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Child Abuse: Pennsylvania Mandated Reporter Training, 2 hours - License Renewal

2 Contact Hours
Meets all Act 31 Pennsylvania requirements.
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This course will be updated or discontinued on or before Saturday, January 16, 2027

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CEUFast, Inc. is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. ANCC Provider number #P0274.

CEUFast, Inc. is an AOTA Provider of professional development, Course approval ID#11764. This distant learning-independent format is offered at 0.2 CEUs Intermediate, Categories: Professional Issues, Foundational Knowledge AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures. AOTA provider number 9757.

CEUFast, Inc. (BOC AP#: P10067) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide education to Athletic Trainers (ATs).

This course is approved through the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services and Pennsylvania Department of State #CACE000040

≥ 92% of participants will know how to make an informed decision about whether a situation involves child abuse, what the reporting obligation is, and how to go about making such a report.


After completing this continuing education course, the participant will be able to:

  1. Define Pennsylvania Child Protective Services law terminology.
  2. Know the provisions and responsibilities for reporting suspected child abuse.
  3. Determine the process of reporting suspected child abuse.
  4. Recognize the impact of bias on decision-making.
  5. Recognize the indicators associated with child abuse.
CEUFast Inc. and the course planners for this educational activity do not have any relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

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Child Abuse: Pennsylvania Mandated Reporter Training, 2 hours - License Renewal
To earn a certificate of completion you have one of two options:
  1. Take test and pass with a score of at least 80%
  2. Attest that you have read and learned all the course materials.
    (NOTE: Some approval agencies and organizations require you to take a test and "No Test" is NOT an option.)
Author:    Alyssa King (DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, PMHNP-BC, CLC, CNE)


This course is specifically and carefully created for Pennsylvania professionals. The purpose of this course is to prepare healthcare professionals to identify child abuse and to comply with Pennsylvania mandatory reporting requirements.

Why is this Training so Important?

Professionals that have contact with children often report only a fraction of the incidents that may qualify as abuse. The reason for report hesitancy has historically been due to the confusion or misunderstanding about the laws and procedures and a lack of knowledge or awareness of warning signs (Tucci & Mitchell, 2022; World Health Organization [WHO], 2022). It has also been shown that personal beliefs, values, and past experiences might be partially to blame for someone not coming forward (Tucci & Mitchell, 2022; World Health Organization [WHO], 2022). The good news is that people are wanting and willing to act and speak up, as long as they are properly resourced and supported to do so (Tucci & Mitchell, 2022).


Youth violence is a central public health issue. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nearly 176,000 people between the ages of 15 and 29 are killed every year, making it the third leading cause of death for individuals in this age group (WHO, 2023). Sexual violence is also shown to affect a significant proportion of youth as well, as evidenced by about 1 in 8 young people who report being sexually abused (WHO, 2023).

It is estimated that approximately 1 in 7 children suffer from abuse or neglect every year (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2022a). Even then, this is likely an underestimate because numerous cases go unreported (CDC, 2024a). In 2020 alone, more than 1,750 children died due to abuse and neglect just in the United States (CDC, 2024a). According to the 2023 State of Child Welfare report published in early 2024, there were more than 165,000 general protective services reports in the state of Pennsylvania, just in the year 2022 (Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, 2023).

There is a large gap between the true prevalence of child abuse and the number of cases that are brought forward to Child Protective Services (CPS) (Baker et al., 2021). Each and every year over 3 million children and their families are investigated nationally by CPS (Rizvi et al., 2023a). Of this number of families, 20% produce evidence of maltreatment that is substantiated (Rizvi et al., 2023a). While males and females seem to be equally affected, the highest risk of abuse and neglect are in children that are less than 3 years of age (Brown et al., 2023; Melmer & Gutovitz, 2023; Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, 2023).

The majority of reports of child abuse are made by Mandated Reporters. This is due to their professional experience and Mandated Reporter training (Baker et al., 2021).


Protecting Pennsylvania's children from abuse and neglect is a shared responsibility. It requires collaboration from the formal child protective services system, community partners, and our citizens to provide local safety nets for children and families that are facing challenges within our communities and neighborhoods.

In 2013, 23 pieces of legislation were enacted, changing how Pennsylvania responds to child abuse (DHS, n.d.). These changes significantly impact the reporting, investigation, assessment, prosecution, and judicial handling of child abuse and neglect cases (DHS, n.d.).

These changes (DHS, n.d.):

  • Strengthen our ability to better protect children from abuse and neglect by amending the definitions of child abuse and perpetrator
  • Streamline and clarify mandated child abuse reporting processes
  • Increase penalties for failure to report suspected child abuse and protect persons who report child abuse
  • Promote the use of multi-disciplinary investigative teams (MDITs) to investigate child abuse related crimes
  • Support the use of information technology to increase efficiency and tracking of child abuse data

The website, Keep Kids Safe, is designed to serve as the hub for information related to critical components impacting child protection including a link for Mandated Reporters to make reports of suspected child abuse electronically, training on child abuse recognition and reporting, information related to clearances, and general information related to child protection (DHS, n.d.).

Description of Child Welfare in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) (23 Pa.C.S. Chapter 63, Child Protective Services) was enacted in 1975 to protect children from abuse, allow the opportunity for healthy growth and development, and, whenever possible, preserve and stabilize the family (DHS, 2024b; Rizvi et al., 2023b). It is not meant to restrict the generally recognized existing rights of parents to use what would be a reasonable level of control and supervision when caring for and raising their children (DHS, 2024b).

Recent amendments to the PA CPSL relevant to child abuse recognition and reporting:

  • Act 115 of 2016 (relating to human trafficking)
  • Act 54 of 2018 (relating to notification of substance affected infants by healthcare providers & plan of safe care)
  • Act 88 of 2019 (relating to penalties for failure to report or refer)

The primary focus of Pennsylvania's child welfare agencies is the safety, permanency, and well-being of the children it serves (DHS, 2023). It operates from the assumption that children belong with their own families and should receive necessary services in the community rather than being placed outside of their homes (DHS, 2023). Although placement away from their families should be the last resort, if it is necessary, children should be placed in the most appropriate setting to meet their needs; preferably, a location that promotes reunification with the family where, and as soon as, possible (DHS, 2023).

The Pennsylvania child welfare system is state-supervised and county-administered. 

The Department of Human Services (DHS) is responsible for (DHS, 2023):

  • Assuring the availability and provision of public child welfare services
  • Providing oversight and technical assistance to each county agency
  • Establishing and enforcing policies and regulations that support the achievement of child welfare goals and outcomes
  • The licensure of public and private child welfare agencies
  • Investigation of complaints received regarding these agencies

The county Children and Youth Services (CYS) Agency is responsible for (DHS, 2023):

  • Investigating suspected child abuse and neglect
  • Assessing the need for general protective services
  • Providing services to children and families to prevent further harm to children

Each county's CYS Agency is responsible for administering a program of children and youth social services to children and their families. This agency includes services designed to:

  • Protect children from abuse and neglect and enable children to remain safely in their own homes and communities
  • Prevent dependency and delinquency of children and help them overcome problems that result in dependency and delinquency
  • Provide permanency and stability for children in their homes or in placement and preserve relationships and connections for children with their families and communities
  • Enhance the family's capacity to provide for their children's educational, physical, and behavioral health needs

Reports of child abuse will be made through ChildLine, but for your information, the following is the contact information for the regional state child welfare agencies (DHS, 2024a):

Southeast Region:

  • Office of Children, Youth, and Families
  • 801 Market Street, 6th Floor
  • Philadelphia, PA 19107
  • (215) 560-2249
  • Counties Served: Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia

Western Region:

  • Office of Children, Youth, and Families
  • 11 Stanwix Street, Room 260
  • Pittsburgh, PA 15222
  • (412) 565-5728
  • Counties Served: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Forest, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Potter, Venango, Warren, Washington, and Westmoreland

Northeast Region:

  • Office of Children, Youth, and Families
  • Scranton State Office Building
  • 100 Lackawanna Avenue, 3rd Floor
  • Scranton, PA 18503
  • (570) 963-4376
  • Counties Served: Bradford, Carbon, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Luzerne, Monroe, Northampton, Pike, Schuylkill, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Wayne, and Wyoming

Central Region:

  • Office of Children, Youth, and Families
  • Hilltop Building
  • 3 Ginko Drive, 2nd Floor
  • Harrisburg, PA 17110
  • (717) 772-7702
  • Counties Served: Adams, Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, Somerset, Union, and York

Child Protective Services vs. General Protective Services

County children and youth agencies have two main functions in Pennsylvania, child protective services and general protective services. Let’s define the two.

Child Protective Services (CPS): Services and activities that are provided for concerns of child abuse. Cases that are identified as “CPS” require a thorough investigation because the alleged act or failure to act meets the Pennsylvania CPSL definition of child abuse. The Pennsylvania CPSL recognizes 10 separate categories of child abuse (DHS, 2024b):

  1. Causing bodily injury to a child through any recent act or failure to act
  2. Fabricating, feigning or intentionally exaggerating or inducing a medical symptom or disease which results in a potentially harmful medical evaluation or treatment to the child through any recent act
  3. Causing or substantially contributing to serious mental injury to a child through any act or failure to act or a series of such acts or failures to act
  4. Causing sexual abuse or exploitation of a child through any act or failure to act
  5. Creating a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to a child through any recent act or failure to act
  6. Creating a likelihood of sexual abuse or exploitation of a child through any recent act or failure to act
  7. Causing serious physical neglect of a child
  8. Engaging in a specific recent “per se” act
  9. Causing the death of the child through any act or failure to act
  10. Engaging a child in a severe form of trafficking in persons or sex trafficking

Ways to identify abuse and the reporting processes are discussed later in this course.

General Protective Services (GPS): Services and activities, provided by each county agency for cases requiring protective services as defined by DHS in regulations that are related to the safety of children, including, but not limited to, inadequate housing, clothing, and supervision (DHS, 2024b). Cases identified as “GPS” require an assessment for services and support (DHS, 2024b). In these cases, the alleged act or failure to act may not meet the definition of child abuse but it is still detrimental to the child (DHS, 2024b). The primary purpose of GPS is to protect the rights and welfare of children so that they have the best opportunities for healthy growth and development (DHS, 2024b).

Examples of GPS cases, or services to prevent the potential for harm to a child who meets one of the following conditions, include (DHS, 2024b):

  • The child is without proper parental care or control, subsistence, education as required by law, or other care or control necessary for their physical, mental, or emotional health, or morals
  • The child has been placed for care or adoption in violation of law
  • The child has been abandoned by their parents, guardian, or other custodian
  • The child is without a parent, guardian, or legal custodian
  • The child is habitually and without justification truant from school while subject to compulsory school attendance
  • The child has committed a specific act of habitual disobedience of the reasonable and lawful commands of their parent, guardian, or other custodian and who is ungovernable and found to be in need of care, treatment, or supervision
  • The child is under 10 years of age and has committed a delinquent act
  • The child has been formerly adjudicated dependent under section 6341 of the Juvenile Act (relating to adjudication) and is under the jurisdiction of the court, subject to its conditions or placements, and who commits an act which is defined as ungovernable
  • The child has been referred under section 6323 of the Juvenile Act (relating to informal adjustment) and who commits an act which is defined as ungovernable

For additional information and clarification of the role of GPS, take a look at the following resources directly from Pennsylvania Statue:



The Pennsylvania CPSL emphasizes three main components of child abuse (DHS, 2024b):

  1. Child
  2. Recent act or failure to act; Act or failure to act
  3. Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly

The following are legal definitions of the above components, as per Pennsylvania Statute Title 23 Pa.C.S. Domestic Relations § 6303, that are important to understand in order to identify child abuse (DHS, 2024b; FindLaw, 2022):

Child: An individual under 18 years of age.

Act or failure to act; Recent act; Recent act or failure to act; or A series of acts or failures to act:

  • Act: Something that is done to harm or cause potential harm to a child
  • Failure to act: Something that is NOT done to prevent harm or potential harm to a child
  • Recent act: Any act committed within two (2) years of the date of the report to DHS or county agency
  • Recent act or failure to act: Any act or failure to act committed within two (2) years of the date of the report to DHS or county agency

Intentionally: This is an action done with the direct purpose of causing the type of harm that resulted.

Knowingly: An action done with awareness that harm is practically certain to result.

Recklessly: This is a conscious disregard of substantial and unjustifiable risk.

The definition of “perpetrator” is used to determine if the case is child abuse. As a Mandated Reporter, you should report any situation that is not clear to you. If the abuser does not meet the definition of perpetrator, the case will be referred to the appropriate agency or services by the designated child welfare agency.

Perpetrator of Child Abuse:

  • Child's parent
  • Spouse or former spouse of the child’s parent
  • Paramour or former paramour of the child’s parent
  • A person 14 years of age or older responsible for the child’s welfare or having direct contact with children as an employee of child-care services, a school, or through a program, activity, or service
  • An individual residing in the same home as the child who is at least 14 years of age
  • Relative who is 18 years of age or older who does not reside in the same home as the child, but is related within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity by birth or adoption to the child
  • An individual 18 years of age or older who engages a child in severe forms of trafficking in persons or sex trafficking, as those terms are defined under section 103 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (114 Stat. 1466, 22 U.S.C. § 7102)

Perpetrator of Child Abuse for Failure to Act:

  • Child's parent
  • Spouse or former spouse of the child’s parent
  • Paramour or former paramour of the child’s parent
  • Person 18 years of age or older who is responsible for the child's welfare or who resides in the same home as the child (including school employees)

Please note: There is nothing under the Pennsylvania law that requires a person who has reasonable cause to suspect a child is a victim of abuse to identify the person responsible in order to make a report of suspected child abuse.

The following are additional legal definitions, as per Pennsylvania Statute Title 23 Pa.C.S. Domestic Relations § 6303, that are important to understand as we review indications for reporting and the Mandated Reporter process (DHS, 2024b; FindLaw, 2022):

School Employee: An individual who is employed by a school or who provides a program, activity, or service sponsored by a school. The term excludes an individual who has no direct contact with children.

If the alleged perpetrator is a school employee or childcare service employee, the administrator or employer will receive notice of a pending allegation and the final status of the report following the investigation as to whether the report is indicated, founded or unfounded. If the perpetrator is a school employee, the notice of the final status of the report shall be sent to the Department of Education within 10 days of the completion of the investigation.

Child Abuse means intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly doing any of the following:

  • Causing bodily injury to a child through any recent act or failure to act
  • Fabricating, feigning or intentionally exaggerating or inducing a medical symptom or disease which results in a potentially harmful medical evaluation or treatment to the child through any recent act
  • Causing or substantially contributing to serious mental injury to a child through any act or failure to act or a series of such acts or failures to act
  • Causing sexual abuse or exploitation of a child through any act or failure to act
  • Creating a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to a child through any recent act or failure to act
  • Creating a likelihood of sexual abuse or exploitation of a child through any recent act or failure to act
  • Causing serious physical neglect of a child
  • Causing the death of the child through any act or failure to act
  • Engaging in any of the following recent “per se” acts:
    • Kicking, biting, throwing, burning, stabbing, or cutting a child in a manner that endangers the child
    • Unreasonably restraining or confining a child, based on consideration of the method, location, or the duration of the restraint or confinement. Forcefully shaking a child under one year of age
    • Forcefully slapping or otherwise striking a child under one year of age
    • Interfering with the breathing of a child
    • Causing a child to be present at a location while a violation of 18 Pa.C.S. § 7508.2 (relating to the operation of methamphetamine laboratory) is occurring, provided that the violation is being investigated by law enforcement
    • Leaving a child unsupervised with an individual, other than the child's parent, who the actor knows or reasonably should have known:
      • Is required to register as a Tier II or Tier III sexual offender under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 97 Subch. H, where the victim of the sexual offense was under 18 years of age when the crime was committed
      • Has been determined to be a sexually violent predator under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9799.24 (relating to assessments) or any of its predecessors
      • Has been determined to be a sexually violent delinquent child as defined in 42 Pa.C.S. § 9799.12 (relating to definitions)
      • Has been determined to be a sexually violent predator under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9799.58 (relating to assessments) or has to register for life under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9799.55(b) (relating to registration)
  • Causing the death of the child through any act or failure to act
  • Engaging a child in a severe form of trafficking in persons or sex trafficking, as those terms are defined under section 103 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000

Note: Definitions (23 Pa.C.S. § 6303): General rule -- The following words and phrases, when used in the PA CPSL, shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Bodily Injury: Impairment of physical condition or substantial pain.

Impairment is defined as the child’s temporary or permanent loss of the ability to function in any way due to the injury.

Substantial pain is defined as pain that a child is subjected to that a reasonable person would consider to be substantial pain.

Bodily Injury: Indicators of bodily injury include:

  • Fear of going home
  • Fear of a parent or caregiver
  • Extreme apprehensiveness/vigilance
  • Pronounced aggression or passivity
  • Flinches easily or avoids being touched
  • Play includes abusive language or behaviors
  • Unexplained injuries
  • Unbelievable or inconsistent explanation of injuries
  • Multiple bruises in various stages of healing
  • Injuries inconsistent with a child’s age or developmental level
  • Unable to recall how injuries occurred, or account of injuries is inconsistent with the nature of the injuries
  • Bruises located on face, ears, neck, buttocks, back, chest, thighs, back of legs, and genitalia
  • Bruises that resemble objects such as a hand, fist, belt buckle, or rope
  • Burns

Serious Bodily Injury: Bodily injury, which creates a substantial risk of death, or which causes serious permanent disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.

Serious Mental Injury: A psychological condition, as diagnosed by a physician or licensed psychologist, including the refusal of appropriate treatment, that:

  • Renders a child chronically and severely anxious, agitated, depressed, socially withdrawn, psychotic or in reasonable fear that the child's life or safety is threatened; or
  • Seriously interferes with a child's ability to accomplish age-appropriate developmental and social tasks
  • Indicators of Serious Mental Injury include:
    • Expressing feelings of inadequacy
    • Fearful of trying new things
    • Overly compliant
    • Poor peer relationships
    • Excessive dependence on adults
    • Habit disorders (sucking, rocking, etc.)
    • Eating disorders
    • Frequent psychosomatic complaints (nausea, stomachache, headache, etc.)
    • Bed-wetting
    • Self-harm
    • Speech disorders

Note: Definitions (23 Pa.C.S. § 6303): General rule -- The following words and phrases, when used in the PA CPSL, shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Serious Physical Neglect: Any of the following when committed by a perpetrator that endangers a child's life or health, threatens a child's well-being, causes bodily injury, or impairs a child's health, development or functioning:

  • A repeated, prolonged, or egregious failure to supervise a child in a manner that is appropriate considering the child's developmental age and abilities
  • The failure to provide a child with adequate essentials of life, including food, shelter, or medical care
  • Indicators of Serious Physical Neglect include:
    • Not registered in school
    • Inadequate or inappropriate supervision
    • Poor impulse control
    • Frequently fatigued
    • Parentified behaviors
    • Lack of adequate medical and dental care
    • Hungry frequently
    • Lack of shelter
    • Weight is significantly lower than normal for age and gender
    • Developmental delays
    • Persistent (untreated) conditions (e.g. head lice, diaper rash)
    • Exposure to hazards (e.g. illegal drugs, rodent/insect infestation, mold)
    • Clothing that is dirty, inappropriate for the weather, or too big or too small

Note: Definitions (23 Pa.C.S. § 6303): General rule -- The following words and phrases, when used in the PA CPSL, shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Sexual Abuse or Exploitation: This is defined as any of the following:

  • The employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of a child to engage in or assist another individual to engage in sexually explicit conduct, which includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    • Looking at the sexual or other intimate parts of a child or another individual for the purpose of arousing or gratifying sexual desire in any individual
    • Participating in sexually explicit conversation either in person, by telephone, by computer, or by a computer-aided device for the purpose of sexual stimulation or gratification of any individual
    • Actual or simulated sexual activity or nudity for the purpose of sexual stimulation or gratification of any individual
    • Actual or simulated sexual activity for the purpose of producing visual depiction, including photographing, videotaping, computer depicting, or filming
  • Any of the following offenses committed against a child:
    • Rape as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3121
    • Statutory sexual assault as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3122.1
    • Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3123
    • Sexual assault as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3124.1
    • Institutional sexual assault as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3124.2
    • Aggravated indecent assault as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3125
    • Indecent assault as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3126
    • Indecent exposure as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3127
    • Incest as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 4302
    • Prostitution as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 5902
    • Sexual abuse as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 6312
    • Unlawful contact with a minor as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 6318
    • Sexual exploitation of children as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 6320

*This paragraph does not include consensual activities between a child who is 14 years of age or older and another person who is 14 years of age or older and whose age is within four years of the child's age.

Department is the Department of Human Services of the Commonwealth (Pennsylvania Code, 2024a).

Exclusions From Child Abuse

The term “child abuse” does not include any conduct for which an exclusion is provided in section 6304 of the Pennsylvania CPSL. Nothing in the Pennsylvania CPSL requires a person who has reasonable cause to suspect a child is a victim of child abuse to consider the exclusions from child abuse before making a report of suspected child abuse. These exclusions are considered and determined by DHS or the investigating agency after receipt of a referral or report (DHS, 2024b). The following definitions are also provided by Pennsylvania law as exclusions from child abuse (DHS, 2024b):

Restatement of Culpability: Conduct that causes injury or harm to a child or creates a risk of injury or harm to a child shall not be considered child abuse if there is no evidence that the person acted intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly (as defined above), when causing the injury or harm to the child or creating a risk of injury or harm to the child.

Environmental Factors: No child shall be deemed to be physically or mentally abused based on injuries that result solely from environmental factors, such as inadequate housing, furnishings, income, clothing and medical care, that are beyond the control of the parent or person responsible for the child's welfare with whom the child resides. This exclusion shall not apply to any childcare service, as defined under section 6303(a) of the PA CPSL, excluding an adoptive parent.

Practice of Religious Beliefs: If, upon investigation, the county agency determines that a child has not been provided needed medical or surgical care because of sincerely held religious beliefs of the child's parents or relative within the third degree of consanguinity and with whom the child resides, which beliefs are consistent with those of a bona fide religion, the child shall not be deemed to be physically or mentally abused. In such cases, the following shall apply (DHS, 2024b):

  • The county agency shall closely monitor the child and the family and shall seek court-ordered medical intervention when the lack of medical or surgical care threatens the child’s life or long-term health and wellbeing.
  • All correspondence with a subject of the report and the records of DHS and the county agency shall not mention child abuse and shall acknowledge the part religion played in relation to the child’s current condition.
  • The child’s family should be referred for GPS, if appropriate.
  • This exclusion shall not apply if the failure to provide needed medical or surgical care causes the death of the child.
  • This exclusion shall not apply to any childcare service as defined under section 6303(a) of the PA CPSL (relating to definitions), excluding an adoptive parent.

Use of Force for Supervision, Control, and Safety Purposes: Subject to subsection (d) (relating to rights of parents), the use of reasonable force on or against a child by the child's own parent or person responsible for the child's welfare shall not be considered child abuse if any of the following conditions apply:

  • The use of reasonable force constitutes incidental, minor, or reasonable physical contact with the child or other actions that are designed to maintain order and control
  • The use of reasonable force is necessary:
    • To quell a disturbance or remove the child from the scene of a disturbance that threatens physical injury to persons or damage to property
    • To prevent the child from self-inflicted physical harm
    • For self-defense or the defense of another individual
    • To obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects or controlled substances or paraphernalia that are on the child or within the control of the child

Rights of Parents: Nothing in the PA CPSL shall be construed to restrict the generally recognized existing rights of parents to use reasonable force on or against their children for the purposes of supervision, control, and discipline of their children. Such reasonable force shall not constitute child abuse.

Participation in Events that Involve Physical Contact with the Child: An individual participating in a practice or competition in an interscholastic sport, physical education, a recreational activity, or an extracurricular activity that involves physical contact with a child does not, in itself, constitute contact that is subject to the reporting requirements of the PA CPSL.

Child-on-Child Contact: Harm or injury to a child that results from the act of another child shall not constitute child abuse unless the child who caused the harm or injury is a perpetrator.

Not withstanding the above, the following shall apply:

Acts constituting any of the following crimes against a child shall be subject to the reporting requirements of the PA CPSL:

  1. Rape as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3121
  2. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3123
  3. Sexual assault as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3124.1
  4. Aggravated indecent assault as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3125
  5. Indecent assault as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3126
  6. Indecent exposure as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3127

No child shall be deemed to be a perpetrator of child abuse based solely on physical or mental injuries caused to another child in the course of a dispute, fight, or scuffle entered into by mutual consent.

A law enforcement official who receives a report of suspected child abuse is not required to make a report to DHS under section 6334(a) (relating to disposition of complaints received) if the person allegedly responsible for the child abuse is a non-perpetrator child.

Defensive Force: Reasonable force for self-defense or the defense of another individual consistent with the provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. §§ 505 (relating to use of force in self-protection) and 506 (relating to use of force for the protection of other persons) shall not be considered child abuse.

Exclusions are used when evaluating a case in order to substantiate the report. However, a Mandated Reporter's responsibility is to report suspected abuse. If the Mandated Reporter is unsure, a report should be filed. The designated child welfare agency will investigate and determine that child abuse did not occur if the case meets the exclusion criteria.

Severe Forms of Trafficking in Persons

According to Act 115 of 2016, the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statute Domestic Relations Code 23 and Judicial Code 42 provides for additional grounds for involuntary termination of parental rights, providing for an additional ground for aggravated circumstances, allowing for the release of information in confidential reports to law enforcement when investigating cases of severe forms of trafficking in persons or sex trafficking, adding a category of child abuse to include engaging a child in a severe form of trafficking in persons or sex trafficking (PA General Assembly, 2016).

Severe Forms of Trafficking in Persons: Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; OR, The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a child for labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.

  • Peonage: Paying off debt through work
  • Debt Bondage: Debt slavery, bonded labor, or services for a debt or other obligation
  • Slavery: A condition compared to that of a slave in respect of exhausting labor or restricted freedom

Under federal law, sex trafficking (such as prostitution, pornography, exotic dancing, etc.) does not require there be force, fraud, or coercion if the victim is under 18 (DHS, 2024b).

Sex Trafficking: The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.

Commercial Sex Act: Any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person (DHS, 2024b).

Discussion & Examples of Labor Trafficking

Labor Trafficking: Labor obtained by the use of threat of serious harm, physical restraint, or abuse of legal process (DHS, 2024b).

Examples: Being forced to work for little or no pay (frequently in factories or farms); domestic servitude (providing services within a household from 10-16 hours per day such as but not limited to: childcare, cooking, cleaning, yard work, gardening) (DHS, 2024b).

At-Risk Youth Populations for Human Trafficking

The following youth populations are those who are most at risk for being victims of human trafficking (DHS, 2024b):

  • Youth in the foster care system
  • Youth who identify as LGBTQIA+
  • Youth who are homeless or a runaway
  • Youth with disabilities
  • Youth with mental health or substance abuse disorders
  • Youth with a history of sexual abuse
  • Youth with a history of being involved in the welfare system
  • Youth who identify as native or aboriginal
  • Youth with family dysfunction

Victim Identification & Warning Signs

Victim identification or warning signs for youth who might be involved in the commercial sex act industry include the following, but are not limited to (DHS, 2024b):

  • A youth that has been verified to be under 18 and is in any way involved in the commercial sex industry, or has a record of prior arrest for prostitution or related charges
  • Has an explicitly sexual online profile
  • Excessively frequents internet chat rooms and classified sites
  • Is found in a hotel, street track, truck stop, or strip club
  • Lies about or has no identification or knowledge of personal data, such as but not limited to age, name, and/or date of birth
  • Does not have insurance or control over their finances
  • Wears new clothes, gets hair and nails done without financial means
  • Has multiple cells phones or very expensive items that they have no way of purchasing on their own
  • Has unaddressed medical issues
  • Goes to the clinic or ER with an unrelated adult
  • Avoids answering questions and lets someone else speak for them
  • Has a tattoo that they are reluctant to explain
  • Uses terms like “trick”, “the life”, or “the game”
  • Has multiple bruises or cuts in various stage of healing
  • Depicts elements of sexual exploitation in drawing poetry, or other modes of creative expression
  • Frequent or multiple sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancies
  • Wearing sexually provocative clothing
  • Wears clothing that is dirty and inappropriate for the weather; it may be too large or too small
  • Secrecy about whereabouts
  • Having late nights or unusual hours
  • Being in a controlling or dominating relationship
  • Exhibit hyper-vigilance or paranoid behaviors
  • Expresses interest in or is in relationships with adults or much older men/women
  • Has significant change in behavior, including increased social media and new associates or friends at school
  • Has unexplained injuries and/or unbelievable or inconsistent explanations of injuries

Provisions & Responsibilities for Reporting Suspected Child Abuse

Any person may make an oral/verbal (1-800-932-0313) or written report of suspected child abuse, which may be submitted electronically, or cause a report of suspected child abuse to be made to DHS, county agency, or law enforcement, if that person has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child abuse (23 Pa.C.S. § 6312) (DHS, 2024b). Anyone (Permissive Reporter) may report suspected abuse at any time and are encouraged to do so (PA General Assembly, n.d.).

Mandated Reporters

Mandated Reporters are persons required to report suspected child abuse.

The following adults shall make a report of suspected child abuse, subject to subsection (b) (relating to basis to report), if the person has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child abuse (23 Pa.C.S. § 6311) (PA General Assembly, n.d.):

  • A person licensed or certified to practice in any health-related field under the jurisdiction of the Department of State
  • A medical examiner, coroner, or funeral director
  • An employee of a health care facility or provider licensed by the Department of Health who is engaged in the admission, examination, care, or treatment of individuals
  • A school employee
  • An employee of a childcare service who has direct contact with children in the course of employment
  • A clergyman, priest, rabbi, minister, Christian Science practitioner, religious healer or spiritual leader of any regularly established church or other religious organization
  • An individual paid or unpaid, who – on the basis of the individual’s role as an integral part of a regularly scheduled program, activity, or service – is a person responsible for the child’s welfare or has direct contact with children
  • An employee of a social services agency who has direct contact with children in the course of employment
  • A peace officer or law enforcement official
  • An emergency medical services provider certified by the Department of Health
  • An employee of a public library who has direct contact with children in the course of employment
  • An individual supervised or managed by a person listed above, who has direct contact with children in the course of employment
  • An independent contractor who has direct contact with children
  • An attorney if he/she is affiliated with an agency, institution, organization, or other entity, including a school or regularly established religious organization that is responsible for the care, supervision, guidance or control of children
  • A foster parent
  • An adult family member who is a person responsible for the child’s welfare and provides services to a child in a family living home, community home for individuals with an intellectual disability, or host home for children which are subject to supervision or licensure by DHS under Articles IX and X of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21) known as the Human Services Code (formerly the Public Welfare Code)

Health Care Provider Reporting:

Health Care Provider is a licensed hospital or health facility or person who is licensed, certified or otherwise regulated to provide health services under the laws of Pennsylvania, including a physician, podiatrist, optometrist, psychologist, physical therapist, certified nurse practitioner, registered nurse, nurse midwife, physician's assistant, chiropractor, dentist, pharmacist, or an individual accredited or certified to provide behavioral health services (Pennsylvania Code, 2024a).

A health care provider must immediately notify DHS if they are involved in the delivery or care of a child under one year of age and they have determined, based on standards of professional practice, that the child was born affected by:

  • Substance use;
  • Withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure; or
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

This notification to DHS can be made to ChildLine electronically through the Child Welfare Portal or by calling 1-800-932-0313. This notification is for the purpose of assessing a child and the child’s family for a Plan of Safe Care and shall not constitute a child abuse report.

After this notification of a child born affected by substance use or withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure or a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is given (DHS, 2024b):

  • A multidisciplinary team meeting must be held prior to the child's discharge from the health care facility.
  • The meeting will inform an assessment of the needs of the child and the child’s parents and immediate caregivers to determine the most appropriate lead agency for developing, implementing, and monitoring a Plan of Safe Care.
  • The child's parents and immediate caregivers must be engaged to identify the need for access to treatment for any substance use disorder or other physical or behavioral health condition that may impact the safety, early childhood development, and well-being of the child.
  • Depending upon the needs of the child and parent(s)/caregiver(s), ongoing involvement of the county agency may not be required.

For the purpose of informing the Plan of Safe Care, the “multidisciplinary team” may include public health agencies, maternal and child health agencies, home visitation programs, substance use disorder prevention and treatment providers, mental health providers, public and private children and youth agencies, early intervention and developmental services, courts, local education agencies, managed care organizations and private insurers, and hospitals and medical providers (DHS, 2024b).

Privileged/Confidential Communications (PA General Assembly, n.d.; DHS, 2024b): Many Mandated Reporters feel there is a conflict between their legal obligation to report and their legal obligation to maintain client or patient confidentiality. Subject to 23 PA.C.S. section 6311.1 subsection (b) (relating to confidential communications) below, the privileged communications does not apply to a situation involving child abuse. Additionally, privileged communication between a Mandated Reporter and a client does not relieve the Mandated Reporter of the duty to make a report of suspected child abuse.

Exceptions are (PA General Assembly, n.d.):

  • Confidential communications made to a member of the clergy are protected under 42 PA.C.S § 5943
  • Confidential communications made to an attorney are protected so long as they are within the scope of 42 PA.C.S. §§ 5916 (relating to confidential communications to attorney) and 5928 (relating to confidential communications to attorney), the attorney work product doctrine or the rules of professional conduct for attorneys.

Reporting Process

If a child is in immediate danger, call 911.

The Mandated Reporter is required to report even if their knowledge is incomplete. The role of the Mandated Reporter is to assess for reasonable cause to suspect abuse. The Mandated Reporter identifies reasonable cause and leaves the investigation to specially trained workers in the designated child welfare agency (PA General Assembly, n.d.).

The Mandated Reporter does not (PA General Assembly, n.d.):

  • Investigate
  • Interrogate
  • Determine the perpetrator and their relationship to the child

When talking with children to establish reasonable cause, find a private place, and remain calm. Be honest, open, and upfront with the child. Be supportive. Listen to the child and stress that it's not the child's fault. Do not overreact, make judgments, make promises, nor interrogate or investigate.

There is no legal requirement to inform the parent or other persons legally responsible for the child’s care that you are making a report to ChildLine (PA General Assembly, n.d.). In fact, informing the parents of the report may place the child at risk of harm. Do not assume that the parent will support the child.

In the case of suspected sexual abuse, avoid talking in detail with the child about the incident. There are special guidelines that apply to the case of suspected sexual abuse. Usually, the designated child welfare agency and law enforcement work together to interview the child at the same time using specially trained professionals (PA General Assembly, n.d.).

Reasonable cause to suspect may be a determination you make based on your training/experience and all known circumstances – to include “who”, “what”, “when”, and “how”, observations (e.g., indicators of abuse or "red flags", behavior/demeanor of the child(ren), behavior/demeanor of the adult(s), etc.), as well as familiarity with the individuals (e.g., family situation and relevant history or similar prior incidents, etc.) Some indicators may be more apparent than others depending on the type of abuse and/or depending on the child's health, developmental level, and well-being. For example, some indicators may be visible on the child's body while other indicators may be present in the child's behaviors (DHS, 2024b). If there is reasonable cause to suspect the child is being abused or maltreated, you must call ChildLine immediately (DHS, 2024b).

The individuals listed above are the Mandated Reporters for the state of Pennsylvania (DHS, 2024b). A Mandated Reporter shall immediately make an oral/verbal report of suspected child abuse to DHS via the Statewide toll-free telephone number under section 6332 (relating to establishment of Statewide toll-free telephone number) (1-800-932-0313) or a written report using electronic technologies under section 6305 (relating to electronic reporting) (via the self-service line here.

Mandated Reporters are required to make a report of suspected child abuse in accordance with section 6313 (relating to reporting procedure) if the Mandated Reporter has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child abuse under any of the following circumstances (DHS, 2024b; PA General Assembly, n.d.):

  • They come into contact with the child in the course of employment, occupation, and practice of a profession or through a regularly scheduled program, activity, or service.
  • They are directly responsible for the care, supervision, guidance, or training of the child, or are affiliated with an agency, institution, organization, school, regularly established church or religious organization or other entity that is directly responsible for the care, supervision, guidance, or training of the child.
  • A person makes a specific disclosure to the Mandated Reporter that an identifiable child is the victim of child abuse.
  • An individual 14 years of age or older makes a specific disclosure to the Mandated Reporter that the individual has committed child abuse.

Nothing in section 6311 of the PA CPSL (relating to persons required to report suspected child abuse) shall require a child to come before the Mandated Reporter in order to make a report of suspected child abuse (DHS, 2024b).

Nothing in section 6311 of the PA CPSL (relating to persons required to report suspected child abuse) shall require the Mandated Reporter to identify the person responsible for the child abuse in order to make a report of suspected child abuse.

  • Crimes committed against the child should be reported directly to law enforcement. If you are uncertain if the incidence is criminal, you can contact the designated child welfare agency anyway. If the child is in imminent danger, contact law enforcement immediately.

Whenever a person is required to report under subsection (b) (relating to basis to report) in the capacity as a member of the staff of a medical or other public or private institution, school, facility, or agency, that person shall report immediately in accordance with section 6313 (relating to reporting procedure) and shall immediately thereafter notify the person in charge of the institution, school, facility, or agency or the designated agent of the person in charge. Upon notification, the person in charge or the designated agent, if any, shall facilitate the cooperation of the institution, school, facility, or agency with the investigation of the report. Any intimidation, retaliation, or obstruction in the investigation of the report is subject to the provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4958 (relating to intimidation, retaliation, or obstruction in child abuse cases).

The PA CPSL does not require more than one report from any such institution, school, facility, or agency, but the report should include the names and contact information of everyone who has knowledge of the situation (DHS, 2024b).

Reports of child abuse may be reported to ChildLine electronically if the situation does not require an emergency response. Mandated Reporters can report electronically here.

Establishment of Statewide toll-free telephone number (23 Pa.C.S. § 6332): The Statewide toll-free telephone number is available for all persons, whether mandated by law or not, to use to report cases of suspected child abuse or children allegedly in need of general protective services. You should call the Child Abuse Hotline, ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313 in the following situations:

  • You do not know the county where the incident occurred
  • The suspected abuse and/or neglect you are reporting occurred outside the state of Pennsylvania
  • You are unsure if the child is at imminent risk of harm
  • You have more than eight alleged perpetrators and/or the child has a list of extensive injuries
  • You are unable to provide a Pennsylvania address for any person on the report

This toll-free hotline number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

A Mandated Reporter making an oral/verbal report of suspected child abuse to the DHS via the Statewide toll-free telephone number under section 6332 (relating to establishment of Statewide toll-free telephone number) shall also make a written report (CY-47), which may be submitted electronically, within 48 hours to DHS or county agency assigned to the case in a manner and format prescribed by DHS.

This form can be obtained here at the top of the page. A direct download link is available here.

You can also obtain a copy from the county Children and Youth Services Agency.

The failure of the Mandated Reporter to file the written report (CY-47) shall not relieve the county agency from any duty under the PA CPSL, and the county agency shall proceed as though the Mandated Reporter complied.

If a report is made electronically, no form CY-47 is required to be completed.

Be prepared to articulate your concerns in a clear and concise manner when you call ChildLine. The following is a list of information that the Mandated Reporter is asked to provide in the written report if it is known (DHS, 2024b):

  • The names and addresses of the child, the child's parents, and any other person responsible for the child's welfare
  • Where the suspected abuse occurred
  • The age and sex of each subject of the report
  • The nature and extent of the suspected child abuse, including any evidence of prior abuse to the child or any sibling of the child
  • The name and relationship of each individual responsible for causing the suspected abuse and any evidence of prior abuse by each individual
  • Family composition
  • The source of the report
  • The name, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person making the report
  • The actions taken by the person making the report, including those actions:
    • Relating to photographs, medical tests, and X-rays of child subject to report (taken under section 6314)
    • Relating to taking child into protective care (section 6315)
    • Relating to admission to private and public hospitals (section 6316)
    • Relating to mandated reporting and postmortem investigation of deaths (section 6317)
  • Any other information required by Federal law or regulation
  • Any other information that the Department of Human Services requires by regulation

It is important to note here that the specific type of abuse is not required to be identified when making a report of suspected child abuse (DHS, 2024b). Permissible under Pennsylvania law, an individual who suspects possible child abuse may request photograph, a radiologic examination, and/or other medical testing of the child, depending on what is clinically indicated (Pennsylvania Code, 2024b). In the event that any of this takes place, it should accompany the report. All of the aforementioned images or medical summaries should be submitted with the written report or sent within 48 hours after the report is made electronically (Pennsylvania Code, 2024b).

Regarding confidentiality of reports (23 Pa.C.S. § 6339), except as otherwise provided in subchapter C of the PA CPSL (relating to powers and duties of department) or by the Pennsylvania Rules of Juvenile Court Procedure, reports made pursuant to the PA CPSL, including, but not limited to, report summaries of child abuse and reports made pursuant to section 6313 (relating to reporting procedure) as well as any other information obtained, reports written, or photographs or X-rays taken concerning alleged instances of child abuse in the possession of DHS or a county agency shall be confidential (DHS, 2024b).

The law requires that Mandated Reporters identify themselves and where they can be reached (DHS, 2024b). This information is helpful if the caseworker needs additional information. However, the identity of the person making the report is kept confidential, apart from being released to law enforcement officials or the district attorney's office (DHS, 2024b).

Release of Information in Confidential Reports (23 Pa.C.S. § 6340): Except for reports under section 6340(a)(9) and (10) of the PA CPSL and in response to a law enforcement official investigating allegations of false reports under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4906.1 (relating to false reports of child abuse), the release of data by DHS, county, institution, school, facility, or agency or designated agent of the person in charge that would identify the person who made a report of suspected child abuse or who cooperated in a subsequent investigation is prohibited. Law enforcement officials shall treat all reporting sources as confidential informants.

A Mandated Reporter who makes a report of suspected child abuse or who makes a report of a crime against a child to law enforcement officials shall not be in violation of the act of July 9, 1976 (P.L.817, No.143), known as the Mental Health Procedures Act, by releasing information necessary to complete the report (DHS, 2024b).

Mandated Reporting and Postmortem Investigation of Deaths (PA General Assembly, n.d.; DHS, 2024c): A person or official required to report cases of suspected child abuse, including employees of a county agency, who has reasonable cause to suspect that a child died as a result of child abuse shall report that suspicion to the appropriate coroner or medical examiner. The coroner or medical examiner shall accept the report for investigation and shall report his findings to the police, the district attorney, the appropriate county agency, and, if the report is made by a hospital, the hospital (DHS, 2024c).

If your agency or organization is an institution, facility, or agency which cares for children and is subject to supervision by PA DHS under Article IX of the Human Services (formerly Public Welfare) Code, make sure to look into your employer’s internal policies related to reporting suspected child abuse.

Actions After a Case is Reported

When a county agency or law enforcement receives a report or referral, they first ensure the safety of the child and any other children in the same home (DHS, 2024b). Next, they must notify DHS (DHS, 2024b).

According to 23 Pa.C.S. § 6334 (Disposition of Complaint Received) and 23 Pa.C.S. § 6334.1 (Responsibility for Investigation), when DHS/ChildLine receives a referral/report, DHS/ChildLine will immediately evaluate and transmit the information to the appropriate agency for assessment or investigation.

Referral to county agency (CPS) – If the suspected child abuse is alleged to have been committed by a perpetrator, DHS/ChildLine will transmit the information to the county agency where the suspected child abuse is alleged to have occurred for investigation of the allegation(s).

Referral to county agency and law enforcement officials (LEO) – If the suspected child abuse is alleged to have been committed by a perpetrator and the behavior constituting the suspected child abuse may include a violation of a criminal offense, DHS/ChildLine will transmit the information to the appropriate law enforcement official in the county where the suspected child abuse is alleged to have occurred for a joint investigation of the allegation(s).

Referral to law enforcement officials only (LEO) – If the person suspected of committing child abuse is not a perpetrator but the behavior constituting the suspected child abuse may include a violation of a criminal offense, DHS/ChildLine will transmit the information to the appropriate law enforcement official in the county where the suspected child abuse is alleged to have occurred for investigation of the allegation(s).

Referral to county agency (GPS) – If the referral/report does not suggest the child is in need of protective services but suggests the child is in need of other services, DHS/ChildLine will transmit the information to the appropriate county agency for assessment of the needs of the child. (DHS, 2024b).

The local county Children and Youth Services Agency also arranges for or provides the services that are needed to prevent the further maltreatment of the child and to preserve the family unit (DHS, 2024c). Services that are available include (DHS, 2024c):

  • Counseling
  • Classes to strengthen parenting skills
  • Self-help groups
  • Emergency medical services

The county Children and Youth Services Agency must begin an investigation of child abuse within 24 hours (DHS, 2024b). A thorough inquiry is conducted to determine if the child was abused and what services are appropriate for the child and family. This must be completed within 30 days unless the agency provides justification as to why the investigation cannot be completed, including attempts being made to obtain medical records or interview subjects of the report (DHS, 2024b; DHS, 2024c).

Confirmation of Reports (Electronic reporting: 23 Pa.C.S. § 6305; Investigation of reports 23 Pa.C.S. § 6368): A confirmation by DHS of the receipt of a report of suspected child abuse submitted electronically shall relieve the person making the report of making an additional oral/verbal or written report of suspected child abuse, subject to section 6313 (relating to reporting procedure).

If a report was made by a Mandated Reporter, DHS is required to notify that Mandated Reporter who made the report of suspected child abuse of whether the child abuse report was determined to be founded, indicated or unfounded as well as what services, if any, are being provided arranged for, or to be provided by the county agency to protect the child (DHS, 2024b). This notification by DHS must be made within three business days of DHS’s receipt of the results of the investigation (DHS, 2024b).

Protection for Reporters

Mandated Reporters are immune from any criminal or civil liability if the report was made in good faith (DHS, 2024b). Good faith” for the Mandated Reporter is presumed. This means if someone accuses you of making a false report that they have to prove you acted with gross negligence or willful misconduct (, 2024).

Immunity from Liability (23 Pa.C.S. § 6318):

  • General rule – A person, hospital, institution, school, facility, agency, or agency employee acting in good faith shall have immunity from civil and criminal liability that might otherwise result from any of the following:
    • Making a report of suspected child abuse or making a referral for general protective services, regardless of whether the report is required to be made under the PA CPSL.
    • Cooperating or consulting with an investigation under the PA CPSL, including providing information to a child fatality or near-fatality review team.
    • Testifying in a proceeding arising out of an instance of suspected child abuse or general protective services.
    • Engaging in any action authorized under 23 Pa.C.S. § 6314 (relating to photographs, medical tests and X-rays of child subject to report), § 6315 (relating to taking child into protective custody), § 6316 (relating to admission to private and public hospitals), or § 6317 (relating to mandatory reporting and postmortem investigation of deaths).
  • Departmental and county agency immunity – An official or employee of DHS or county agency who refers a report of suspected child abuse for general protective services to law enforcement authorities or provides services as authorized by the PA CPSL shall have immunity from civil and criminal liability that might otherwise result from the action.

Protection from Employment Discrimination (23 Pa.C.S. § 6320):

  • Basis for relief – A person may commence an action for appropriate relief if all of the following apply:
    • The person is required to report suspected child abuse under section 6311 (relating to persons required to report suspected child abuse) or encouraged to report suspected child abuse under section 6312 (relating to persons encouraged to report suspected child abuse).
    • The person acted in good faith in making or causing the report of suspected child abuse to be made.
    • As a result of making the report of suspected child abuse, the person is discharged from employment or is discriminated against with respect to compensation, hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment.
  • Applicability – This section does not apply to an individual making a report of suspected child abuse who is found to be a perpetrator because of the report or to any individual who fails to make a report of suspected child abuse as required under section 6311 (relating to persons required to report suspected child abuse) and is subject to conviction under section 6319 (relating to penalties) for failure to report or to refer.

Failure to Report Child Abuse

We will now discuss some penalties as per 23 Pa.C.S. § 6319 (DHS, 2024b):

Failure to report or refer:

  • A person or official required by the PA CPSL to report a case of suspected child abuse or to make a referral to the appropriate authorities commits an offense if the person or official willfully fails to do so.
  • An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if:
    • the person or official willfully fails to report;
    • the child abuse constitutes a felony of the first degree or higher; and
    • the person or official has direct knowledge of the nature of the abuse.
  • An offense not otherwise specified in the bullet point immediately above is a misdemeanor of the second degree.
  • A report of suspected child abuse to law enforcement or the appropriate county agency by a mandated reporter, made in lieu of a report to DHS, shall not constitute an offense under this subsection, provided that the report was made in a good faith effort to comply with the requirements of the PA CPSL.

Continuing course of action: If a person’s willful failure to report an individual suspected of child abuse continues while the person knows or has reasonable cause to suspect a child is being subjected to child abuse by the same individual, or while the person knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that the same individual continues to have direct contact with children through the individual’s employment, program, activity, or service, the person commits a felony of the third degree…except that, if the child abuse constitutes a felony of the first degree or higher, the person commits a felony of the second degree (DHS, 2024b).

Multiple offenses: A person who, at the time of sentencing for an offense under this section, has been convicted of a prior offense under this section commits a felony of the third degree, except that, if the child abuse constitutes a felony of the first degree or higher, the penalty for the second or subsequent offenses is a felony of the second degree.

The statute of limitations for an offense such as these defaults to either the statute of limitations specifically for the crime committed against the minor child or five years, whichever is greater (DHS, 2024b).

Notice to Mandated Reporters

Mandated Reporters will receive information from the Department regarding the final status of the report, whether it was unfounded, indicated or founded, and the services planned or provided to protect the child (DHS, 2024b; DHS, 2024c).

Understanding Trauma

For many families, having a child removed from the home and navigating a child welfare system can be traumatic events (New York State [NYS], 2022). Enduring abuse as a child is a traumatic event (Better Health Channel, 2022). Let’s discuss what trauma is and what it looks like.

Trauma is defined as a terrible event that threatens a person’s life or safety in a way that is too much for the mind to handle, initiates an emotional response, and oftentimes leaves the person powerless, in shock and denial (American Psychological Association [APA], n.d.; NYS, 2022).

Traumatic experiences include personally enduring or observing events including (NYS, 2022; Better Health Channel, 2022):

  • Natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc.)
  • Life-threatening illnesses
  • Serious accidents
  • Mass shootings
  • Family violence
  • Sexual abuse
  • Serious mental injury
  • Neglect
  • Violence/crime in the community

Following a distressing event, it is normal to have strong reactions. In many cases, these immediate reactions fade as the mind and body are able to heal and recover with time (Better Health Channel, 2022). Depending on many things like the way a person reacts to trauma, what type of trauma it is, the severity of the traumatic event, the amount of support that is available following the event, other current stressors in the person’s life, the person’s level of resilience, and the person’s previously suffered traumatic experiences, all have a part in determining how a person will react to this new source of trauma (Better Health Channel, 2022).

Trauma can cause physical reactions including (NYS, 2022; Better Health Channel, 2022):

  • Rapid heart rate
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Tense muscles
  • Exhaustion
  • Shallow breathing

Trauma can also cause emotional reactions that might include (NYS, 2022; Better Health Channel, 2022):

  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Panic
  • Detachment (feeling numb)
  • Shock (trouble believing what has happened, feeling confused)

Mental reactions to trauma can involve (NYS, 2022; Better Health Channel, 2022):

  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Intrusive thoughts, specifically of the event(s)
  • Reduced memory
  • Decreased concentration

Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Now that we have reviewed what trauma is and can be, we will now go over Adverse Childhood Experiences. As mentioned above, we know that enduring and/or witnessing physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse as a child can be traumatic (Better Health Channel, 2022). That trauma can be long-term.

Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, are negative experiences or events that are potentially, and oftentimes, traumatic. These events are those that occur from birth through about 17 years of age (CDC, 2024d).

ACEs can include all the following situations as listed in the following image:

Image #1:
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

graphic showing adverse childhood experiences examples

This list, however, is not fully inclusive. Additional examples of ACEs include (CDC, 2024d; Integrative Life Center, 2021):

  • Experiencing violence or neglect
  • Experiencing physical or sexual abuse, or serious mental injury
  • Witnessing violence occurring in the community
  • Having a family member attempt or die by suicide
  • Having a family member who has a mental health problem
  • Experiencing divorce/custody battles

As you would deduce, child maltreatment and abuse are ACEs (NYS, 2022).

Research on ACEs

ACEs have been shown to impact a person’s functioning, physical and mental health, and overall well-being throughout their lives (CDC, 2024d). These effects can then be seen well into adulthood. In fact, the very first ACE study was conducted by the CDC and Kaiser Permanente from 1995 to 1997 (National Conference of State Legislatures [NCSL], 2022). Of the more than 17,000 adults surveyed about childhood experiences (including emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, neglect, and household dysfunctions of separation from a parent, substance use disorder, incarceration, violence, and/or mental illness), approximately two-thirds of respondents indicated a history of at least one ACE and more than 20% noted three or more (NCSL, 2022).

Other factors can intensify the effects of ACEs. These factors can include (NYS, 2022):

  • Racism
  • Poverty
  • Generational trauma
  • Repetitious unintended or indirect discrimination

What are the Consequences of Exposure to ACEs?

As mentioned above, exposure to ACEs has been correlated with increased risk for certain behavioral issues and health conditions. Additional research has determined that ACE exposure increases a child's risk of obesity, autoimmune diseases, depression, and substance use disorders (NCSL, 2022; Webster, 2022).

A direct correlation has been noted:

The more ACEs one is exposed to, the greater the risk for negative effects.

But why is this? The underlying mechanism here is associated with the "toxic stress" that ACEs are said to exert their effects on health as well as growth and development (NCSL, 2022). Although some stress is normal and even essential to proper growth and learning, sustained chronic, toxic stress is damaging to both the body and to the brain (NCSL, 2022). Toxic stress follows when a person experiences severe, prolonged adversity without sufficient support. Toxic stress means that the stress response stays continuously activated in the body (NYS, 2022). This toxic stress can literally build up in the body, interfere with proper neural, hormonal, and immune development and ultimately alter DNA expression (NCSL, 2022). This change in DNA expression can result in lifelong effects on behavior, attention, decision-making abilities, and one's response to stress (NCSL, 2022). Toxic stress impacts children developmentally and behaviorally (NYS, 2022).

ACEs can have a lasting impact on children, as we have seen, but also on caregivers and Mandated Reporters.

How Can We Prevent ACEs?

Because ACEs can have lifelong negative effects on the health and overall well-being of a child or adolescent, it is important that we do what we can to mitigate them once they have occurred or prevent them outright (CDC, 2024b).

The following strategies for mitigation and prevention have been presented by the National Conference of State Legislatures (2018) report after reviewing an extensive number of publications in the research done following the original ACE study (Bellazaire, 2018):

  • Achieving strong physical health: Obtaining adequate sleep, eating well, and participating in regular exercise.
  • Building resilience: Increasing positive parenting skills and creating safe, stable relationships in the home.
  • Incorporation of home visits: State-employed nurses, social workers, and teachers trained to visit family homes during pregnancy and early childhood to teach and provide support services.
  • Offering early childcare services: Expanding access to early childhood programs to bolster learning, social and emotional development, and the building of self-confidence.
  • Supporting the reduction of parental stress: Consider providing economic support, family-friendly workplaces, paid family and/or sick leave, and affordable housing.
  • Increasing mental health screening and treatment: Expand access to and coverage for comprehensive health and mental health services.

The CDC outlines these additional strategies for preventing ACEs altogether (CDC, 2024d):

  • Promoting social norms: Advertising public education campaigns, legislative approaches, and bystander approaches to teach and inform in a manner that helps to protect against violence and adversity.
  • Teaching vital skills: Prioritizing social-emotional learning, safe dating, healthy relationship building, family relationships, mentoring programs, and after-school programs.
  • Intervening early and often: Engaging children in primary care, family therapy when needed, individual therapy when needed, and family-centered treatment for households with someone suffering from a substance use disorder. 

It is important to continue to raise awareness of ACEs to help either prevent them or work to prevent the long-term sequelae that result without adequate intervention (CDC, 2024d; Webster, 2022). The focus needs to be taken off the individual and, more so, shifted onto the community to help lessen the risk of ACEs and their effects. The more children and adolescents are able to reach their full potential, the more the communities these future adults will live in will benefit (CDC, 2024d).

Understanding Trauma-Informed Care (TIC)

Trauma-informed care (TIC) is an approach for working with individuals and families that recognizes the impact and influence that trauma may have on the individuals and families you serve (NYS, 2022). The main goal of a TIC approach is to avoid the inadvertent re-traumatization of individuals through your own interactions with them (Tracy & Macias-Konstantopoulos, 2023; Gaillard-Kenney et al., 2020). It is also a goal of TIC to understand that trauma may have an impact on a person’s behavior (Tracy & Macias-Konstantopoulos, 2023; Gaillard-Kenney et al., 2020).

According to Executive Order (EO) 2019-05 “Protection of Vulnerable Populations” signed into law by former Governor Wolf, Pennsylvania was established as a trauma-informed, healing-centered state to better respond to the needs of people who have had ACEs or other traumatic life experiences (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 2019). The establishment of an Office of Advocacy and Reform (OAR), the position of Child Advocate, and the Council on Reform were all parts of this effort to help public and private organizations across the state to recognize, understand, and address the effects of trauma on the lives of individuals, families and communities (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 2019).

TIC will assist you in identifying when your own past trauma or life experiences may influence the way you evaluate an incident you encounter in your professional role (NYS, 2022).

This patient-centered approach focuses on the basic understanding that the trauma the patient has endured very much impacts their life from now on (Tracy & Macias-Konstantopoulos, 2023). This approach aims to avoid any possible reinjury, focus on survivor strengths and overarching resilience, empower healing and recovery, and promote the creation of survivorship skills (Tracy & Macias-Konstantopoulos, 2023).

TIC can be applied to all patients as it simply involves the healthcare personnel's practice modification to be critically aware of the general traumatic events this specific patient has lived through (Tracy & Macias-Konstantopoulos, 2023; Gaillard-Kenney et al., 2020).

Key Elements of Trauma-Informed Care

The CDC’s Office of Readiness and Response (ORR) in collaboration with SAMHSA’s National Center for Trauma-Informed Care (NCTIC) developed trauma-informed practice training that included six main principles (CDC, 2022). These principles include (CDC, 2022):

  1. Safety
  2. Peer support
  3. Trustworthiness & transparency
  4. Collaboration & mutuality
  5. Cultural, historical, & gender issues
  6. Empowerment & choice

Based on these principles, to be trauma-informed means asking the patient permission before completing an examination, allowing them to remain clothed per their comfort level, assessing them in a place that is comfortable to them, and informing them of the steps in what you are doing so they can know what to expect each step of the way (Tracy & Macias-Konstantopoulos, 2023). The patient should also be asked what their expectations are for your time with them and how you can help them feel as comfortable as possible throughout the proceedings, which often could mean even leaving the door open slightly ajar (Tracy & Macias-Konstantopoulos, 2023). It is also helpful for these patients to identify a "safe word" or a "signal" that patients can utilize if they begin to feel unsafe or distressed during the visit (Tracy & Macias-Konstantopoulos, 2023).

Engaging in TIC is not accomplished by using a singular checklist (CDC, 2022). Instead, it requires continual attention, compassionate awareness, sensitivity, and oftentimes some level of cultural change within the organization in general (CDC, 2022).

Employing TIC for these patients is extremely important. It helps the patient trust the healthcare personnel and best opens the lines for communication (Tracy & Macias-Konstantopoulos, 2021; Gaillard-Kenney et al., 2020).

Protective Factors on Trauma & Child Abuse

Protective factors are conditions, that when present in families and communities, can help increase the health and well-being of children and families, serving as buffers to prevent worse outcomes from actualizing (Positive Childhood Alliance, 2024). Protective factors offer support, resources, and coping strategies to allow families to care for their children and “parent” effectively, even under stressful circumstances (Positive Childhood Alliance, 2024). In fact, the research has shown that protective factors can contribute to a lower incidence of child abuse and neglect (Positive Childhood Alliance, 2024).

The following are the five protective factors (Positive Childhood Alliance, 2024):

  • 1. Parental resilience

Resilience is an inner strength and adaptability that allows one to “bounce back” when things are not going well. Parents who are resilient are able to cope with the stresses of everyday life as well as situational crises as they pop up.

  • 2. Social connections

Social connection features a social network of emotionally supportive family, friends, and neighbors who are able to assist parents with the care of a child. Parents who have reliable people they can count on to share advice, simply listen, or provide concrete support are parents who find it easier to care for their children and themselves.

  • 3. Parental knowledge of child development and parenting skills

Extensive research has been done taking a look at parenting skills and their effect on children. Effective parenting is strongly associated with leading to healthy child development. Children require affection but they also require respectful communication, listening, safe opportunities to promote independence, and consistent rules and expectations.

  • 4. Social and emotional competence of children

We also know that research has shown that babies who receive enough affection and nurturing from their parents have the best chances of healthy development. Young children who have a positive relationship with a caring, consistent adult are those who have better grades, an increased ability to cope with stress, more positive interactions with peers, and overall healthier behavior and physical growth and development.

  • 5. Concrete support for parents

Parents who have the tools to provide basic food, clothing, housing, and transportation for their children are those who are better equipped to also provide childcare, healthcare, and mental health services. Families who have the tools and support that is needed are better able to ensure the safety and overall well-being of their children. Sharing with parents the resources that are available in their community can be highly beneficial, especially for those who are struggling, to work to prevent child maltreatment or even neglect.

Understanding & Reducing Bias

Implicit Bias in Decision-Making

A bias is a personal and sometimes unreasonable judgment against a person, place, or thing (U.S. Department of Justice, 2021). We all have our own biases. We are human beings. Our life experiences are what help inform our future experiences. There are two main types of bias that we will discuss here.

Implicit bias is a bias or prejudice that is present but not consciously held or recognized so we are often unaware that they exist (U.S. Department of Justice, 2021).

Explicit bias is a personal judgment that we have about a person, place, or thing on a conscious level, or one that we are aware of (U.S. Department of Justice, 2021).

Whether these biases are implicit or explicit, they are capable of affecting our actions, beliefs, and decisions. These biases, including how a person sounds, looks, and even where they live, may influence our decision-making process (NYS, 2022; U.S. Department of Justice, 2021).

Both of these types of bias can emerge as prejudice, discrimination, and/or oppression on individual, group, or systemic levels (NYS, 2022; U.S. Department of Justice, 2021). Individual biases are often so deeply ingrained and are born out of a long history of unequal treatment of different social groups, the person’s upbringing, cultural conditioning, discrimination, oppression, and stereotypical portrayals (NYS, 2022; U.S. Department of Justice, 2021). The influence of decisions made that are rooted in biases often have a substantial impact on individuals, social groups, and communities (NYS, 2022; U.S. Department of Justice, 2021).

A benefit of being aware of the potential impression of your own biases is that you can choose to take the initiative in lowering their impact on your decision-making (NYS, 2022; U.S. Department of Justice, 2021).

Understanding the Impact of Implicit Bias in Child Welfare

National research demonstrates that disparities have existed historically throughout the child welfare system (Ellis, 2019). These disparities are still very much alive today (Ellis, 2019; National Center for Youth Law [NCYL], n.d.).

Data illustrates a historical overrepresentation of children and families of color in the child welfare system (Ellis, 2019; NCYL, n.d.). Children of color have been more likely to be placed in foster care than nonminority children (NYS, 2022; Ellis, 2019; NCYL, n.d.). In fact, in one study, African American children were over 2 times more likely to be placed in foster care when compared to white children (Ellis, 2019).

Research has also shown that income status of families and overall socioeconomic status is a significant predictor of involvement with the child welfare system (Ellis, 2019; NYS, 2022). Poverty, in and of itself, does not and should not equate to child abuse or maltreatment (Ellis, 2019; NYS, 2022). This disparity can have devastating and long-lasting effects on both families and communities (NYS, 2022).

Biases’ Impact on Filing Reports

A Mandated Reporter’s decision whether to call ChildLine can change the whole course of the life of a child and the family. It is vital that we are aware of our own tendencies of our implicit and explicit biases and be cognizant about making each of our decisions based on the present, objective facts of a situation (Ellis, 2019; NYS, 2022). We need to increase our own awareness regarding our own beliefs including those that may be hidden from our conscious thoughts (Ellis, 2019). As a professional, you must ensure that your own biases do not impact your decision to make a report to ChildLine.

These things are important to think about and reflect on prior to making the call. You should only file a report as a Mandated Reporter when you suspect child abuse and have a legal obligation to do so.

Strategies to Reduce Implicit Bias

The first phase in identifying implicit bias is reflecting on how we see the world. Bias might show up as subconscious thoughts (implicit bias), conscious thoughts (explicit bias), quick judgements, or even untrue stereotypes (NYS, 2022). Fortunately, bias can also be unlearned (NYS, 2022).

One demonstrated strategy to reduce personal bias is to think about whether the facts of the situation would lead you to the same decision if they were slightly different (Ellis, 2019; NYS, 2022). What if the families race or religion was different? Or what about their immigration status? Or what about their gender identity? If this is the case, then bias may be impacting your decision to file a report (Ellis, 2019; NYS, 2022).

Another such tool to identify and call our own biases is simply by gathering all the facts and analyzing them methodically. You need to ensure that you have reviewed all information and your legal requirements as a Mandated Reporter before calling in a report to ChildLine. Approach each situation with humility, an openness and willingness to learn, and recognize that we absolutely do not know everything about the family and their current situation (Ellis, 2019; NCYL, n.d.; NYS, 2022). We need to consider that our first impressions and assumptions that we make might not be true (NYS, 2022).

Think about situations you encounter from a different viewpoint. For example, in some cultures beans and rice are dietary staples. One’s personal belief may not include entire meals from such a food group as nutritionally sound. Not applying one’s beliefs, values, or experiences but, instead, acting on the facts and from professional experience is a better measure of how to respond to suspicious incidents.

Risk Factors of Child Maltreatment & Abuse

Risk factors for child abuse are the specific characteristics that can increase the chances of child maltreatment. For example, children younger than four years of age and those with special needs are risk factors that increase a child’s chance of being maltreated or abused (CDC, 2024b).

The following are the caregiver-related risk factors for child maltreatment and abuse (CDC, 2024b; CDC, 2024c):

  • Use of drugs or alcohol excessively
  • History of mental health conditions
  • Previous exposure to abuse or neglect as children themselves
  • Low socioeconomic status (lower income, lower levels of education)
  • High levels of stress
  • Not the biological child’s parent
  • Caring for children with special needs that they do not understand
  • Self or family members in jail/prison
  • Violence within the family
  • High level of conflict within the household
  • Isolated from extended family, friends, and/or neighbors

Some community-related risk factors can increase the likelihood of child maltreatment and abuse. These environmental risk factors can include areas of high rates of violence and crime, limited educational and economic opportunities, high rates of unemployment, simple access to alcohol and drugs, unstable housing, quick neighbor resident turnover, and those with frequent concerns around food security (CDC, 2024b).

Protective Factors of Child Maltreatment & Abuse

Protective factors are the specific characteristics that have the possibility of lowering the chances of children being neglected or abused (CDC, 2024b).

Caregivers who nurture positive relationships with children, utilize parenting skills, provide emotional support, have a college degree or higher with steady employment, and are capable of meeting a child’s basic needs of food, security, shelter, healthcare, and education are known to be those who are less likely to harm the children in their care (CDC, 2024b). Families who are active and present, enforce rules in the home, monitor their children for their safety, and have a supportive environment of friends and family who are able to offer guidance and assistance in caring for the children are also less at risk for engaging in child abuse and maltreatment (CDC, 2024b).

Just as communities can have a negative impact on the chances of child abuse and maltreatment, they can also have a protective effect (CDC, 2024b). The following include the factors of communities that help to decrease the likelihood of child abuse and maltreatment (CDC, 2024b; CDC, 2024c):

  • Access to safe housing
  • Access to high quality schooling and childcare
  • Engaging after school activities available
  • Access to good medical care
  • Access to mental health services
  • Economic/financial help resources
  • Workplaces that prioritize families and their needs

Recognition of Child Abuse

Indicators of abuse warn the Mandated Reporter to pay more attention to a particular situation. Sometimes there are no visible indicators present even though the child is being abused. We are now going to do a deeper dive into definitions that you have reviewed earlier in this course.

Three types of indicators of abuse or maltreatment include:

  1. Physical indicators
  2. Child behavioral indicators
  3. Caregiver behavioral indicators 

Some Mandated Reporters see a child only once or very infrequently, whereas others see them more often. In looking for reasonable cause you need to consider what you know about the child’s normal behavior. No two children will respond the same way to the same situation.

Physical Indicators

Now, let’s review the physical indicators of child maltreatment and abuse.

What does child maltreatment and abuse physically look like?

Physical indicators of abuse can include (Mayo Clinic, 2022; Moore, 2023):

  • Unexplained bruises:
    • Bruising of the torso, buttocks, and thighs
    • Bruising in various stages of healing
    • Clustered bruises forming regular patterns that might reflect the shape of the article used to inflict the injury
    • Bruising on several different parts of the body
    • Bruises regularly appear after absence, weekend, or vacation
    • Suspicious bruising that does not match the story that was told as to how it was obtained
  • Unexplained fractures:
    • To the nose, skull, or facial structure
    • In various stages of healing
    • Multiple or spiral fractures
  • Unexplained burns:
    • Cigar, cigarette burns, especially on the soles of the feet, palms, back, and buttocks
    • Immersion burns that are often appearing sock-like, glove-like, or even doughnut-shaped on the buttocks or genitalia
    • Pattern-like burn in the shape of an electric burner or an iron
    • Rope burns on the arms, legs, neck, or torso
  • Unexplained welts
  • Unexplained lacerations:
    • To the mouth, lips, gums, or eyes
    • To external genitalia
    • On the back of the arms, legs, or torso
    • Human bite marks
  • Unattended physical problems, medical, or dental needs
  • Pain or itching in the genital area
  • Difficulty in walking or sitting
  • Pregnancy, especially in early adolescent years
  • Sexually transmitted disease (especially in pre-adolescent children)
  • Delays in physical development or growth
  • Frequent injuries that are accidental or unexplained

Image #2:
Handprint Injury on Child’s Face

photo of handprint injury on childs face

(, n.d.)

Image #3:
Bruising of Torso, Buttocks, and Thighs

photo of bruising on torso, buttocks and thighs

(, n.d.)

Image #4:
Spiral Fracture of the Humerus

xray of spiral fracture

(, n.d.)

Image #5:
Cigarette Burn to Finger

photo of cigarette burn on child finger

(, n.d.)

Image #6:
Glove-Like Burn of the Hands

photo of child with glove burns on hands

(, n.d.)

Image #7:
Sock-Like Burn of the Feet

photo of sock burns on childs feet

(, n.d.)

Image #8:
Steam Iron Burn to the Arm

steam iron burn on arm

(, n.d.)

Image #9:
Looped Cord Injury

photo of looped cord injury on back

(, n.d.)

As mentioned above, injury or bruising that is most suspicious for child abuse is that in which (Mayo Clinic, 2022; Moore, 2023):

  • The place/body part of the injury may be abnormal
  • The injury does not match with the child’s current developmental level
  • The explanation given regarding the injury does not add up
  • The laceration or bruise is shaped like a specific object (like a handprint, looped cord, or belt)

Let’s take a look at sites of bruising that would be considered normal for children and those that are more suspicious for possible child abuse.

Image #10:
Normal vs. Suspicious Bruising

graphic showing bruising areas

(, n.d.)

In addition to the location of the bruise, the size and the shape of the injury needs to be considered.

Children are susceptible to injuries in relation to their developmental stage. If a plausible explanation is offered, consider the age of the child and the location of a suspicious injury when developing your thoughts about “reasonable cause to suspect.”

Accidental injuries usually involve injury to the boney prominences of the body, i.e., shins, elbows, knees. For example:

  • Toddlers fall while learning to walk.
  • Young children “skin” elbows and knees when learning to ride a bicycle or playing on playground equipment.

Suspicious injuries usually occur in areas not susceptible to accidental, age-appropriate areas, as you have seen in the image above.

Consider the size and shape of the injury, as well as the location of the injury. Consider the relationship of the mechanism of injury (explanation of how the injury occurred) to the child’s developmental stage. For example, as we have talked about, toddlers fall when they learn to walk, and young children scrape their knees when learning to ride a bicycle.

Let’s think about a specific case example:

Think about if the story that was given as an explanation for an injury would produce the physical indicators that are present. For instance, a toddler falls to the floor while walking, not striking anything when he falls. That toddler has bruises on the back of his legs. One would expect that from a fall while walking, the toddler would have bruises and scrapes on his hands, knees, and shins and not bruises on the back of his legs. This would elicit some suspicion from you.

See the image below for additional information regarding physical indicators of abuse.

Image #11:
Physical Indicators of Abuse

graphic showing physical indicators of abuse

(, n.d.)

As mentioned above, take a look at any bruises, welts, or burns carefully. Is it possible the injury is making a specific shape? Just like the image of the iron burn above, many tools can create visible markings that would specify what was used on the child. 

The following image gives you some additional ideas of what to look out for.

Image #12:
Clues to the Mechanism of Injury

graphic showing clues to the mechanism of injury

(, n.d.)

The following image depicts a child who has been neglected. He is severely underweight and had been diagnosed with failure to thrive. The signs of his malnutrition is evident, even in this picture.

Image #13:
Neglect: Failure to Thrive

photo of child with failure to thrive

(, n.d.)

Child Behavioral Indicators

Now, let’s review the child’s behavioral indicators of child abuse.

The behavioral signs that might be questionable for possible child abuse include (Mayo Clinic, 2022; Moore, 2023):

  • Avoiding physical contact or touch
  • Being afraid and trying to avoid going home
  • Acting on edge, on high alert always
  • Withdrawing from friends
  • Withdrawing from extracurricular activities
  • Wearing clothing that does not match the current weather (long sleeves to cover wounds)
  • Using drugs or alcohol
  • Stealing or asking for food
  • Self-destructive behaviors
  • Loss of self-confidence
  • Delayed emotional development
  • Depression
  • Declining school performance

Caregiver Behavioral Indicators

Caregiver behavioral indicators of physical abuse may include when they (Mayo Clinic, 2022; Moore, 2023):

  • Seem unconcerned about the child
  • Take an unusual amount of time to obtain medical care for the child
  • Offer inadequate or inappropriate explanations for the injury
  • Give different explanations for the same injury (the story changes)
  • Misuse drugs or alcohol
  • Discipline the child too harshly considering the child’s age or what the child has done wrong
  • Describe the child as bad or evil
  • Have a history of abuse as a child
  • Attempt to conceal the child’s injury
  • Take a child to a different hospital or doctor for each injury (so as not to be identified)
  • Have poor impulse control
  • Expect the child to provide them attention and care
  • Limit the child’s contact with others

Serious Mental Injury

Serious mental injury occurs when a child is subjected to repeated negative treatment made to make them feel unloved or worthless (Kids Helpline, 2023; Morin, 2022). Serious mental injury can also be described as verbal abuse or psychological abuse (Kids Helpline, 2023; Morin, 2022).

Serious mental injury can be remarkably detrimental to a child’s self-confidence and wellbeing (Kids Helpline, 2023; Morin, 2022). This can include yelling, screaming, criticism, exposure to family violence, humiliation, withholding love and support, socially isolating, threatening harm, the incitation of fear, bullying, teasing, rejection, or hostility (Kids Helpline, 2023; Morin, 2022).

The physical indicators of serious mental injury that can be seen in children can include (Kids Helpline, 2023; Morin, 2022):

  • Fighting in school
  • Rocking
  • Sucking fingers
  • Neurotic disorders such as speech disorders
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Psychoneurotic reactions such as phobias, hysterical reactions, compulsions, or hypochondria
  • Delays in physical development

The behavioral indicators of serious mental injury in children may be (Kids Helpline, 2023; Morin, 2022):

  • Antisocial behaviors
  • Demanding or destructive behaviors
  • Overly adaptive behavior (such as inappropriately adult-like or infantile)
  • Developmental delays
  • Extremes of behavior (compliance, passiveness, aggressiveness)
  • Self-injurious behavior
  • Suicide attempt
  • Seeking attention from other adults
  • Loss of interest in their activities
  • Drug or alcohol use
  • Decline in schoolwork

The behavioral indicators of serious mental injury that can be seen in caregivers can include (Kids Helpline, 2023; Morin, 2022):

  • Treats children in the family unequally
  • Does not seem to care much about the child’s problem
  • Blames or belittles the child
  • Seems cold and rejecting
  • Inconsistent behavior toward the child

Sexual Abuse

As briefly mentioned above, there might be physical indicators and behavioral indicators that a child is being sexually abused (Mayo Clinic, 2022; Moore, 2023; NYS, 2022). But this is not always the case. Sexual abuse is the act of sexual activities with dependent, developmentally immature children, to which they are unable to provide consent for (Zeanah & Humphreys, 2018). Because of the fact that many individuals who sexually abuse children are family members or friends, it makes disclosure of the abuse very difficult. Oftentimes, child victims feel shame and guilt and are afraid to disclose because of what might result.

The physical indicators that might point to sexual abuse include (Moore, 2023):

  • Difficulty walking or sitting down
  • Torn, stained, or bloody underclothing
  • Painful or irritation in genital/anal area
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Pregnancy
  • Sexually-transmitted diseases/infections

Behavioral indicators that a child might be a victim of sexual abuse can include (Moore, 2023; DHS 2024b):

  • Child is not willing to change to participate in physical education (PE) class at school
  • Self-injurious behavior, suicide attempts
  • Poor peer relationships
  • Withdrawn
  • Fantasy behavior
  • Fire setting
  • Anxious
  • Bedwetting
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Excessive or injurious masturbation
  • Cruelty to animals or other people
  • Age-inappropriate sexual play and/or drawings
  • Sexual promiscuity
  • Regressive, infantile behavior
  • Aggressiveness
  • Delinquency, running away, school truancy
  • Reports of sexual assault by caretakers
  • Exaggerated fear of closeness or physical contact

But what about their caregivers? There are certainly signs that a parent or caregiver might demonstrate that would point to possible sexual abuse. These caregiver behavioral signs can include (Moore, 2023):

  • Protective or jealous of the child
  • Misuses alcohol or drugs
  • Has low self-esteem
  • Encourages the child to engage in things not appropriate for age
  • Is geographically isolated or lacking in social and emotional contacts outside of the family

Discussion About Indicators

Abuse should never be assumed as your first and last thought. Carefully consider any of your previous experiences with this child and whether there is a difference between those experiences and what you are currently seeing (NYS, 2022). It is important to make an objective evaluation, free from any bias (NYS, 2022).

Each indicator, as listed above, needs to be taken into consideration in relation to the child’s developmental age and circumstances (NYS, 2022). These indicators must be considered in relation to the child’s condition. They should be considered in the overall context of the child’s physical appearance and their behavior (NYS, 2022). Sometimes a single indicator is self-evident or points to abuse or maltreatment/neglect. Often several indicators must be pulled together or clusters of indicators used to develop reasonable cause. It is important to remember NOT to just view indicators in isolation (NYS, 2022).

Assessing for Child Abuse in a Virtual Environment

Mandated Reporters may have interactions with children that occur in a virtual setting (University of South Carolina, 2020; NYS, 2022). While interacting with children in your professional role, your responsibilities as a Mandated Reporter are the same in a virtual environment (University of South Carolina, 2020; NYS, 2022).

When assessing for a child’s safety virtually, please consider all of the following (University of South Carolina, 2020; NYS, 2022):

  • Does the child’s behavior seem different when someone else enters the room?
  • Does the child appear anxious or depressed?
  • Are there any signs that a child is trying to say something to you without someone else noticing?
  • Has the child made any worrisome comments to you, siblings, or their friends?
  • While trying to observe the child’s body, even if you can only see the child’s face, neck, shoulders, and chest, is there anything that seems questionable such as bruises, welts, or burns?

Talking with Children

When dealing with child abuse or maltreatment, you are not to investigate or interrogate. Your responsibility is to assess for reasonable cause to suspect and make the necessary report.

Occasionally you learn of possible abuse or maltreatment not by what you see, but by what a child says to you.

When a child discloses, consider the following suggestions of what to do when talking with children.

When talking with children, it is important to:

  • Talk in a private place
  • Remain calm
  • Be honest
  • Be open
  • Be supportive
  • Be an advocate
  • Listen to the child
  • Report the situation immediately

When talking with a child, stress that the situation and the behaviors are not his or her fault.

What about what not to do? It is important to not overreact. It is natural, in the moment, for us as human beings to potentially act immediately when something like this is disclosed to us. It is important that we listen and remain mindful in not reacting. We must also not make any quick judgments as well. We should also never make any promises to the child. And as mentioned above, it is not our duty to interrogate and investigate. Make sure not to do this.

Case Study Learning Examples

Consider these questions when evaluating the following case studies (SUNY, 2013):

  1. What indicators are present?
  2. Is there reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment/neglect?
  3. If so, who is responsible for abuse or maltreatment/neglect?
  4. What are your next steps?

The correct answers follow the case studies and will allow you to reflect on your answer choices.

Use these same questions when confronted with an incident to help decide if there is reasonable cause to suspect.

Your “gut” feeling serves as a warning and warrants further examination of the situation.

Case Study 1

Emma, a 13-year-old female, has come into the emergency room with a rash in her vaginal area. She shares with you that she has been engaging in sexual intercourse with her mother’s 42-year-old boyfriend for the past four months. Emma’s mom’s boyfriend has resided in the house with the child and her mother for the past three years and is responsible for her care when the mother is working as a bartender.

  1. What indicators are present?
  2. Is there a reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment?
  3. Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment?
  4. What are your next steps?

Case Study 2

Tommy, a five-year-old male, came into his pediatrician’s office for a sports physical so he can play soccer at school. You notice that he has a bruise on the left side of his face with scrapes along his left arm and hand. Tommy claimed he fell off the monkey bars at school. He lives with his mother who is a single parent. Tommy’s mother says that he is a very active child and at times can misbehave at school.

  1. What indicators are present?
  2. Is there a reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment?
  3. Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment?
  4. What are your next steps?

Case Study 3

Pamela, a 32-year-old female, is admitted to the obstetric unit at your hospital. She delivers her child, Sarah. After 36 hours of birth, the nurse notices that Sarah has tremors and increased muscle tone. Sarah is soon diagnosed with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) by the neonatologist, as she is showing signs of drug withdrawal from when Pamela was pregnant with her. When talking to Pamela, you learned she has not prepared at all for her baby to come home.

  1. What indicators are present?
  2. Is there a reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment?
  3. Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment?
  4. What are your next steps?

Case Study 4

Seven-year-old Nick comes to the emergency room with an injured arm. His mother says he fell off the trampoline when he was jumping around and playing with his friend. An X-ray is ordered to assess for any breaks. When Nick’s arm is X-rayed, a spiral fracture of his humerus is identified.

  1. What indicators are present?
  2. Is there a reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment?
  3. Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment?
  4. What are your next steps?

Case Study 5

Four-month-old Sabrina is brought into the emergency room for being unresponsive. Mom accompanies Sabrina. Mom indicates that Sabrina was fine until they got back home from running errands. Mom says that her boyfriend, Rick, was watching her while she took a shower. She said that she heard Sabrina crying. When the crying had been continuous for ten minutes and then abruptly stopped, she heard Rick yell that he was going to pick up some cigarettes from the gas station and then slam the door. Mom finished getting dressed and went back to Sabrina’s room to check on her. Mom initially thought she was asleep in her crib, but on closer examination, she was not breathing. Mom notes that Rick does have a temper and that he frustrates easily with Sabrina.

  1. What indicators are present?
  2. Is there a reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment?
  3. Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment?
  4. What are your next steps?

Case Study 6

Benjamin is a 19-year-old who attends the school you teach at. Benjamin is in your English class but has not come to school in a few weeks. You reach out to his mother who tells you he is absolutely refusing to go to school and there is nothing she can do to get him to go. She said that he has a job at the local convenience store and spends all of his time there.

  1. What indicators are present?
  2. Is there a reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment?
  3. Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment?
  4. What are your next steps?

Case Study 7

You are discussing with the mother of a two-year-old about how much stress she currently is dealing with. She admits that she leaves her son, Elijah, at home alone at least once a week so that she can run to the corner store to buy groceries. She says that he is just fine and that she tells her neighbors that she’ll be back in 15 to 20 minutes and just to listen out for him.

  1. What indicators are present?
  2. Is there a reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment?
  3. Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment?
  4. What are your next steps?

Case Study Answers

Case Study 1

What indicators are present? Sexual abuse and verbal disclosure

Is there reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment? Yes 

Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment? The 42-year-old boyfriend is an adult living in the home acting as a caregiver when the mother is away at work.

What are your next steps? Call ChildLine.

Case Study 2

What indicators are present? Bruises, scrapes

Is there reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment? No, the story is consistent with a playground injury. Injuries sustained in an accidental fall would be along one side of the child’s body.

Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment? No

What are your next steps? Prioritize the treatment of the child’s injury. You do not need to report this.

Case Study 3

What indicators are present? Neonatal drug withdrawal and no plan for when the baby comes home from the hospital

Is there reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment? No, infants born affected by prenatal drug exposure does not constitute child abuse. Prenatal drug exposure and the mother not having a plan for the baby coming home from the hospital is concerning, however.

Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment? While there are no concerns that meet the definition of child abuse, there are concerns about the mother.

What are your next steps? Call ChildLine. This notification is for the purpose of assessing a child and the child’s family for a Plan of Sare Care and shall not constitute a child abuse report.

Case Study 4

What indicators are present? Spiral fracture, the explanation for the injury is not plausible

Is there reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment? Yes

Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment? Mother

What are your next steps? Call ChildLine.

Case Study 5

What indicators are present? Mom’s boyfriend was taking care of the baby, Sabrina was fine one minute and then not breathing the next, reported to the ER for unconsciousness, boyfriend has a temper, boyfriend left suspiciously for cigarettes

Is there reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment? Yes

Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment? Mother’s boyfriend, Rick

What are your next steps? This case is suspicious for shaken baby syndrome and should be worked up as such in the ER. Call ChildLine.

Case Study 6

What indicators are present? Benjamin is not going to school anymore

Is there reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment? No, it seems mom has tried. Additional attention can be given specifically to Benjamin to confirm mom’s story

Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment? No

What are your next steps? According to the compulsory attendance law in Pennsylvania, children between the ages of six and eighteen are required to attend school regularly (Pennsylvania Department of Education, 2020). You do not need to report.

Case Study 7

What indicators are present? Mom is under a lot of stress; she also admits to leaving two-year-old Elijah home alone while she runs to the store

Is there reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment? No. While there is no reason to suspect abuse, the mother’s decision to leave the child alone while she runs to the store is concerning.

Is there a parent or other person responsible for the suspected abuse or maltreatment? Mother

What are your next steps? Although there is no law in the state of Pennsylvania, this would generally be considered inadequate supervision (Cumberland County Pennsylvania, n.d.). Mom should never do this. Someone must be physically present with Elijah while she is out in the case of an emergency. Call ChildLine to report.


Let’s take a moment to review the key takeaways from this course content. These key takeaways include (DHS, 2024b):

  1. The basis for reporting suspected child abuse is having “reasonable cause to suspect” a child is a victim of child abuse.
  2. A person who has reasonable cause to suspect a child is a victim of child abuse is not required to identify the type of abuse they are reporting when making a report of suspected child abuse.
  3. The PA CPSL recognizes three key components of child abuse:
    1. Child
    2. Act or failure to act; Recent act; Recent act or failure to act; or A series of acts of failures to act
    3. Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly
  4. A Mandated Reporter enumerated under section 6311(a) of the PA CPSL must immediately make a report suspected child abuse to ChildLine, Pennsylvania’s 24/7 Child Abuse Hotline and Registry, by calling 1-800-932-0313 or electronically through the Child Welfare Portal, if they have reasonable cause to suspect a child is a victim of child abuse under any of the following circumstances:
    1. The Mandated Reporter comes into contact with the child in the course of employment, occupation, and practice of a profession or through a regularly scheduled program, activity, or service.
    2. The Mandated Reporter is directly responsible for the care, supervision, guidance, or training of the child, or is affiliated with an agency, institution, organization, school, regularly established church or religious organization, or other entity that is directly responsible for the care, supervision, guidance, or training of the child.
    3. A person makes a specific disclosure to the Mandated Reporter that an identifiable child is the victim of child abuse.
    4. An individual 14 years of age or older makes a specific disclosure to the Mandated Reporter that the individual has committed child abuse.
  5. Nothing in section 6311 of the PA CPSL requires a child to come before the Mandated Reporter in order for the Mandated Reporter to make a report of suspected child abuse.
  6. Nothing in section 6311 of the PA CPSL requires the Mandated Reporter to identify the person responsible for the child abuse in order to make a report of suspected child abuse.
  7. Nothing in the PA CPSL requires a person who has reasonable cause to suspect a child is a victim of child abuse to consider the exclusions from child abuse in order to make a report of suspected child abuse.
  8. A Mandated Reporter is presumed to have acted in good faith when making a report of suspected child abuse.

Child abuse and maltreatment are unfortunately quite common. With an improved understanding of what to look out for, what situations warrant additional resources or referrals, and the Pennsylvania state reporting process, Mandated Reporters have the unique position, due to their positions in their work roles, to file a report when they suspect a child is or children are being mistreated or abused. We all have the ability to identify a child in need and speak up on their behalf to protect them!

Pennsylvania State Relevant Resources

The following resources are shared by the Pennsylvania state required training curriculum for Mandated Reporters and are direct links to the Pennsylvania statutes for your review (DHS, 2024b):

23 Pa.C.S. § 6303 (CPS Chapter 23: Relating to definitions)

  • Bodily injury, CPS, county agency, GPS, recent act or failure to act, abuse

55 Pa. Code § 3490.223 (GPS Subchapter C: Relating to definitions)

  • Assessment, GPS, potential for harm, potential services

Section 103 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (Chapter 78: Trafficking Victims Protection: 114 Stat. 1466, 22 U.S.C. § 7102)

  • Severe forms of trafficking in persons, sex trafficking

23 Pa.C.S. § 6362 (CPS Chapter 23: Relating to responsibilities of county agency for child protective services)

  • CPS, students in public and private schools, powers and duties of departments

2018 Act 54 - PA General Assembly (

  • Domestic relations, GPS

Plans of Safe Care (

  • Lists and directs services and supports for substance-affected infants and their caregivers


  • Courts, judges, powers, duties

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Implicit Bias Statement

CEUFast, Inc. is committed to furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). While reflecting on this course content, CEUFast, Inc. would like you to consider your individual perspective and question your own biases. Remember, implicit bias is a form of bias that impacts our practice as healthcare professionals. Implicit bias occurs when we have automatic prejudices, judgments, and/or a general attitude towards a person or a group of people based on associated stereotypes we have formed over time. These automatic thoughts occur without our conscious knowledge and without our intentional desire to discriminate. The concern with implicit bias is that this can impact our actions and decisions with our workplace leadership, colleagues, and even our patients. While it is our universal goal to treat everyone equally, our implicit biases can influence our interactions, assessments, communication, prioritization, and decision-making concerning patients, which can ultimately adversely impact health outcomes. It is important to keep this in mind in order to intentionally work to self-identify our own risk areas where our implicit biases might influence our behaviors. Together, we can cease perpetuating stereotypes and remind each other to remain mindful to help avoid reacting according to biases that are contrary to our conscious beliefs and values.


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