RN Requirement:
12 contact hours every annual renewal period. Licenses expire October 31 of each year.
Special Requirement: RNs must complete at least one hour (three hours initially) of continuing education in Drug Diversion Training and Best Practices in Prescribing Controlled Substances, and at least two hours in mental health conditions common to veterans and their families as part of the current 12-hour annual CE requirement.
Completion of the 12 contact hours of CE required annually for RN relicensure may be accomplished by:
1) Completing 12 contact hours of CE from an approved CE provider; OR
2) Completing 6 contact hours of CE from an approved CE provider which may include 2 contact hours of self-study and one of the following completed during the reporting period: A. National certification initially earned or in effect the entire reporting period; B. Completion of a nursing research project as principal investigator, co-investigator or project director; C. Published a nursing related article in a national nursing or healthcare journal; E. Participated as a clinical preceptor for at least one student or one new employee undergoing orientation and have one hundred-twenty hours of one-on-one relationship as a clinical preceptor during the reporting period; G. Completion of an approved nursing refresher or re-entry course.
LPN Requirement:
24 contact hours of continuing education and engage in 400 clock hours of LPN practice in each 2 year reporting period. Reporting of CE occurs on even years or every other license renewal period. Licenses expire June 30 every year.
Special Requirement: LPNs must complete at least three contact hours in substance abuse each two-year reporting period as part of the total required hours.
Effective July 1, 2005, LPNs who have not completed two (2) contact hours in end of life care including pain management will be required to report those hours: (1) at their first licensure renewal when CE is required; or, (2) at the time of reinstatement of a lapsed or inactive license.
APRN Requirement:
24 contact hours every 2 years; 12 hours in pharmacotherapeutics related to licensee's scope of practice is required for prescriptive authority, and 12 hours in the clinical management of patients.
West Virginia Board of Nursing Phone:
RNs - 304-558-3596
LPNs - 304-558-3572
RNs - rnboard@wv.gov
LPNs - lpn.board@wv.gov
West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses
West Virginia State Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses
West Virginia Continuing Education Laws, Regulations, & Requirements
Mailing Address:
West Virginia Board of Nursing
101 Dee Drive
Suite 102
Charleston, WV 25311-1620
Requirements Disclaimer: Although we try to keep our links and other information as up-to-date as possible, ultimately, it is the responsibility of each individual user to understand and keep up-to-date with the requirements of the license possessed.