Coughing, sneezing and touching can all lead to unintentional spread of infections in hospitals.
These healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) impact patients in hospitals every day. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports at least one in 25 hospital patients get an HAI daily.
Without proper safety precautions, the spread of infections in hospitals can turn deadly. The HAI Prevalence Survey found that about 75,000 patients with HAIs died during their hospitalizations in 2011.
Through the proper education and safety precautions, healthcare professionals can stop the spread of these infections.
CEUfast released an info graphic “Breaking the Chain of Infection” to raise awareness on the importance of proper infection control in healthcare facilities.
Studies have shown that HAI rates decrease by more than 70 percent when care teams, doctors and nurses work together to prevent infections, according to the CDC.
CEUfast’s self-guided course on Infection Control and Barrier Precautions teaches healthcare professionals various precautions, safety procedures and practices to prevent disease transmission under their watch.
The New York State Education Department approved CEUfast as an infection course provider. The course was especially written to accomodate New York requirements for dental hygienists, dentists, licensed practical nurses, optometrists, physicians, physician assistants, podiatrists, registered professional nurses and specialist assistants, medical students, medical residents and physician assistant students.
New York requires healthcare professionals to educate themselves on infection control and barrier precautions at least every four years.
CEUfast, Inc. is an accredited provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation, is a provider of hundreds of courses.