≥ 92% of participants will know how to identify and react to an emergency health concern in an outpatient setting.
After completing the course, the learner will be able to:
Everything is going along as usual in your patient care area. Then the unusual happens. Someone has a health emergency that is not normal in your area of practice. What happens then? Healthcare facilities must have an emergency plan, and every employee must be trained in that plan annually.
This course assumes that participants have completed BLS and AED training. First aid training is important but not required. There is a great class available by the American Red Cross at First Aid Course. The class is online and includes interactive situation enactments for $35. Kujawa et al. (2019) found that first aid training is essential knowledge to have in a healthcare environment.
When people are in a group, the normal action is no action. Everyone is waiting for someone else to act. Stating one's opinion and action on the group is sometimes not socially accepted. Inaction happens among well-intended people.
In a medical emergency, inaction is not an option. People will often choose not to act first because they may feel that other individuals are more educated or are in leadership positions. However, the ability to stay calm, make quick decisions, and work well under pressure are the ideal traits needed to respond to an emergency. Act! Any delay in the treatment can increase death (Bobko et al., 2020). More than one person reacting works out quickly.
The most common reasons people do not take action is because they are (Adult First Aid/CPR/AED Online, 2020):
The first response is to recognize an emergency. No one or everyone in the area may notice the problem. One should act as if they are the only person who recognizes the person is in trouble because they may be the only one. Decide to act. Any action is better than no action (Adult First Aid/CPR/AED Online, 2020).
Next, check the scene and the victim. It is important to maintain one's safety and not enter into a dangerous environment.
The Red Cross recommends the following method to respond to a healthcare emergency (Adult First Aid/CPR/AED Online, 2020):
All states have Good Samaritan Laws that legally protect people who give aid. These laws differ from state to state. A healthcare professional will be held to have acted within the standard of care of people with similar education and experience. If you are working when the crisis occurs, you will be expected to respond within your practice standard of care. For example, if a person has no pulse, you are expected to respond with BLS. If BLS is not initiated and you are trained in BLS, malpractice may have happened.
Consent to treat a patient who requires medical care must be obtained before care can be given. If the person is responsive, they have the right to accept or refuse help or treatment. Period! If the person is unresponsive, confused, or incoherent and no one is available to give consent (parent of a child), consent is implied. When approaching someone in distress and they are responsive, ask for consent to help. To get consent to help, introduce your profession or experience and ask if they want help. Example "I am a certified nursing aide. Can I help you?" Tell the person what you are doing. If in doubt, call 911.
Ask the person if they want emergency services called. What seems to be a crisis may be common for that person. Chest pain is often recurrent, and the person needs to take Nitroglycerin. People with diabetes will usually carry candy with them to treat low blood sugar. People with recurrent seizures need to go home and rest. You do not know until you ask.
Do a visual assessment.
If the person is unresponsive or confused, check for a medical identification card or bracelet that indicates that the wearer has a chronic disease. Family members or bystanders may also know this information.
Questions to ask the person:
Sudden shortness of breath or inability to catch their breath can indicate a severe problem. Is the person breathing too quickly or too slowly? Is there sudden coughing? Is the person coughing blood? Use the Heimlich maneuver if choking is happening.
If the person is on oxygen, check to ensure the machine is working and is not empty or turned off. Cyanosis is the dusky bluish or grayish color of the nail bed, lips, or skin because of a lack of oxygen. The presence of blunting, clubbing, or hypertrophy of the fingertips or toes (See image 1) indicates the person lives with chronic low oxygen levels.
Image 1
Example of blunted or clubbed fingers.
If a person is on fire, smother the fire with a large cover or instruct the individual to roll on the ground to put out the flames. Running will increase the fire. The size and severity of the burn determines the level of care needed.
The best first aid for burns and scalds is cool, running tap water for about 20 minutes. Do not repeat. This action works up to three hours after the burn. Cool only the burned area and keep the rest of the body warm. Do not apply toothpaste, butter, oil, eggs, turmeric, or ice to burn wounds. None of these are beneficial to wound healing. Oil-based substances can trap heat in the skin, causing more damage. Ice can cause circulation to slow down and cause more damage (Stiles, 2018).
The common description of chest pain is seen in the male, middle-aged population. But, females, people with diabetes, and the elderly often described different feelings or pain that may be heart problems.
Chest Pain |
Action to take with Chest Pain until EMS can Respond |
Image 2
Cardiac Pain Map
Chest pain may be described as pressure, heaviness, squeezing, burning, or choking. The pattern and location of the discomfort are important.
Stop the bleeding as soon as possible by applying direct pressure to the place that is bleeding. Use a cloth if available. Arterial bleeding pumps out. If arterial bleeding cannot be stopped, rapid blood loss is deadly. A tourniquet above an arm or leg bleeding may be needed as a last-ditch effort.
People who lose consciousness may spontaneously become awake. Check Airway, breathing, and circulation. Take no more action until EMS responds unless the person is in immediate danger. Loss of consciousness may indicate a heart or nervous system problem. Many people do not report that they have sudden dizziness or brief loss of consciousness.
A generalized seizure is easy to see when the person has involuntary movement and loses muscle control. Other seizure activities can appear as confusion, lack of normal conversation, or undirected or involuntary movement. Undirected or involuntary movements may be fumbling with hands or clothes, twitching face, or a vacant stare.
If possible, assist the patient to the floor, but do not hurt yourself. Do not restrain the person. Move things away from the person so they do not hurt themselves. Seizures usually end after a minute or two, followed by confusion and a slow return to awareness (Erich, 2020). People with recurrent seizures will know if they need EMS.
EMS response is needed if (Erich, 2020):
People who have a stroke (cardiovascular accident, CVA) symptoms may not realize there is a problem. Therefore, that person may not be able to make a good decision about seeking emergency care. If in doubt, call 911. Stroke symptoms are a time-sensitive crisis. Thrombolytics (clot-dissolving medicine) must be given quickly to prevent permanent disability due to blood clot damage.
Symptoms of a stroke are sudden onset of (NINDS, 2019):
For severe injury due to trauma, do not move the person unless the person is in danger. Moving a person who may have spinal injuries can result in paralysis. Stop any hemorrhage.
CNAs should respond to an emergency within their knowledge and experience.
In a medical emergency, inaction is not an option. People will often choose not to act first because they may feel that other individuals are more educated or are in leadership positions. However, the ability to stay calm, make quick decisions, and work well under pressure are the ideal traits needed to respond to an emergency. Act! Any delay in the treatment can increase mortality (Bobko et al., 2020). More than one person reacting works out quickly. You can save a life.
CEUFast, Inc. is committed to furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). While reflecting on this course content, CEUFast, Inc. would like you to consider your individual perspective and question your own biases. Remember, implicit bias is a form of bias that impacts our practice as healthcare professionals. Implicit bias occurs when we have automatic prejudices, judgments, and/or a general attitude towards a person or a group of people based on associated stereotypes we have formed over time. These automatic thoughts occur without our conscious knowledge and without our intentional desire to discriminate. The concern with implicit bias is that this can impact our actions and decisions with our workplace leadership, colleagues, and even our patients. While it is our universal goal to treat everyone equally, our implicit biases can influence our interactions, assessments, communication, prioritization, and decision-making concerning patients, which can ultimately adversely impact health outcomes. It is important to keep this in mind in order to intentionally work to self-identify our own risk areas where our implicit biases might influence our behaviors. Together, we can cease perpetuating stereotypes and remind each other to remain mindful to help avoid reacting according to biases that are contrary to our conscious beliefs and values.