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New Requirement for Florida Nurses, Recognizing Impairment, On the Horizon 

January 26, 2016


(Lake City, Fla.)

Drug and alcohol abuse can happen can happen at anytime, in anyplace, including the job--which can be particularly dangerous in occupations like health care, because lives are on the line.

To combat this issue, the Florida Department of Health is requiring that nurses in the state must complete a newly required CE: Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace.


The law, 64B9-5.014, comes into effect beginning August 1, 2017, and every other biennium thereafter, or every four years.


CEUfast has released the the CE, meeting ALL of the requirements, including identifying the signs of impairment in the workplace, the mandatory reporting law and treatment program for impaired practitioners (For more details, visit


The purpose of this course is to help nurses in the state of Florida identify and support colleagues who may be afflicted with workplace impairment. 64B9-5.014 Continuing Education on Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace.


Registered Nursing Group 1, with a license expiration date of April 30, 2018, will be the first group required to have the new CE. Licensed Practical Nurses with a license expiration date of July 31, 2019, will then be required to have the new CE.

To check out our course, click here: Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace

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