Last Updated: Friday, August 2, 2024 Renewal requires ONE of the following for annual renewal:
Pursuant to Kentucky Administrative Regulation 201 KAR 20:215, validation of CE/competency must include one of the following: (Options CANNOT be combined to equal fourteen (14) contact hours):
Proof of earning fourteen (14) approved contact hours. Completion certificates are required; Completion certificates must include: name of nurse, course title, date of completion, contact hours awarded, provider information, and who the provider is approved by to offer nursing CE. The KBN accepts CE from providers approved to offer nursing CE by the KBN, another state board of nursing, or one of the national nursing organizations listed in 201 KAR 20:220 OR
Proof of earning seven (7) approved contact hours, and a nursing employment evaluation satisfactory for continued employment. Completion certificates are required for the seven (7) contact hours and the KBN Continuing Education Nursing Employment Evaluation Form completed and signed by the nurse's supervisor including the employer's name, address, and phone number verifying satisfactory employment covering at least six (6) months of the earning period (November 1 - October 31) This form is available in the document library. OR
Current national certification or recertification related to the nurse’s practice role in effect during the entire period, or initially earned or renewed during the period (does not include clinical certifications such as ACLS, PALS, NRP, etc...); OR
Successful completion of a post licensure academic course at a college, university, or postsecondary vocational institution. Must be relevant to nursing practice. (e.g. nursing course designated by a nursing course number) or applicable to the nurse’s role and beyond the prelicensure curriculum) The course must have been completed during the earning period with grade of "C" or higher, or a grade of "pass" on a pass-fail grading system awarded. Calculation of contact hours: One (1) semester or trimester hour of academic credit = 15 contact hours; One (1) quarter hour of academic credit = 12 contact hours. A transcript is required; OR
Participation as a preceptor for at least one nursing student or new employee. Must be for at least 120 hours, have a one-to-one relationship with student or employee, during the earning period. The nurse may precept more than one student during the 120 hours. Preceptorship shall be evidenced by submission of a Preceptor Continuing Education Verification Form add link completed by the educational institution or preceptor’s supervisor. This form is available in the document library. OR
Publication of an article in a peer-reviewed, health related journal. A copy of the article is required; OR
A nursing continuing education presentation that is designed and developed by the nurse presenter, presented to nurses or other health professionals, is evidenced by a program brochure, course syllabi, or a letter from the offering provider identifying the licensee as the presenter of the offering; and offered by a provider approved pursuant to 201 KAR 20:220. The number of contact hours earned shall be twice the number of contact hours offered to presentation attendees; OR
Completion of a nursing research project as principal investigator, coinvestigator, or project director. Must be qualitative or quantitative in nature; utilize research methodology, and increases knowledge resulting in improved outcomes or changes in behavior. Submission must include a project abstract and a summary of the findings.
Special Requirements
MANDATORY ONE-TIME ONLY CONTENT SPECIFIC CE REQUIREMENTS Domestic Violence CE: Three (3) contact hours of approved CE addressing the dynamics and effects of domestic violence, and elder abuse, neglect and exploitation on adult and child victims as required by KRS 194A.540 and 201 KAR 20:215. Nurses who graduated from a Kentucky nursing program AFTER MAY 1998 are not required to complete this continuing education activity, as the content was included within the nursing program's curriculum. RNs and LPNs who completed a nursing program outside of Kentucky or have not completed a course in domestic violence must complete this requirement within (3) years of licensure. Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma (Shaken Baby Syndrome) CE: One and one-half (1.5) contact hours of approved CE as required by KRS 314.073(6) covering the recognition and prevention of pediatric abusive head trauma. Nurses who graduated from a Kentucky nursing program AFTER DECEMBER 2011 are not required to complete this continuing education activity, as the content was included within the nursing program's curriculum. RNs and LPNs who completed a program of nursing prior to December of 2011 or completed a program of nursing outside of Kentucky must complete this requirement within three (3) years of licensure. Suicide Prevention CE: Two (2) contact hours of approved CE addressing suicide prevention, which must address chronic toxic stress, secondary traumatic stress potentially increasing the incidence of suicide amongst nurses; a confidential and standardized pathway to care for nurses that addresses screening, assessing, safety planning, referrals, and follow-up for nurses at risk for suicide; systems of care, evidence-informed approaches, and best practices to reduce suicide rates; and ethical legal considerations of caring for patients and nurses who are suicidal. Nurses who completed a Kentucky program of nursing AFTER AUGUST 2023 are not required to complete this continuing education activity. Nurses who completed a program of nursing prior to August of 2023 or a program of nursing outside of Kentucky must complete this requirement within three (3) years of initial licensure.
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) Special Requirements:
- 5 contact hours Sexual Assault Forensic Medicine OR Domestic Violence from KBN approved providers each licensure period. Retain documentation for at least 5 years.
Required Courses
Required Courses Not Provided by CEUfast
Requirements Disclaimer: Although we try to keep our information as up-to-date as possible, ultimately, it is the responsibility of each individual user to understand and keep up-to-date with the requirements of the license possessed.
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