≥ 92% of participants will know some of the fundamental components of healthcare business management that can be applied at any level across the healthcare continuum and in any area of healthcare administration.
CEUFast, Inc. is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. ANCC Provider number #P0274.
CEUFast, Inc. is an AOTA Provider of professional development, Course approval ID#9829. This distant learning-independent format is offered at 0.25 CEUs Intermediate, Categories: OT Professional Issues AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures. AOTA provider number 9757.
≥ 92% of participants will know some of the fundamental components of healthcare business management that can be applied at any level across the healthcare continuum and in any area of healthcare administration.
After completing this continuing education course, the participant will be able to achieve the following objectives:
The healthcare business can be tough. There is a constant back-and-forth struggle between the capitalistic goals of those who profit from healthcare services and the charitable objectives of helping others. In the administration and management of healthcare, this struggle can consume a healthcare business manager's entire day. The truth is, both objectives are equally essential if you are the person in charge. You must achieve your management and financial goals and provide a myriad of services in a safe setting to those who need your (healthcare entity's) care. Several situations can result in bankruptcy, closings, lawsuits, and wrongful death claims if fundamental business management principles are not maintained (Liebler & McConnell, 2020). It begins by understanding some fundamentals about management in the healthcare setting.
The most fundamental concept in healthcare business management is structuring the business appropriately to reflect the type of healthcare service delivery you want to deliver. For example, you may want to set up a sole proprietorship if you are a non-physician practitioner and wish to have a small independent practice to maintain total control. It is essential to check with your state regarding all independent non-clinician practitioners' scope of practice rules (Shi & Singh, 2019).
Sole Proprietor
However, if you plan to bring in another specialty practice to join your business, you may set up a partnership with that other clinician. The new venture can provide a partnered bundle of services to patients in your clinic. It can be beneficial if the partner brings resources, knowledge, and experience to help generate another revenue stream so your practice can continue operating and growing (Zelman et al., 2020).
In looking ahead, let's say your partnership grew so much that you want to merge with another two specialty practices. In this scenario, your group can take in a more significant number of patients with a broader range of diagnoses. The business may require more space, equipment, and personnel. In planning for this, you may want to consider a more substantial organization with a more complicated tax structure, such as a corporation. Here, stockholders own a stake in the corporation, and profits can be rolled back into the company and dispersed to the stockholders. The scenario can go much higher as mega-corporations are evident in healthcare. These significant players try to provide a large portion of healthcare services, if not the entire gamut (Barringer & Ireland, 2021).
These main types of business structures can come in hybrid forms. For example, limited liability corporations can maximize tax advantages and reduce the burden on the owners (Kimmel et al., 2018).
Limited Liability Company
S Corporation
Once you choose what type of healthcare specialty you would like to practice, consider which of these company's organizational structures best fits your goals. A significant factor that could impact your decisions as you begin your business is what you expect your annual revenue to be. Your company's income will depend on your company's size, structure, location, and specialty (Shi & Singh, 2019).
Larry Page (Google co-founder) once said that "revenue is the engine that funds all of our innovation (Beattie, 2023).
This fundamental concept mentioned is well-known in business; it takes money to make money (Liebler & McConnell, 2020). Starting a healthcare outpatient clinical practice from the ground up can cost $70,000 to $100,000 (Zelman et al., 2020). What is needed is revenue. There are two broad categories of revenue: operating and non-operating. Of primary interest to any business owner is operating revenue: income generated by providing services for patients or clients.
It is important to note that private-pay patients are a small and shrinking source of revenue. The other issues regarding different third-party payers center around a somewhat different set of reimbursement rules, usually resulting in different billing practices.
Bundled Care
The previous issues are some of the more commonly encountered factors affecting the receipt of revenue by a healthcare provider organization. The point to be stressed here is that an organization's cash flow, e.g., what comes in and what goes out, requires careful and often aggressive management (Barringer & Ireland, 2021).
There is a straightforward bit of wisdom to remember in connection with managing the revenue cycle: Cash is King (Spanos et al., 2013). The organization's cash budget for any given year sets the stage for controlling the revenue cycle.
The pattern of cash-in versus cash-out is critical because of the need to remain solvent in the short run.
There can be circumstances when cash is in extremely short supply. The organization might become more aggressive in collecting accounts receivable (AR) or perhaps delay paying a few bills to match cash receipts more closely. A lack of cash can also lead to short-term borrowing, resulting in difficulties obtaining credit and creating more operating expenses because of interest rates (Liebler & McConnell, 2020).
Let's take a moment to explore a fictional case study scenario to incorporate these confusing terms into a "real-world scenario." We will keep it general here and call our company "Healthcare Entity #1." In the example below, we have provided a sample fictional case study where we have a typical revenue cycle for any healthcare practice. For the sake of argument, let us assume all marketing and other considerations are working sufficiently to bring patients in the door. To that end, how would a healthcare business manager assess and implement a healthy revenue cycle?
Revenue Management
Quality of care is of the utmost priority. It is prudent to continue to seek continuing education to improve the quality of care because it will enhance revenue (Barringer & Ireland, 2021). However, it is incumbent upon the qualified healthcare business manager/administrator to pay close attention to the company's financials and quality control. The healthcare business manager should stay on top of the revenue they are bringing in. An organization that does not keep on top of the revenue cycle could find itself scrambling to remain viable while other healthcare entities in their market are thriving (Hatten, 2019).
For this reason, it is important to understand the healthcare revenue cycle and its steps.
The revenue cycle begins with the scheduling/pre-registration steps. Pre-registration can improve the patient's experience by collecting essential information to determine eligibility and benefits before patient arrival. Some software and technology expenses will be necessary to establish a good information technology (IT) team. The practice will need team members who are well-versed in using dedicated software for clinical practice and the community (Shi & Singh, 2019).
The consideration continues well into the registration, charge entry, and patient capture process. The pre-authorization step is key in the patient capture process and charge entry. This step can significantly improve Healthcare Entity #1's revenue cycle!
Verifying benefits eligibility is no fun; sometimes, it is a lot of struggle for a healthcare entity's front office staff. One way to improve this process and the revenue cycle might be to use medical office software that automatically checks patient eligibility via the internet over secure channels. By using the software, the office staff can better manage their day and hit their goals and the healthcare entity's goals (Zelman et al., 2020).
The next steps in the revenue cycle include providing the services and coding/submitting billing for those services. Payment will not be forthcoming until Healthcare Entity #1 properly submits claims for the work its clinical staff provided for the patients. Practice management software is invaluable in this situation. It is used to submit claims automatically, including the option to do this in batches.
Accelerating the flow of revenue within the healthcare entity's organization will be easier when the healthcare business manager gains tighter control over claims and has tools to prevent common errors. After the claim is successfully submitted and reviewed, the payment is posted and can be paid by the patient. The practice management software, as well as coding and billing software, can help generate billing statements. The software can also help by sending messages to patients electronically with a "click here to pay" option to encourage them to pay more quickly. Billing over networks like this is done via Electronic Data Interchange or EDI (Liebler & McConnell, 2020). A prudent healthcare business management strategy could include collecting outstanding fees for services rendered before the patient exits the facility.
One of the toughest steps in the revenue cycle involves AR, denials management, payment posting, and patient billing. For example, a healthcare business manager may ask how often claims are denied for services rendered out of Healthcare Entity #1. If Healthcare Entity #1's quarterly reports show a downturn in revenue because of too many denied claims, it's time to investigate the matter! Properly executed denial management will boost earnings if money has been slow because of problematic claims. Including this denial management process in the revenue cycle can help recover revenue that might otherwise have remained overlooked because of insurance information filed incorrectly. A savvy healthcare business manager/administrator might uncover patterns, such as denied claims when certain people work together or billing problems for specific procedures (Zelman et al., 2020).
Any healthcare entity that exists without detailed reports is a healthcare entity that can have hidden problems that may be growing worse. The healthcare business manager/administrator needs to generate a range of customized reports. These reports should include financial data, management information, and key performance indicators to see if benchmarks are being met. A successful healthcare business manager who employs these types of software upgrades to help with the revenue cycle will see their healthcare practice work more productively (Barringer & Ireland, 2021).
Key Points about our fictional case study/healthcare entity's revenue cycle:
The revenue cycle self-propels this healthcare entity's revenue cycle forward. The entity can evaluate and improve the process at each step, increasing its patient capture rates and revenue. Consistency with this cycle is the key to success! It does not matter how excellent a job your team is doing in your medical practice/healthcare entity/etc. You can't keep the lights on and the doors open based solely on the quality of care rendered; revenue is a large part of this process.
Now that you have a good overview of the steps in healthcare revenue cycle management, you'll need to apply what you know toward improving the flow of money at your practice. The more knowledge you have, the greater the insight you can gain into billing and getting paid promptly.
Many organizations in today's healthcare climate have found themselves hand-to-mouth in managing cash flow. Cash is king because it is the ultimate necessity for organizational solvency. Organizations of all sizes and in all lines of business are subject to the same financial constraint; revenue must be sufficient to cover expenditures within a reasonable period.
Helpful Tip #1
One primary way to ensure that enough revenue is available to cover expenditures sufficiently in a reasonable period (such as a year) is to have a budget.
P.T. Barnum once said, "Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant" (Wilson, 2019).
Without understanding a healthcare company's finances, no sound business decision-making process is possible. The company finances include sources of revenue, the revenue cycle, and the ongoing expenditures the company is expected to incur. The company needs a detailed budget to understand the current expenses the company can expect to incur or is currently incurring (Hatten, 2019).
Budget: This detailed operational management plan or schedule communicates the organization's financial expectations. The budget is stated in terms of income and expense. The budget is used to compare expectations to actual results. It is a tool that can aid healthcare administrators in evaluating operating performance and projecting what future operations might produce.
Helpful Tip #2
The budget can be dysfunctional and fail to facilitate organizational objectives when viewed as an end rather than a means. Poor perspectives of budgets may include the following (Barringer & Ireland, 2021):
Some basic business finance activities can provide the necessary background information to make reasonable and realistic decisions. Understanding the financial aspects of these activities allows a company's budgeting tools to increase productivity, expand the healthcare company's achievement, and expand the manager's power within the organization.
Value for money equates to a concept related to budgeting; this concept means that the unit or the organization is getting full value for the money expended. It includes factors like the turnover of personnel, waste of supplies, ineffective use of clinical skills, and inaccurate staffing standards (Barringer & Ireland, 2021).
Helpful Tip #3
A good budget should focus on simple, flexible, and balanced objectives! It is important to use available resources first to reduce expenses. Planning needs to provide contingencies by indicating what programs or activities can be reduced or eliminated if costs exceed budget goals.
The budgetary planning process entails the expense and revenue projections that are reviewed and compared together. If they are out of balance, the expense budgets will be reviewed to seek ways to reduce costs without impairing the services that support revenues. The revenue budget may also be examined to identify ways of increasing revenue without significantly increasing expenses or diminishing the quality of services (Kimmel et al., 2018).
The revenue budget projects the earned income (revenues) that can be anticipated by the institution (Kimmel et al., 2018).
Helpful Tip #4
The costs of nursing services have been identified for years; the income earned from provisions of nursing services has been bundled into the "bed and board" charges for the hospital. Advanced practice nurses may generate a direct charge for their services. Nursing divisions/departments can obtain direct income from grants, selling staff development programs, consultation services, home health care, wellness programs, computer software, and many other products (Shi & Singh, 2019).
Expenses mean the cost of providing services to patients. Expenses are frequently called overhead (Hatten, 2019).
The expense budget is part of the operating budget. It does not include capital equipment and supplies charged directly to patients as revenues (Barringer & Ireland, 2021).
The expense budget is a commitment to the planning decisions. It is a balancing act, and managers gain stature by achieving the balance through their skills. They are respected and sometimes rewarded if they can control expenses, running a "taut ship." So, healthcare business managers have an incentive to submit low budgets. However, they must also achieve the organization's objectives for quality care and staff satisfaction. To provide care and staff satisfaction, managers view this as an incentive to pad the budget to ensure that they will have enough resources. The best managers strive to know their costs as accurately as possible to achieve the organization's goals for their units. When skilled managers submit higher budget proposals than expected, the budget reflects expanded goals, not padded expense figures (Kimmel et al., 2018).
A report of expenses acts as an essential tool used in developing this budget and should be available for each expense category. Changes in supply requirements or utilization can result from changes in the number of patients, a change in the degree of severity of patient's conditions, a change in the type of patients, or changes in equipment needs; this budget must also be adjusted for inflationary impact (Liebler & McConnell, 2020).
A monthly expense statement helps monitor this budget. In determining causes for variations, the activity level of the department/division/unit in a healthcare company should be examined for any relationship to the expense variance noted. If the difference is due to improper utilization of supplies, then a plan to correct the situation should be developed. Sometimes, it may be necessary for the healthcare business manager to make staff aware of budget overruns and ask for assistance in conserving supplies (Barringer & Ireland, 2021).
Because these are expenses that the manager is expected to control, they must be estimated as thoroughly as possible. It is vital to consider any changes in supplies used that might affect supply costs. In looking at costs, all staff development costs and any realistically estimated costs due to staff turnover, particularly in overtime and fees for agency staff, must be reviewed (Kimmel et al., 2018).
A capital expenditure budget is established to fund the purchase of major equipment or projects like expansion, improvement, or replacement of the physical plant and equipment (Kimmel et al., 2018).
Personnel budget is a term that includes the salary/human resources budget for a particular unit or cost center. Besides salaries, it includes compensation for vacation, sick leave, holidays, overtime, and merit increases (Kimmel et al., 2018).
Required hours of nursing care denotes a unit of measure to help estimate staffing needs in budget planning. The first step in calculating staffing is finding the patient days by the acuity level from historical data. The information can be obtained from the census reports and patient classification system data.
A patient classification system is a system that uses criteria to measure patient acuity of illness and links the acuity to the level of care required for that patient.
These patient classification systems generally capture nursing procedures or tasks that can correlate to the amount of nursing time required for patients who need those common procedures or tasks. Nursing time is called standard hours of care. The standard hours of care required by each acuity level is a determination that was established and validated when the patient classification system was developed. A standard hour is management's best estimate of the nursing time necessary for each patient (American Nurses Association, 2017).
The following is an example of one type of patient classification system measurement:
Type I (self-care) | 2 |
Type II (Minimal care) | 4 |
Type III (Moderate care) | 8 |
Type IV (Extensive care) | 16 |
The next step is to determine the hours of nursing care required for the unit's mix of patients. To determine the daily hours of nursing care required, multiply the number of patients of each type by the standard hours of care.
The following example assumes the data presented to you as an average per day.
This form would require you to forecast for the year by multiplying the average per day by 365 as follows:
Patient Type | Average Patients per Day | Hours of Care | Hours of Care per Day | Days in a Year | Annual Required Hours |
I | 9 | 2 | 18 | 365 | 6,570 |
II | 10 | 4 | 40 | 365 | 14,600 |
III | 5 | 8 | 40 | 365 | 14,600 |
IV | 2 | 16 | 32 | 365 | 11,680 |
Totals | 26 | 130 | 47,450 |
Using the recommended hours of care as a guideline, the manager can distribute those hours over all shifts by developing a staffing grid. All factors, such as personnel mix, work hours, workload distribution, delivery system, and support staff, must be considered when using a staffing grid.
Personnel Mix
The work hours, whether 8-hour, 10-hour, 12-hour, or other flexible scheduling work shifts, will also affect the staffing pattern.
Distribution of Workload
Delivery System
Support Staff
Once unit-staffing requirements have been determined, the hours must convert to dollars by multiplying the hourly rate for each employee. You should estimate the salary rates for those positions that may be empty.
Merit increases also need to be considered and included in the budget. To calculate the amount to include for merit increases, multiply the amount of the increase by the number of hours to be paid at the new rate. Budgeting for differentials for evening and night shifts is calculated by multiplying the shifts' hours by the differential rate.
It is important to note that an overtime budget is established to cover unanticipated situations, such as fluctuations in workload or temporary shortages. Overtime should be calculated by determining the average number of overtime hours worked and multiplying by one-half times the hourly rate. When historical trends are used to predict overtime, the manager should consider whether the amount of overtime used in the past year was justified and whether the level predicted is appropriate. It may be possible to reduce overtime by adjusting the staffing schedule. At this point, with the accumulation of data for the personnel, the budget should be complete!
Once the overall budget has been drafted, the higher authorities must approve it. Generally, in a non-profit healthcare organization, the board of directors or trustees will approve the overall budget. The components of that budget will be approved in finer and finer detail by the responsible administrators down the line of authority from the board (Shi & Singh, 2019).
Let's imagine our pretend Healthcare Entity #1 is a hospital. In this example, the hospital administrator would approve the nursing service budget within the overall budget, the nursing director would approve the nursing unit budgets, and so on. Once the budget is approved, the managers must implement it. The responsibility center manager is responsible for seeing that expenditures in the center are made only under the approved budget (Liebler & McConnell, 2020).
Constant monitoring ensures that expenses remain within the projected budgetary limits. Monthly expense statements, which include the amount budgeted for the month, can be used to monitor the budget. When a healthcare business manager receives feedback on actual expenses, the data will show differences between budget projections and the actual results. These differences are called variances. The report should be analyzed for significant deviations. Most budgeting systems include policies on the amount of variations accepted without investigation or remedial action. The causes for the variances should be determined, and corrective action should be initiated when indicated. It is acceptable to be under budget. The areas of variation that require the most effort in problem identification are those that are significantly over budget (Zelman et al., 2020).
The next-level manager should be involved when variances become significant, especially if adjustments are needed. It may be necessary to add additional staff if significant variations are due to increased salaries incurred with overtime or agency staff. If the need appears to be relatively enduring, it may be recommended to increase the budget to permit the hiring of additional staff or change the nursing care delivery system (Shi & Singh, 2019).
Budgeting and revenue are essential. However, we need a method to track what is coming in and going out. Therefore, we must have "books" (Barringer & Ireland, 2021).
Elvis Presley once said, "I Have No Use for Bodyguards, but I Have a Very Specific Use for Two Highly Trained Certified Public Accountants" (Gaar, 2017).
With these two books, the healthcare organization has a chronological listing of transactions and the current balance in each account. There are two main ways to account for your healthcare business. The cash basis of accounting focuses on cash flow in and out of the organization. Still, the accrual basis of accounting focuses on the flows of resources and the revenues those resources help to generate (Kimmel et al., 2018).
The cash basis of accounting means focusing on the cash basis, for it is more intuitive. The focus then turns to the flow of resources and the revenues those resources helped generate. Cash basis is the standard method used today and records transactions similarly to what people use to keep their checkbooks. On a cash basis, revenues are recorded when cash is received, and expenses are recorded when paid out (Barringer & Ireland, 2021).
Operating Revenue | December 31, 2024 | December 31, 2025 |
Net Patient Revenues Other Operating Revenues | $10,778,272.00 $233,749.00 | $10,556,176.00 $253,517.00 |
Total Operating Revenues | $11,012,021.00 | $10,809,693.00 |
Operating Expenses | December 31, 2024 | December 31, 2025 |
Salaries & Benefits Supplies Insurance Depreciation/Amortization Interest Other Operating Expenses | $5,644,880.00 $1,660,000.00 $1,536,357.00 $383,493.00 $500,000.00 $956,382.00 | $5,345,498.00 $1,529,680.00 $1,551,579.00 $420,238.00 $276,379.00 $624,133.00 |
Total Operating Expenses | $10,681,112.00 | $9,747,507.00 |
Net Operating Income Non-operating Income Excess of Revenues Over Expenses | $330,909.00 $185,000.00 $515,909.00 | $1,062,186.00 $165,000.00 $1,227,186.00 |
Increase or Decrease in Unrestricted Net Assets | $515,909.00 | $1,227,186.00 |
(Kimmel et al., 2018) |
Using our previous case study as an example, here is a fictional Statement of operations for Healthcare Entity #1 over a pretend two-year period. The use of this kind of statement can help a healthcare business manager estimate what may happen in the following two years and provide some possible projections. The report can circle back and influence the subsequent two years' budget proposal. As you can see, we are beginning to incorporate all those terms and concepts we've covered, and they can directly affect the company's solvency. At first, it can seem like a lot of different concepts, but when you combine them into "books," statements, and balance sheets (as you see here), it all starts to come together! Cash is king (Barringer & Ireland, 2021). The revenue cycle is real! Expense management and organizing your books can be the critical business management skills that keep Healthcare Entity #1 solvent; this will be updated each year to create an accurate projection for the next year.
This course showed you that healthcare could be a tough business to manage; this struggle can consume a healthcare business manager's entire day in healthcare administration and management. The truth is, both objectives are equally important if you are the person in charge. The news is littered with examples where a healthcare entity's fate resulted in bankruptcy, closings, lawsuits, and wrongful death claims because some fundamental business management principles were not maintained.
We continued our discussion by showing you the variety of business structures available to get your healthcare entity going! Then, we showed you that the size, structure, location, and specialty are central to a company's future, which can affect its expected revenue. Start-up costs for a healthcare outpatient clinical practice can range from $70,000 to $100,000, requiring operating and non-operating revenue. Of primary interest to any business owner is operating revenue: income generated by providing services for patients or clients. Non-operating revenue comes from other sources related to the organization's existence, such as grants or donations.
There is a straightforward bit of wisdom to remember in connection with the revenue cycle management: Cash is king! The organization's annual cash budget sets the stage for managing the revenue cycle. A budget addresses cash needs against projections of cash received over the period covered by the budget. The pattern of cash-in versus cash-out is essential because of the need to remain solvent in the short run. Appearing rich "on paper" does no good if the bank has insufficient cash to pay current bills or payroll.
We also provided you with a case study example that highlighted some key points to remember about any healthcare entity's revenue cycle:
These key points can help a healthcare manager/administrator make sound business decisions. To understand a healthcare company's ongoing expenditures and what the company is expected to incur, a healthcare company needs a detailed budget. Constant monitoring ensures that expenses remain within the projected budgetary limits.
When a healthcare business manager receives feedback on actual expenses, the data will show differences between budget projections and the actual results, often referred to as variances. The report should be analyzed for significant variances, identifying the causes and determining corrective actions. Most budgeting systems include policies on the amount of variance that can be accepted without investigation or remedial action. It is often acceptable to be under budget.
As the transactions of a healthcare organization occur (such as the purchase of supplies), they are recorded chronologically in a "book" called a journal, which is often electronically based. Periodically, these transactions are summarized by account (i.e., cash, equipment, revenues, etc.) into another book called a ledger. With these two books, the healthcare organization has a chronological listing of transactions and the current balance in each account. Generally, the cash basis of accounting is the standard method of accounting used today. On a cash basis, revenues are recorded when cash is received, and expenses are recorded when paid out.
Additional continuing education courses are available to facilitate understanding of the finer details of healthcare business management. However, this beginning course provides healthcare professionals with a fundamental understanding of the basics needed to seek their healthcare clinical practice in any setting. Hopefully, this has inspired you to become a healthcare business manager, helped with your healthcare business management goals, or helped you begin your healthcare entrepreneurial journey! It is an exciting journey packed with many forms of success and fulfilling ventures!
CEUFast, Inc. is committed to furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). While reflecting on this course content, CEUFast, Inc. would like you to consider your individual perspective and question your own biases. Remember, implicit bias is a form of bias that impacts our practice as healthcare professionals. Implicit bias occurs when we have automatic prejudices, judgments, and/or a general attitude towards a person or a group of people based on associated stereotypes we have formed over time. These automatic thoughts occur without our conscious knowledge and without our intentional desire to discriminate. The concern with implicit bias is that this can impact our actions and decisions with our workplace leadership, colleagues, and even our patients. While it is our universal goal to treat everyone equally, our implicit biases can influence our interactions, assessments, communication, prioritization, and decision-making concerning patients, which can ultimately adversely impact health outcomes. It is important to keep this in mind in order to intentionally work to self-identify our own risk areas where our implicit biases might influence our behaviors. Together, we can cease perpetuating stereotypes and remind each other to remain mindful to help avoid reacting according to biases that are contrary to our conscious beliefs and values.