the reason for a patient's inability to provide informed consent must be documented in the medical record. Patients also have the right to refuse treatment. Even after giving informed consent, patients may change their minds anytime. If the patient decides to withdraw consent, the treatment must be stopped. When a patient refuses treatment, they have the right to know what will happen. The patient should receive information on the possible medical and other consequences of refusing treatment. Parents, guardians, family members, or others designated as the patient's representative must be provided the same information if the patient cannot make their own decisions.
The Patient Self Determination Act became effective in December 1991. This law requires that all hospitals receiving Medicare or Medicaid funding provide information to all adult patients upon admission about advanced directives and ask whether the patient has an advanced directive. Following Federal and State regulations, patients should receive information regarding advanced directives if not presented with this information at admission. Advanced directives can be used from admission to admission; however, they should be reviewed with the patient at each admission to verify accuracy. If the patient is incompetent at admission, the information should be provided to the surrogate or proxy. If the patient is temporarily incapacitated, the information should be provided when decisional capacity returns. A patient's right to make decisions about their care is true even after the patient can no longer communicate those decisions directly. Advance directives can protect people in extreme conditions. These people may be unable to communicate due to a condition such as irreversible brain damage or brain disease that affects the ability to think and communicate.
Advanced directives can limit life-prolonging measures when there is little or no chance of recovery. For example, advanced directives may enable patients to make their feelings known about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), intravenous (IV) therapy, feeding tubes, ventilators, and dialysis. Advanced directives can address pain relief – either requesting or refusing it.
An advanced directive is a legal document that allows a patient to participate in future healthcare decisions. There are two forms of advanced directives:
An additional tool for participating in future healthcare decisions is the do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order. A DNR order states that a patient does not want CPR if they go into cardiac or respiratory arrest. A patient may request a DNR order; however, only a physician can approve and give the order.
Healthcare personnel play a critical role in protecting patient rights related to advance directives. Healthcare personnel must empower patients to complete advanced directives. They must offer information about advanced directives to all adult patients in a language/manner they can understand, and they must help patients who wish to complete an advance directive. Healthcare personnel must respect the decisions in a patient's advanced directive. Patients frequently have concerns about advance directives. The information presented to them must lay out what advance directives are and how they will benefit the patient, and not relinquish control over their healthcare as soon as they sign an advance directive. All patients must understand that advance directives give them autonomy over their healthcare and end-of-life choices. A copy of the directive goes into the patient's chart. If a copy is not available, the important points of the directive are documented in the medical record. Healthcare providers must follow the directive after it has taken effect.
An advanced directive takes effect only after the patient can no longer communicate directly. Until then, the patient's direct communication is the only thing that matters. A competent patient may change their advanced directive at any time. If a patient wishes to change a directive, the healthcare provider must make it possible. Patient care must NEVER be based on whether the patient has an advanced directive and the decisions in the directive. All patients need to be treated fairly and equally, regardless of advanced directives.
When a patient loses the ability to communicate directly, often, they do not have an advanced directive. In this situation, treatment wishes should still be respected as much as possible. Florida State Status 765.401 provides for the appointment of healthcare representatives. To make decisions about the patient's treatment, the representative should talk to the physician in charge of the patient's care and consider what the patient would want. The hierarchy of healthcare decision-makers for a patient without an advance directive depends upon state law.
Power of attorney means one person authorizes another person to act on one's behalf. Some important points regarding a power of attorney include signatures of the principal party, two adult witnesses, and the notary public. It may be used immediately. A power of attorney does not need to be filed in court except for real estate transactions. A power of attorney is in effect until revoked by the principal, participant's death, or revoked by the court. A power of attorney may have more than one agent – all agents must concur when making decisions. There are several types of power of attorney.
A health care surrogate is any competent adult expressly designated in writing by a patient to make health care decisions on their behalf when incapacitated. This surrogate has no authority to act until the primary care physician determines that the principal cannot make informed health care decisions. A proxy is a competent adult who has not been expressly designated to make health care decisions for an incapacitated individual but is authorized to make health care decisions. A healthcare proxy is appointed by the hospital when there is no power of attorney or surrogate and healthcare decisions need to be made. Potential representatives for an incapacitated patient may include:
Patients have the right to refuse treatment. They also have the right to be part of research studies or educational activities. Health and Human Services (HHS) regulation 45 CFR part 46 requires that investigators obtain 'legally effective informed consent from participants who want to participate in human research studies. This informed consent process has three factors (HHS, n.d.):
If a patient refuses experimental treatment, this should not affect their regular care. If the patient wants to be part of a research study, they must sign a written consent that explains that the proposed treatment is experimental. Consent form for participation in experimental treatment must include the nature of the experimental treatment, procedures involved, risks and benefits, other available options, and confirmation of interrupting patient care.
Patients have the right to choose about organ donation. They must give informed consent if they want to donate their organs. If the patient cannot give informed consent, the patient's representative may make this decision.
Telehealth is becoming an important part of healthcare delivery. It is vital that healthcare providers and clinicians fully explain telehealth services to patients. Requirements for informed consent for telehealth services vary by state, and clinicians need to know what legal requirements are applicable in their locale. The expectations, benefits, and possible risks of telehealth services need to be clearly explained to patients. One concern many patients have regarding telehealth is the security of their healthcare information. Providers must clearly explain the security measures to protect healthcare information when telehealth is used. A written consent form may need to be signed by the patient; however, oral patient consent recorded in the patient's medical record is sufficient in some areas (Telehealth, 2021).
Patients have the right to considerate, respectful, non-discriminatory compassionate care from doctors, health plan representatives, and other providers. Respect means valuing the patients' needs, desires, feelings, and ideas. Treat patients with common courtesy. For example, knock and wait before entering a patient's room, respond politely to patients, listen to patients, and remain compassionate. All patients have the right to fair and equal health care services regardless of the following:
Patients have the right to safety and security. They have the right to choose health care providers that are sufficient to provide them with access to appropriate, high-quality care. All caregivers must do their part to ensure a safe environment of care for patients. All employees are responsible for knowing facility policies regarding environmental safety, infection control, and security. JCAHO has been concerned about patient safety over the past few years to issue its Patient Safety Goals.
All patients should be screened for abuse. Facilities must have procedures for identifying, reporting, and treating victims of abuse. They have the right to expect access to protective services in the case of abuse. Sometimes patients need to be kept safe from themselves, and restraints are needed. The decision to use restraints is a medical decision. Restraints must never be used for discipline or convenience. When a patient must be restrained, protecting the patient's rights, safety, comfort, and dignity is important.
Patients have the right to reasonable visual and auditory privacy and confidentiality. A private place should be available for case discussion, consultation, examination, and treatment. The patient has the right to review and receive copies of their medical record and request that the physician amends the record if it is not accurate, relevant, or complete. The medical records are shared only with clinicians directly involved in the patient's case, regulatory personnel considering a facility's quality of care, and other people with legal or regulatory rights to see the records. Protected healthcare information should not be shared with anyone else. Only authorized employees should have access to medical record storage facilities. The patient should receive an accounting of disclosures of personal health information. Patients may not be allowed to see certain information only if that information could harm the patient or someone else or be inspected by an oversight committee.
HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – privacy rule is a federal regulation. The rule sets standards for patient privacy and confidentiality. It also sets severe civil and criminal penalties for people who violate a patient's privacy. To comply with HIPAA, organizations should ensure that protected patient information must only be shared with people directly involved in the patient’s care. The patient's case must only be discussed with people who are directly involved in the case. Particular attention should be taken when talking in public areas such as elevators, restrooms, hallways, cafeterias, etc. No aspect of patient care should ever be discussed in public areas. Patient charts should not be left out where unauthorized persons might see or access them. Since many facilities are now using electronic patient records, clinicians need to be aware of facility policies for 'locking' their computers whenever they are not in use. It is essential to observe the surroundings when discussing patient care.
EHR is growing in popularity. Data from 2017 shows that 86% of physicians' offices used EHR. Overall, EHR usage has more than doubled since 2008. The main advantage of EHR systems is that it allows the exchange of healthcare information across the continuum of care in the most coordinated system possible. However, clinicians must know that EHR can be subjected to several security threats, including phishing and malware attacks, inadequate encryption, and employee negligence. All employees using EHR should have sufficient training, including credentials and password protection, and the facility protocol for accessing it. (Electronic Health Record Systems, 2020).
The patient has the right to a fair, fast, and objective review of any complaint that they have against the health plan, doctors, hospitals, or other healthcare personnel, including complaints about wait times, operating hours, the conduct of healthcare personnel, and the adequacy of health care facilities. Many facilities have a Patient Care Representative to deal specifically with complaints or grievances. Many patient complaints can be addressed quickly. For example, if a patient complains about getting the wrong items on her lunch tray, make sure she gets the correct items next time. The sooner the issue is resolved at the facility level, the better the patient compliance and satisfaction becomes with the health care provided. The patient may need to have access to the ethics committee for issues regarding their care. They should expect that issues related to end-of-life care be treated with respect and sensitivity. The patient should be able to examine and receive an explanation of their bill regardless of the payment source.
More than 50% of patients sue because of miscommunications, anger, and lack of information between physicians, hospital staff, and patients/families. Grievance management is everyone's responsibility. Handling grievances effectively from the start benefits everyone involved, and it helps keep small grievances from becoming big ones and reduces the risk of liability. When complaints cannot be resolved quickly and easily, patients have the right to file a grievance. A grievance is a formal, written, or verbal complaint. If a patient wants to file a grievance, the healthcare provider must:
Healthcare facilities must review, investigate, and resolve all grievances within a reasonable period. If the grievance has to do with the patient's safety, it should be reviewed immediately. Examples include grievances about abuse or neglect. The grievance process is complete once the facility issues the patient a written report. This report should explain how the facility investigated the grievance and the facility's decision about the grievance.
Patients and insurance companies often disagree about the need for emergency care. For example, an individual has severe chest pains and goes to the Emergency Department because they think they have a heart attack. Tests show that the problem is heartburn, and the managed care plan refuses to cover the cost of the ER service. They argue that they do not have to pay for emergency services when an event was not life-threatening. This type of conflict has led healthcare facilities to reject patients, refuse to treat patients, and transfer patients to other hospitals. Now, insurance companies must use a standard definition for the need for ER services. This definition uses the idea of a prudent layperson. Under this definition, a person needs ER services if they have signs or symptoms that a reasonable non-medical person would consider an emergency.
Congress passed the prudent layperson definition of emergency for Medicare and Medicaid in 1997. The prudent layperson definition appears in the Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities:
Consumers have the right to access emergency health care services when and where the need arises. Health plans should provide payment when a consumer presents to an emergency department with acute symptoms of sufficient severity …that a "prudent layperson" could reasonably expect the absence of medical attention to result in placing the consumer's health in serious jeopardy, serious impairment to bodily functions or serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
Suppose the patient has severe pain, an injury, or a sudden illness that convinces him/her that their health is in serious jeopardy. In that case, they have the right to receive screening and stabilization emergency services whenever and wherever needed without prior authorization or financial penalty. The patient has the right to request a transfer to another institution, providing it is medically permissible and that the other facility will accept the transfer.
Another tool for protecting the right to emergency medical treatment is the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), which helps prevent patient dumping. Therefore, it is often called the anti-dumping law. EMTALA was passed as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA). Consider this scenario: A patient goes to the emergency room and asks for medical service. Under EMTALA, the hospital must screen this patient. Screening must be complete enough to find out whether the patient has an emergency medical condition. The medical screening exam must be performed by a physician or qualified individual designated by the facility to provide a medical screening exam. It must be clearly stated that a triage exam does not constitute a medical screening exam. If the patient does not have an emergency condition, the hospital has no further obligation under EMTALA. If the patient does have an emergency condition, the hospital must provide stabilizing treatment. This treatment must be provided without considering the patient's ability to pay. Before the patient is stabilized, the hospital may transfer the patient ONLY if another facility is better equipped to treat the patient. The hospital may not transfer an unstable patient for economic reasons.
Patients have the right to question their bills. They have the right to request and receive a detailed explanation of every item on a bill.
As well as patient rights, the patient should be informed of his responsibilities. Patient responsibilities typically include:
Patients (and as applicable – parents, guardians, foster parents, or other legal representatives) have the right to:
The family consists of those individuals responsible for the physical and emotional care of the child continuously regardless of whether they are related. Parents and families have the responsibility for:
Insurance companies often leave patients without coverage when they need it the most, causing them to put off needed care, compromise their health, and drive up the cost of care when they get it. Too often, insurance companies put insurance company bureaucrats between you and your doctor.
On June 22, 2010, President Obama announced new interim final regulations, the Patient's Bill of Rights, that include a set of protections that apply to health coverage starting on or after September 23, 2010, six months after the enactment of the Affordable Care Act.
The Affordable Care Act cracks down on some of the most egregious practices of the insurance industry while providing stability and the flexibility that families and businesses need to make the choices that work best for them.
The Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury collaborated on the Patient's Bill of Rights – which will create an important foundation of patients' rights in the private health insurance market that puts Americans in charge of their health.
The following health insurance Patient's Bill of Rights has embedded website shortcuts for more information (Healthcare.gov, 2012, pg.1).
In addition, the Affordable Care Act will achieve greater cost savings by (Telehealth, 2021):
In the 11 years since its inception, the Affordable Care has decreased the number of Americans without healthcare insurance by greater than 20 million. It has also provided important consumer protections to more than 100 million individuals and has led to an overall improvement of its healthcare. However, many people do not have healthcare coverage. The new administration in Washington DC has mandated several agencies to exam existing policies and regulations surrounding the Affordable Care Act as a step towards streamlining and simplifying obtaining healthcare coverage (Federal Register, 2021).
CEUFast, Inc. is committed to furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). While reflecting on this course content, CEUFast, Inc. would like you to consider your individual perspective and question your own biases. Remember, implicit bias is a form of bias that impacts our practice as healthcare professionals. Implicit bias occurs when we have automatic prejudices, judgments, and/or a general attitude towards a person or a group of people based on associated stereotypes we have formed over time. These automatic thoughts occur without our conscious knowledge and without our intentional desire to discriminate. The concern with implicit bias is that this can impact our actions and decisions with our workplace leadership, colleagues, and even our patients. While it is our universal goal to treat everyone equally, our implicit biases can influence our interactions, assessments, communication, prioritization, and decision-making concerning patients, which can ultimately adversely impact health outcomes. It is important to keep this in mind in order to intentionally work to self-identify our own risk areas where our implicit biases might influence our behaviors. Together, we can cease perpetuating stereotypes and remind each other to remain mindful to help avoid reacting according to biases that are contrary to our conscious beliefs and values.