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Psychosocial Assessment

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≥ 92% of participants will improve their knowledge of psychosocial assessments.


After completing this course, the learner will be able to:

  1. Describe five components of the psychosocial interview.
  2. Assess five components of the mental status examination.
  3. Identify three specialized mental health screening tests.
  4. Compare and contrast assessment findings noted in patients with depression, bipolar disease, anxiety, and schizophrenia.
  5. Summarize two major roles the psychologist, primary care provider, and psychiatrist play in managing a mental health patient.
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Psychosocial Assessment
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Author:    Raymond Lengel (MSN, FNP-BC, RN)


A psychosocial assessment evaluates an individual's mental health and social well-being. It assesses self-perception and the individual's ability to function in the community. The goal of a psychosocial assessment is to understand the patient to provide the best care possible and help the individual obtain optimal health.

A psychosocial assessment aims to gather comprehensive information about an individual's psychological and social functioning to understand their current situation, identify their strengths and challenges, and develop an appropriate plan for intervention or treatment. The primary objectives of a psychosocial assessment include understanding the individual's background, assessing psychological functioning, evaluating social functioning, identifying strengths and resources, and determining needs and challenges.  

The first step includes understanding the individual's background. This step involves gathering information about the person's history, including family background, education, employment, and social relationships. It explores significant life events, traumas, or transitions that may impact their current situation.

Next, psychosocial functioning is assessed. This step includes evaluating the individual's mental health status, including symptoms of any psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to help determine cognitive functioning, emotional well-being, and behavior patterns. Then, social function is evaluated by understanding the individual's social interactions, support systems, and community involvement, and assessing the quality of relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.

Next, strengths and resources are identified, including personal strengths, coping mechanisms, and resilience factors. The clinician should seek to recognize available resources such as support from family, friends, community services, and financial resources. Then, needs and challenges are determined, which includes identifying any barriers to optimal functioning, such as substance abuse, financial difficulties, housing instability, or lack of social support. Highlight areas that need intervention, such as mental health treatment, vocational training, or social support services.

Then, a tailored intervention or treatment plan is created based on the gathered information. The plan sets realistic and achievable goals for improving the individual's psychological and social functioning. Coordinate with other professionals and services to provide comprehensive care. 

Lastly, progress is monitored and evaluated. Establish a baseline for future assessments to monitor the individual's progress. Adjust the intervention plan as needed based on changes in the individual's situation and response to treatment. The psychosocial assessment aims to understand the individual holistically to facilitate effective and personalized support and intervention.  See Table 1 below for more information.

Psychosocial Assessment

Table 1: The Major Components of a Psychosocial Interview
  • Identifying the patient
  • Chief complaint
  • History of presenting illness
  • Psychiatric history
  • Medical or surgical history
  • Medication list
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Cultural assessment
  • Financial assessment
  • Coping skills
  • Violence risk assessment
  • Family or social history
  • Occupational history
  • Educational history
  • Legal history
  • Developmental history
  • Spiritual assessment
  • Interests
  • Abilities
  • Mental status examination
(Social Work Test Prep, 2023)

The first step in any assessment is to identify the patient. A patient's identity includes name, gender, birth date or age, marital status, race, ethnicity, and language.

The chief complaint is the main reason the patient presents, in their own words. The history of the present illness is a chronological account of what led up to the chief complaint. This section may include the problem's location, duration, severity, timing, context, modifying factors, and associated signs or symptoms.

The psychiatric psychological history is the history of all psychiatric or psychological concerns in the past. The medical or surgical history includes listing all medical illnesses, surgeries, and dates. All current and past medications should be listed, including the dose and frequency. A listing of who prescribed them and why they are prescribed should be documented for medications currently taken. A listing of why they were started and stopped should be documented for past prescribed medications.

History of alcohol and drug use is important in the psychosocial assessment. The substances currently used should be documented, including the method of use (oral, inhalation, injection, intranasal), the amount, the frequency, and the time. Any substances used in the past should be documented. Commonly abused substances include alcohol, heroin, opiates, marijuana, cocaine, crack, methamphetamines, inhalants, stimulants, hallucinogens, caffeine, and nicotine.

Violence risk includes an assessment of suicidal ideation, homicidal risk, and abuse. While it is difficult to predict who will commit suicide, risk factors for suicide include a previous suicide attempt, family history, feelings of hopelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, history of depression or bipolar disorder, feeling isolated, physical illness, history of aggressiveness or impulsivity, and unwillingness to seek help or barriers to mental health treatment (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2024).

Risk factors for homicidal behavior include male gender, gang affiliations, unemployment status, drug or alcohol use, active psychotic symptoms, availability of weapons, cultural norms, and lower socioeconomic status (World Health Organization [WHO], 2019).

Questions to ask in assessing suicidal or homicidal ideation and abuse are included in Table 2.

Table 2: Questions to Ask to Assess Violence Risk
  • Have you had thoughts of hurting yourself?
  • Has there been a previous suicide attempt? When?
  • Do you have a plan to commit suicide?
  • Is there a means to carry out the plan?
  • Is there intent to carry out the plan?
  • How lethal is the plan?
  • Do you have thoughts of harming others? If yes, who is the target?
  • Can these thoughts of harm be managed?
  • Do you have the means to carry out a plan to harm others?
  • Is there intent to carry out the plan?
  • What is the lethality of the plan?
  • Do you have any high-risk behaviors such as self-cutting, anorexia, bulimia, headbanging, or other self-injurious behaviors?

Abuse Assessment

  • In the past year, have you been hit, kicked, or physically hurt by another person?
  • Are you in a relationship with someone who threatens or physically harms you?
  • Have you ever been forced to have sexual contact that you were not comfortable with?
  • Have you ever been abused? If yes, describe by whom, when, and how.
(CDC, 2024; WHO, 2019)

The social history provides clues as to how the person interacts with others. It is important to understand social relationships as those with a large social network are more likely to have less severe mental illness and recover better from mental and medical illness. The nurse should have the patient describe their social relationships, including siblings, spouse/partner/significant other, children, current living situation, military history, discharge type, and any additional support or social networks reported. Any significant life event, such as death, divorce, or birth, should be reported.

Family history is important because many mental illnesses are hereditary. Record any history of mental illnesses in the patient's family. Common genetic illnesses include depression, bipolar disease, schizophrenia, and attention deficit disorder.

Employment history is important. Record the patient's current employment status and occupation. If the patient is currently employed, determine if this is a long-term job prospect or a temporary job. Determine how they function at their job. Do they perform their job well? Do they get along with co-workers? Has the patient ever been fired? How many jobs has the patient held in the last five years? Patients who have held multiple jobs in the recent past are more likely to have an avoidant personality disorder.

Determining educational history will help the nurse understand how to interact with the patient best. What is the highest grade that the patient completed? Where did the patient go to school? Were there any discipline problems at school? Assessing how the patient functions at work and school can provide helpful clues to the patient's mental health status.

A quick screening of the patient's legal history is important. Determine if the patient has legal trouble, probation, parole, pending charges, or incarceration. There is a strong link between legal problems and mental illness.

Developmental history will provide insight into the origins of behavior and help diagnose and manage some conditions. Any psychological trauma experienced as a child may lead to problems in adulthood. Determine how the patient functioned in their childhood concerning school, friends, personality, and hobbies. Also, determining the patient's sexual orientation will help the nurse better plan care for the patient.

The spiritual assessment should note the patient's religious background. The clinician should assess the degree of involvement within the religious community and any spiritual practices. Nurses who understand the patient's spiritual views will be better able to be empathetic. It can also help the nurse determine if the patient has unresolved spiritual needs or concerns. Unresolved spiritual issues will inhibit recovery. When spiritual concerns are identified, appropriate referrals may help ensure holistic wellness.

The cultural assessment should list critical issues regarding the patient's ethnic and cultural background. A nurse cannot fully understand every culture, but a good cultural assessment will help the nurse understand the patient's beliefs, values, and practices. These factors can be respected and considered when providing care. Different cultures express, report, and develop mental illnesses in different ways.

The financial assessment should describe the patient's financial situation. Understanding the patient's financial situation is important for multiple reasons. Patients in a lower socioeconomic class are at higher risk for many health conditions. Also, patients with limited financial resources may need help with money and may benefit from a social worker's consultation.

Determining coping skills is an important part of the psychosocial assessment. If the nurse understands the patient's current coping techniques, they will provide better care by fostering adaptive coping skills. Determining the patient's abilities and interests helps get a full picture of the patient. Ask the patient: What are their hobbies? What are they good at doing? What gives the patient pleasure?

Mental Status Examination

The mental status examination assesses the function of the brain, mental functions, and behaviors. A good mental status examination helps assess many mental health or central nervous system disease states. A good mental status examination can be used over time to monitor a patient's severity of illness (Voss & Das, 2024).

The first step in the mental status examination determines the patient's degree of arousal. Is the patient alert, sleepy, attentive, or unresponsive? Is the patient oriented to person, place, and time, or is the patient confused?

How does the patient look? Is the patient well groomed? Is eye contact appropriate? Note poor hygiene, inappropriate dress, and lack of concern for appearance. Poor grooming indicates a potential psychiatric problem. Stooped posture and poor eye contact suggest depression. Colorful clothes or unusual clothing suggest a manic state.

Assess behavior and motor activity. Is the patient calm and relaxed, or is there any indication of restlessness, agitation, or lethargy? Note abnormal motor movements such as unusual facial expressions, tremors, or tics. Tremors or tics suggest a neurological disease, medication side effect, or anxiety. Excessive body movements suggest mania, anxiety, or stimulant use. Repeated motor movements suggest obsessive-compulsive disorder or a neurological disorder. Minimal body movement may be depression, catatonic schizophrenia, or drug abuse.

Evaluate the mood and affect. Asking patients how they feel is a simple way to assess their mood. Is the patient's emotional response to the situation appropriate? Observe the verbal or non-verbal behaviors to determine mood. Mood disturbances may be demonstrated by inappropriate feelings or behavior toward the situation. Note euphoria, agitation, depressed mood, flat affect, anxiety, emotional lability (shifting from one affect to another rapidly), irritability, excessive rage, indifference, carelessness, inability to sense emotions, and lack of sympathy.


The speech pattern is an important part of the psychosocial assessment. The patient's voice should be clear, strong, and fluent, and the message should be articulated with a clear expression of thought. Note any of the following abnormalities in speech (Portnoi, n.d.).

  • Slurred speech
  • Soft speech
  • Loud speech
  • Pressured speech
  • Limited interaction
  • Incoherent speech
  • Halting speech
  • Rapid speech

The slurring of words suggests intoxication. Pressured speech is seen in mania. Those with depression often have speech poverty. Note the patient's attitude. Is the patient cooperative, uncooperative, guarded, suspicious, or hostile?


The thought process is self-expressed by individuals and is observed through speech. It is not the content of the speech but the patterns of verbalization. It may range from normal to any of the terms in Table 3. A normal thought process is logical, relevant, sequential, and coherent.

Table 3: Terms to Describe the Thought Process
TermDefinitionWhat It May Suggest
Flight of ideasFrequently changing topicsMania
TangentialGoing away from a topic and not returningSchizophrenia, psychosis, anxiety, dementia
CircumstantialProvides unnecessary detail but eventually gets to the pointSchizophrenia, psychosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder
NeologismsMaking up new wordsSchizophrenia, psychosis
Looseness of associationIllogically shifting between topicsSchizophrenia, psychosis, dementia
Word saladNonsensical responsesSchizophrenia, psychosis, dementia
ClangingRhyming words; speech makes no senseSchizophrenia, psychosis
Thought blockingSpeech is stoppedSchizophrenia, psychosis
Poverty of speechLimited content of speechDepression
(Voss & Das, 2024)

Thought content is the theme that occupies the patient's thoughts and shows how coherent and logical the individual thinks. Disorders that suggest abnormalities include phobias, hypochondriasis, obsessive thought, hallucinations, delusions, or other preoccupations.

Phobias are a morbid fear along with extreme anxiety. Hypochondriasis is the obsession with the idea of having a serious or life-threatening disease that is not diagnosed. Obsessive thoughts are unwelcome ideas, impulses, or emotions continually forced into the conscious mind. Hallucinations are something that the patient perceives but is not real. Hallucinations are suggested in those who hear voices, see images, feel bugs crawling on the skin, or smell offensive odors without evidence of them being present. Inquire about any command-type hallucinations and what the patient is commanded to do. Find out if the patient complies or is considering complying with the command (Gupta, 2024).

Assess the patient for specific delusions and hallucinations. Table 4 gives questions to ask to determine if the patient is hallucinating or having delusions. Delusions are classified in multiple ways (see Table 5).

Table 4: Questions to Ask to Elicit the Presence of Hallucinations or Delusions
  • Can you see things that no one else can see?
  • Do you hear voices when no one else is around?
  • Do you have any mysterious sensations such as smells, sounds, or feelings?
  • Do you have any unusual powers or abilities?
  • Do you have any beliefs that others consider strange?
  • Does the television or radio give you special messages?
(The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2019)
Table 5: Type of Delusions
Type of DelusionDefinition
GrandioseA belief that the person is someone of extreme importance
PersecutoryA false belief that someone is trying to harm the patient, the person is being followed, is under surveillance, is being ridiculed, or treated unfairly
JealousyA false belief that the individual's sexual partner is unfaithful
ReligiousBelief in a special status with God
SomaticBelief that there is a physical defect or general medical condition when none exists
Ideas of referenceA belief that things in the environment refer to them when they do not
Thought insertionBelief that someone is putting ideas or thoughts into their mind
Thought broadcastingThinking that one's thoughts are being "broadcasted" to the outside world
(Cleveland Clinic, 2022)

Impulse and Judgement

Impulse control can be assessed by asking the patient if they do activities without planning or thinking about them. Those with poor impulse control have a limited ability to resist temptation or the urge to do something harmful to themselves or others (Smith et al., 2019). Many disorders are linked to poor impulse control, such as substance abuse, antisocial personality disorder, bipolar disease, schizophrenia, and impulse control disorder. Behaviors noted in those with poor impulse control include pathological gambling, excessive substance use or abuse, aggression, binge eating, and excessive, unsafe sexual behavior.

Judgment can be assessed by asking a made-up scenario to determine if there is an appropriate response (Bernard-Arevalo et al., 2023). For example, what should you do if there is a fire in a crowded theater? Doing nothing would suggest poor judgment. Calling 911 or getting help suggests good responses. Other methods to assess judgment include looking at the patient's lifestyle. Poor judgment is likely to present in those involved in illegal activity or those involved in destructive relationships. Judgment is impaired in schizophrenic, psychotic, intoxicated, and manic patients, in some personality disorders, or in those with a low intelligence quotient.


Assessment of cognition can be as simple as evaluating how the patient responds to questions asked during the assessment. To conduct a nursing cognitive assessment, obtain a detailed patient history and observe any signs of cognitive impairment. Part of the cognitive assessment could include administering standardized tools such as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) or Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) to evaluate various cognitive domains, including memory, attention, language, visuospatial skills, and executive function. Follow up with specific questions to assess orientation to time, place, person, recall ability, language fluency, and problem-solving skills while considering factors like age, education level, and cultural background to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the assessment results (Gonzalez Kelso & Tadi, 2022).

Lack of attention will be demonstrated by patients who lose their train of thought, become easily distracted, or ramble. Attention can be assessed by having the patient repeat a string of digits. An adult should be able to repeat 5-9 digits. Another way to assess attention includes having a patient spell a word backward (W-O-R-L-D is often used) or repeat the year's months in reverse order. Those with a demonstrated attention deficit may have a toxic metabolic encephalopathy or an acute psychiatric disorder (Gonzalez Kelso & Tadi, 2022).

The assessment of memory is the next step in the mental status examination. The immediate memory is tested by asking the patient to repeat a string of digits, the time and place, or about recent events.

Another recent memory test involves telling the patient three words and then having the patient repeat the three words. After being distracted by another task, ask the patient to repeat the words five minutes later. An average adult can remember all three words after five minutes. Offering the patient clues to help them remember can be done to assess the degree of memory impairment. Remote memory can be tested by asking about personal life events or important historical events.

The speech content is assessed by noting the presence or absence of any language errors during the speech. Naming is assessed by having the patient name objects shown to them. Show the patient three objects, such as a pencil, watch, and apple, and make sure they can name them. Reading and writing are assessed by having patients read a section of words and write a sentence. Repetition is assessed by having a patient repeat a common phrase.

Visual-Spatial Perception

Visual-spatial perception is assessed by having the patient copy an object such as overlapping pentagons, drawing an object, or building something (Gonzalez Kelso & Tadi, 2022). Having the patient draw a clock and telling them to make a certain time on the clock is another tool to assess visual-spatial perception. This test is often used as a screening test for dementia. Individuals with visual-spatial perception deficits may struggle to navigate, get lost frequently, or often lose objects.

Image 1: Interlocking Pentagons

graphic showing interlocking pentagons

Praxis is learned motor movements demonstrated by the patient's ability to perform skilled motor movements such as feeding or dressing. Praxis is assessed by the patient being given a stepwise series of coordinated tasks (Neurological and Physical Abilitation Center, 2023). It can be demonstrated by asking a patient to take a piece of paper, fold it in half, put it in an envelope, and hand it to the examiner. Apraxia can be seen in corticobasal degeneration.

Assessing the patient's ability to calculate is done by having the patient perform simple mathematical problems. Calculation assessment can be done by having the patient start at 100 and subtract seven serially (100, 93, 86, 79, 72, 65). The ability to perform this test is affected by educational and anxiety levels.

Executive Function

Executive function is a set of mental abilities synchronized in the brain's frontal lobe and helps people accomplish goals. It is hard to assess from the exam alone. It may take a good history from the patient and family or neuropsychological testing to fully assess executive function. It includes organizing, planning, remembering details, switching focus, managing time, suppressing inappropriate behavior or speech, and merging past experiences with present action. Individuals who have impaired executive function may not be able to function independently. Executive dysfunction can be seen in dementia, head injuries, strokes, depression, attention deficit disorder, or learning disabilities (Diamond, 2013).

The executive function is assessed in the history part of the exam when determining if a patient can function well in everyday life. Patients who demonstrate problems with judgment or insight may have executive dysfunction. Abstract reasoning can be used to assess executive function. Can the patient explain a proverb such as, "A rolling stone gathers no moss"? Can the patient describe an idiom, or can a patient interpret differences and similarities like child or dwarf?

Some clinicians will determine estimated intelligence and general fund of knowledge; more extensive testing is required to do this accurately. It is best left for more advanced assessment, such as neuropsychological testing (Diamond, 2013).

Mental status examinations are often done with standardized assessment tools. Standardized tests are helpful because they can follow a patient over time and can be done by many healthcare providers with similar results.

Specialized Mental Health Tests

Many tests are available to assess cognition. The MMSE is a well-known test that assesses multiple domains, can be done in 5 to 10 minutes, and is rated on a scale from 0 to 30. The MMSE is useful for screening for cognitive impairment and monitoring cognitive changes over time. It is not recommended as a diagnostic tool. The MMSE score is affected by culture, age, education, and gender (Matthews et al., 2012).

The Clock Drawing Test (CDT) is another screening tool for cognitive problems, especially dementia. The CDT is widely used to screen for dementia due to its simplicity and effectiveness. Studies have reported varying levels of sensitivity and specificity for the CDT. In a study focusing on post-stroke neurocognitive disorder, the CDT showed a sensitivity of 68% and a specificity of 61% for any neurocognitive disorder, using a cutoff score of <5. For major neurocognitive disorders, the sensitivity was 78%, and the specificity was 53%​ (Navickaite et al., 2024).

In the CDT, the patient is given a piece of paper with a pre-drawn circle. The patient is to draw numbers in the circle to make the circle look like a clock's face. The patient is given a time. Ten after 11 is often used, drawing the clock's hands to read that time. A cognitively intact patient should make no errors or only minor visual-spatial errors, such as slightly drawing outside the circle or mild spacing problems.

Beck's Depression Inventory asks 21 questions and rates them on a scale from 0 (minimal) to 3 (severe). It is recognized as a reliable and valid instrument for measuring depression (Lee et al., 2017). The questions focus on sadness, hopelessness, guilt, self-dislike, loss of energy, insomnia, fatigue, anhedonia, irritability, crying, lack of interest in sex, agitation, self-blame, past failure, punishment, suicidal thoughts, loss of interest in activities, indecisiveness, worthlessness, decreased appetite, and diminished concentration. The score is tallied, and scores over 30 are classified as severe depression. Less than 15 is mild to no depression, and 15-30 is moderate depression.

Two commonly used scales are available for older adults. The geriatric depression scale is useful to assess depression in older adults with an MMSE score above 10 (Conradsson et al., 2013). The Cornell Depression Scale is useful to screen for depression in those with dementia. It asks 19 questions across five categories (Maurer et al., 2018). It evaluates mood (sadness, affect, anxiety, irritability), behaviors (agitation, movement, slow speech), physical signs (weight loss, low energy), cyclic function (insomnia, mood fluctuations), and ideation disturbances (suicide, pessimism).

Suicidal Screening for Children and Adolescents

Here are four commonly used suicide screening instruments for children and adolescents.

  1. Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ)
  2. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for Adolescents
  3. Suicide Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ)
  4. Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R)

The ASQ was developed by the National Institute of Mental Health. It is a brief, four-question screening tool designed to identify youth at risk for suicide in various settings, including emergency departments and primary care. It is valued for its brevity and effectiveness in quickly identifying at-risk individuals (Aguinaldo et al., 2021).

The PHQ-9 was originally designed to assess depression; the PHQ-9 includes a critical item (item 9) that specifically addresses suicidal thoughts. It is commonly used in primary care and mental health settings to screen for depression and suicide risk among adolescents (Costantini et al., 2021).

The SIQ is used to determine the severity of suicidal ideation. There is a 30-item and 15-item version, both designed for younger adolescents. The SIQ asks individuals to rate the severity of their suicidal ideation on a 7-point Likert scale. This screen is based on a hierarchy of seriousness of suicidality ranging from thoughts of death to suicide. This screen does not assess previous or recent suicide attempts and should almost always be supplemented by a comprehensive suicide assessment (Boege et al., 2014).

The SBQ-R is a brief, self-report questionnaire designed to identify individuals at risk of suicide. It evaluates past suicidal thoughts and behaviors, current suicidal thoughts, and the likelihood of future suicidal behaviors (Osman et al., 2001).

Suicidal Screening for Adults

There are various suicide risk screens available for adults; however, it is essential to remember that screens do not replace a professional's comprehensive suicide assessment. Commonly used suicide screens for adults include:

  1. Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (SSI)
  2. Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
  3. Nurses' Global Assessment of Suicide Risk

The SSI evaluates suicidal thoughts' intensity. It includes 21 questions, each scored 0, 1, or 2 based on severity. It places individuals into three categories: active suicidal desire, preparation, and passive suicidal desire. This scale was later revised and named the Modified Scale for Suicide Ideation (MSSI). This screen used a scale of 0 to 3, increasing the ability to discriminate between those thinking about suicide and those likely to attempt it.

The C-SSRS is used in primary care settings and is available in over 100 languages. The C-SSRS does not require mental health training to be administered effectively and provides criteria for the next steps based on the score.

The Nurses' Global Assessment of Suicide Risk includes 15 items that help assess a person's risk of attempting suicide. It allows clinicians to evaluate high and low-risk characteristics quickly. Each item on the screen is supported by research; however, the screen has not been empirically tested (Cutcliffe & Barker, 2004).

Specific Mental Illnesses


Table 6: SIG-E-CAPS pneumonic
SSleep disorder (hypersomnia or insomnia)
ILoss of interest in activities that formerly were enjoyed
GGuilt – worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness
EReduced energy
CLack of concentration
AAppetite disturbance (increased or decreased with weight gain or loss)
PPsychomotor agitation or retardation
SSuicidal thoughts, preoccupation with death
(Abraham & Shirley, 2006)

For two weeks, at least five signs or symptoms in Table 6 must be present to diagnose major depression. Of the five, depressed mood or reduced interest or pleasure in formerly enjoyable activities must be present. Medications, medical conditions, bereavement, and drug or alcohol abuse cannot cause these symptoms. The symptoms must significantly impair social, occupational, or school functioning (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

Bipolar Disorder in Adults

Bipolar disease is classified as bipolar I or bipolar II. Bipolar I is defined by the occurrence of at least one manic episode, which may be preceded or followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes. In bipolar I, individuals experience full-blown manic episodes. These episodes are severe and can significantly impact daily functioning. Manic episodes last at least seven days or are so severe that immediate hospital care is needed.

Bipolar II is defined by the occurrence of at least one hypomanic episode and at least one major depressive episode, with no history of a manic episode—individuals with bipolar II experience hypomanic episodes, which are less severe than full manic episodes. Hypomania involves elevated mood, increased activity, and other manic symptoms but does not cause significant impairment or require hospitalization. These episodes last at least four days. Major depressive episodes are required for a diagnosis. These episodes are similar in intensity and duration to those in bipolar I. Hypomania is less severe than mania and does not lead to psychosis. However, the depressive episodes can be as severe as in bipolar I.

Approximately one percent of the population has bipolar I disorder, one percent has bipolar II disorder, and 2.4-4.7 percent has a sub-threshold bipolar disease (Soreff, 2022). Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as unipolar depression.

Clinical manifestations of mania include the following(American Psychiatric Association, 2013):

  • At least one week of elevated, expansive, or irritable mood
  • During the mood disturbance, at least three of the following must be present or four if the mood is irritable:
    • Reduced need for sleep
    • Excessive involvement in high-risk, pleasurable activities such as sexual promiscuity or excessive spending
    • Flight of ideas or racing thoughts
    • Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
    • Excessive talking or pressured speech
    • Increased goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation
    • Distractibility – attention drawn to irrelevant issues
  • It is not a mixed episode (major depressive episodes along with mania)
  • It impairs occupational or social functioning, requires hospitalization, or has psychotic features
  • Symptoms are not due to medication, a drug of abuse, medical treatment, or other medical conditions

Bipolar disease is associated with relapses and remissions. Manic and depressive episodes can be varied in the mix. Those with bipolar disorder have a high prevalence of co-morbid addictive disorders and suicide risk; therefore, it is important to assess all those with diagnosed bipolar disorder for addictive disorders and suicide risk.


Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear and anxiety, with specific criteria for different disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobia, and agoraphobia. Each disorder has distinct features and diagnostic requirements, but all share common elements of intense worry, avoidance behaviors, and significant distress or impairment in functioning (Mishra & Varma, 2023).

GAD is extreme anxiety or worries without evidence or out of proportion to the present situation. Symptoms of anxiety include fatigue, irritability, restlessness, sleep disturbance, being on edge or keyed up, poor concentration, and muscle tension. In GAD, excessive anxiety and worry have been occurring more days than not for at least six months about a number of events or activities. Anxiety signs and symptoms include:

  • Tremor
  • Cold, clammy hands
  • High blood pressure
  • Tachycardia
  • Elevated respiratory rate
  • Urinary frequency
  • Shaking
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle tension
  • Flushing
  • Dry mouth
  • Dilated pupils

Panic disorder presents with repeated attacks of intense fear that characteristically appear quickly (Cackovic et al., 2023). At least four of the following must be present:

  • Fear of dying
  • Fear of impending doom
  • Chest pain
  • Palpitations
  • Tachycardia
  • Dizziness
  • Syncope
  • Shortness of breath
  • The sensation of choking
  • Trembling
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal distress
  • Chills
  • Hot flashes
  • Diaphoresis
  • Depersonalization

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) presents with obsessions and compulsions leading to distress. An obsession is a recurrent and persistent thought, image, or impulse that produces stress and anxiety. Compulsions are recurring behaviors performed to reduce anxiety caused by the obsession (Singh et al., 2023).

A phobia is a strong, irrational fear of something associated with limited or no actual danger (Eaton et al., 2018). Three ordinary phobias are agoraphobia, claustrophobia, and social phobia. Agoraphobia is a fear of public places; claustrophobia is a fear of closed-in places. Social phobia is the constant fear in social situations that weakens the capability to function socially.

PTSD occurs after a trauma that involves a real or threatened death or injury. The condition leads to reliving the event, avoiding certain things, and excessive arousal. Specific things that may occur include flashbacks, nightmares of the event, upsetting memories of the event, emotional numbing, lack of interest, feeling detached, feeling irritable, startling easily, and sleep disturbances (Morganstein et al., 2021).


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder where patients:

  • Do not think clearly
  • Demonstrate bizarre behavior
  • Have difficulty differentiating between reality and fantasy
  • Have abnormal emotional responses

People with schizophrenia have a higher rate of divorce, incarceration, and homelessness (Frankenburg, 2024).

Schizophrenia is characterized by having two or more symptoms a significant portion of the time over one month (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and negative symptoms (loss of pleasure, catatonia, poverty of speech, flat affect, poor grooming, poor social skills, and social withdrawal). Relationships (work, interpersonal) or self-care are typically compromised.

Other features people with schizophrenia exhibit include repetitive and confusing speech, nonsense words, slow movements, repetitive movements or gestures such as pacing or odd facial expressions, odd manner of dress, odd beliefs, thought blocking, and poor hygiene.

Conditions that mimic schizophrenia include bipolar disease, seizure disorder, substance abuse, delirium, brain lesions, depression, psychotic disorders, schizoaffective disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, thyroid disorders, and infections.

When to Refer to a Mental Health Professional

There may be many reasons to refer a patient to a mental health professional. Also, there are many mental health professionals to refer to, depending on the situation. Different mental health professionals and who should be referred to them are included in Table 7. Many indicators become evident when a complete assessment is finished.

Some general guidelines for referral to a primary healthcare provider or psychiatrist include:

  • The patient is showing depressive symptoms (review SIG-E-CAPS), especially a decline in the ability to experience pleasure or prolonged sadness
  • Any suicidal or homicidal gestures (immediate referral)
  • Any dangerous behaviors such as self-harming behavior (e.g., cutting)
  • Excessive anxiety (e.g., panic attacks, irrational fears, phobias)
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Periods of euphoria are associated with a reduced need for sleep or impulsive or risk-taking behavior (e.g., an increase in promiscuous sex, excessive drug or alcohol use, or spending sprees)
  • Severe irritability or outbursts of anger (e.g., argumentative, easily annoyed, easily upset)
  • Psychosis (e.g., hallucinations, delusions, paranoia)
  • Addictive behaviors (e.g., drug use, excessive alcohol use, excessive overeating)
  • Signs and symptoms of abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual)

Patients who may benefit from psychotherapy include those with:

  • Non-compliance with medical treatment
  • Unresolved grief
  • Parenting or family issues
  • Struggles with adjustment to major life changes (e.g., death, move, divorce)
  • Self-sabotaging behavior (e.g., drug or alcohol abuse, binge eating)
  • Anger issues or impulse control
  • Significant relationship problems (e.g., dependency, manipulation, infidelity)
Table 7: Mental Health Professionals
Healthcare WorkerRole
Social Worker

Social workers have multiple roles. Some of their roles include:

  • Education of patients
  • Helping patients find treatment facilities and in-patient mental healthcare centers
  • Helping patients find a job or helping them find assistance to get finances such as disability or welfare benefits
  • Assessing patients to evaluate mental health issues
  • Counseling patients on minor issues both in a group and individually to help them manage a variety of social issues such as mental or physical illness, substance abuse, financial issues, unemployment, or abuse
  • Collaborating with other healthcare members to coordinate a plan of care
  • Increasing awareness of community resources and referring them if appropriate
  • Helping family members deal with and support the patient
  • Referring the patient and family to community resources such as treatment programs or housing to assist in recovery
  • Assisting patients to get to appointments by helping with transportation
Psychiatric or Mental Health Nurse Practitioner or Clinical Nurse SpecialistThis advanced practice nurse manages patients at risk for or have a psychiatric disorder or mental health problem. These nurses assess psychiatric patients, diagnose psychiatric disorders, conduct psychotherapy, manage cases, provide expert consultation to primary care providers, and prescribe mental health medications. They work in various settings, including outpatient offices, hospitals, and community programs.
Primary Care ProviderThis is a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant who medically manages (including prescribing medications).
PsychologistA psychologist has an advanced degree in psychology and can help diagnose many mental health diseases, as many are experts in advanced clinical assessment, such as neuropsychiatric testing. Psychologists perform psychotherapy to help patients manage mental health conditions.
PsychiatristThis is a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy who has specialized training in psychiatric issues and manages complex mental health issues outside of the primary care provider's scope.
(National Alliance on Mental Illness [NAMI], 2020)

Case Study

Presenting Problem: Steve F. is an 82-year-old widowed white male. He presents to his primary healthcare provider because his family is concerned about his memory loss. He has been becoming more forgetful and is having problems functioning independently. Specifically, he gets lost when driving and has problems preparing his meals.

Past History: Steve has been an extremely healthy individual. He is not afflicted with a history of any medical, surgical, or psychiatric problems. He currently takes no medications and has never been on chronic prescription medications.

Drug or Alcohol History: Steve has been a lifelong nonsmoker, has never used illegal drugs, and reports drinking a glass of red wine 3-4 times a week for most of his adult life.

Suicidal or Homicidal Ideation: He denies any suicidal or homicidal ideation. There is no history of abuse in his past.

Family and Social History: Steve was married for 51 years and has been a widow for six years. He currently lives alone in his home and has no close-living friends. He has one grown daughter and two grandchildren living over 100 miles away.

Employment history: He worked 44 years at a steel factory and has been retired for 18 years.

Education: Steve dropped out of high school in the 11th grade and reports he was an average student.

Crime or Legal Trouble: He has never had any legal trouble.

Developmental History: No significant abnormalities were reported.

Spiritual Assessment: He reports being a Catholic and regularly attending mass.

Cultural Assessment: He considers himself an American.

Financial Assessment: He reports no financial issues.

Coping Skills: He reports limited stress and copes with stress well.

Interests and Abilities: He reports that his favorite activities are spending time with family and reading.

Mental Status Exam: Steve is an alert, calm-appearing white male who appears to be his stated age and is accompanied by his daughter. He has dressed appropriately and is well-groomed. He was cooperative and polite during the interview and maintained good eye contact. His mood is normal, and his affect is appropriate. His rate of speech is slow, and his speech is soft. His thought process showed a limited ability to think abstractly and some loose associations. His thought content was normal and did not demonstrate paranoia, aggressiveness, or obsessive thinking. No psychotic thinking was demonstrated. He was oriented to person and place but could not report the day of the week. He had normal impulse control and demonstrated normal judgment during the exam.

The patient's functional ability was of slight concern. He can generally care for himself independently, but there has been a 5-pound weight loss over the last three months without a known cause. There have been multiple problems with bills being paid late, and the patient has received many calls from creditors. He has had some problems preparing meals for himself. Of greatest concern to the daughter was that the patient got lost coming home from the mall last week, which he has been going to for over 20 years.

His cognition or knowledge was tested with the MMSE, in which the patient scored 24.

Based on the psychosocial assessment, it is determined that the patient has some dementing illness. The medical doctor diagnosed Alzheimer's disease. Given self-care problems, the patient will be moved to an assisted living facility with part-time nursing care. The assisted living facility will monitor the patient closely to meet all self-care needs. Moving to a long-term care nursing facility will be considered if self-care needs are unmet.

This comprehensive psychosocial history helped the primary care physician diagnose and fully understand the patient's impairments. Based on the strength of the psychosocial history taken by the nurse, the patient will now receive safe and effective care. If a complete psychosocial assessment was not taken, it might have been determined that the patient functioned well in his house. Allowing the patient to return to his home may have led to a poor quality of life for him and his family.


The psychosocial assessment starts with a general psychosocial history and concludes with a mental status examination. The psychosocial assessment allows the nurse to pick up on many psychological or social issues that, if addressed, can significantly improve the patient's quality of life with proper intervention. To provide optimal patient care, the nurse must know how to perform a good psychosocial assessment and when to refer to another healthcare provider.

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Implicit Bias Statement

CEUFast, Inc. is committed to furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). While reflecting on this course content, CEUFast, Inc. would like you to consider your individual perspective and question your own biases. Remember, implicit bias is a form of bias that impacts our practice as healthcare professionals. Implicit bias occurs when we have automatic prejudices, judgments, and/or a general attitude towards a person or a group of people based on associated stereotypes we have formed over time. These automatic thoughts occur without our conscious knowledge and without our intentional desire to discriminate. The concern with implicit bias is that this can impact our actions and decisions with our workplace leadership, colleagues, and even our patients. While it is our universal goal to treat everyone equally, our implicit biases can influence our interactions, assessments, communication, prioritization, and decision-making concerning patients, which can ultimately adversely impact health outcomes. It is important to keep this in mind in order to intentionally work to self-identify our own risk areas where our implicit biases might influence our behaviors. Together, we can cease perpetuating stereotypes and remind each other to remain mindful to help avoid reacting according to biases that are contrary to our conscious beliefs and values.


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