We have compiled salary and employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for Kentucky nurses in 2022. Select from the "Professions" menu above to skip to your profession.
Average Salary Comparison in Kentucky by Profession
Licensed Practical Nurse
Hourly Average
Weekly Average
Monthly Average
Annual Average
Nurse Practitioner
Hourly Average
Weekly Average
Monthly Average
Annual Average
Registered Nurse
Hourly Average
Weekly Average
Monthly Average
Annual Average
Licensed Practical Nurse Salary in Kentucky
Approximately 5,410 Licensed Practical Nurses are employed in the state of Kentucky. The average Licensed Practical Nurse's wage in Kentucky, at $50,124 annually, is below the national average of $53,708.
Approximately 2,570 Nurse Practitioners are employed in the state of Kentucky. The average Nurse Practitioner's wage in Kentucky, at $108,364 annually, is below the national average of $119,394.
Approximately 27,280 Registered Nurses are employed in the state of Kentucky. The average Registered Nurse's wage in Kentucky, at $75,950 annually, is below the national average of $81,152.
Average Salary Comparison in Kentucky by Profession
Hourly Average
Weekly Average
Monthly Average
Annual Average
Licensed Practical Nurse
Nurse Practitioner
Registered Nurse
Licensed Practical Nurse Salary in Kentucky
Approximately 5,410 Licensed Practical Nurses are employed in the state of Kentucky. The average Licensed Practical Nurse's wage in Kentucky, at $50,124 annually, is below the national average of $53,708.
U.S. National Average Salary for all professions listed
Hourly Wage
Annual Wage
Louisville/Jefferson County
Elizabethtown-Fort Knox
Bowling Green
Nurse Practitioner Salary in Kentucky
Approximately 2,570 Nurse Practitioners are employed in the state of Kentucky. The average Nurse Practitioner's wage in Kentucky, at $108,364 annually, is below the national average of $119,394.
U.S. National Average Salary for all professions listed
Hourly Wage
Annual Wage
Louisville/Jefferson County
Elizabethtown-Fort Knox
Bowling Green
Registered Nurse Salary in Kentucky
Approximately 27,280 Registered Nurses are employed in the state of Kentucky. The average Registered Nurse's wage in Kentucky, at $75,950 annually, is below the national average of $81,152.