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Fever: Evidence Based Practice

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≥ 92% of participants will know the current evidence-based information and treatment related to fever.


After completing this module, the learner will be able to:

  1. Describe the mechanisms of temperature regulation in the human body.
  2. Analyze the pathophysiology of fever initiation.
  3. Evaluate the limitations and benefits of various body temperature measurement methods.
  4. Identify evidence-based methods of fever reduction.
  5. Compare evaluation and treatment strategies for fever between neonates and older adults.
  6. Summarize common non-infection causes of infection.
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Fever: Evidence Based Practice
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Author:    Krystle Maynard (DNP, RN, SANE-A)


An elevated body temperature characterizes a fever and is often said to be a protective response by the body's immune or inflammatory system. Fevers can also result from medications or injury (Mackowiak et al., 2021). Interestingly enough, most vital signs have established upper and lower limits of what is considered “normal,” except temperature. Temperatures can vary based on the type/location of temperature, age, time of day, race, etc. (Mackowiak et al., 2021). Fevers are one of the most common symptoms of illness, especially in children. Febrile illness can pose a risk to many, given its range of severity and potential complications (Heidari & Saidi, 2023).

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Fever and Septic Shock Management

A 56-year-old male presents to the emergency department with a five-day history of abdominal pain, loss of appetite, sweating, fever, and vomiting. His medical history includes alcohol abuse and hypertension. Upon examination, his vital signs are concerning:

  • Temperature: 39.8°C (rectal)
  • Pulse: 116 bpm
  • Blood Pressure: 78/40 mmHg
  • Respiratory Rate: 28 breaths per minute

The patient appears pale, diaphoretic, and has cool extremities. Laboratory tests reveal a white blood cell count of 19,000/μL, while other results are within normal limits. Based on the clinical presentation of fever, hypotension, tachypnea, and leukocytosis, septic shock is diagnosed.

Initial Management

  • Blood and urine cultures are obtained to identify the source of the infection.
  • IV fluids (Ringer's lactate) are initiated.
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics are administered.
  • The patient is admitted to the ICU for close monitoring and management.

Despite initial interventions, the source of infection remains unclear after three hours. Necrotizing pancreatitis is suspected, but further diagnostic tests are required.

Fever Management

To address the fever, the physician orders:

  1. Acetaminophen suppository (650 mg) to reduce fever.
  2. Application of a cooling blanket

Healthcare Provider Considerations

The patient should be closely monitored for potential complications. This case study demonstrates the importance of a systematic approach to fever management in septic shock, balancing evidence-based practices with individualized patient care.

Case Study 2: Fever Management in a Young Child

A three-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department by his parents, who report that he has had a fever reaching 102°F over the past two days. The child appears limp and has significantly reduced oral intake. He has no prior medical history or current prescription medications.

The parents have been administering acetaminophen whenever his temperature exceeds 99°F, influenced by online information suggesting that high fevers can lead to permanent brain damage or seizures. They also believe a "normal" temperature should not exceed 98.6°F. They cannot recall the specific doses or frequency of administration. Additionally, they occasionally gave ibuprofen, based on online claims that alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen is more effective at lowering fever than using either alone.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Following an assessment, the provider diagnoses the child with otitis media and prescribes an antibiotic. The physician explains that a temperature of 102°F is common with such infections and provides the following key points to educate the parents:

  1. High fever in uncomplicated infections does not cause brain damage or permanent harm.
  2. Treating a fever will not prevent febrile seizures, which occur due to the rapid temperature rise, rather than the fever itself.
  3. Lowering a fever caused by a self-limiting infection will not shorten the illness duration.
  4. Fevers work as a natural defense mechanism and can help the body fight infection.
  5. While a fever can be treated if it exceeds 100.4°F, this threshold is arbitrary. The primary goal is not to eliminate the fever but to improve the child’s comfort and encourage oral intake.

Addressing Misconceptions

The physician also addresses several misconceptions and provides evidence-based guidance:

  • Alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen does not offer superior fever control compared to using one medication alone.
  • Overuse of over-the-counter antipyretics, especially acetaminophen, can be dangerous and increase the risk of liver damage.
  • Acetaminophen and ibuprofen should only be used as directed, carefully considering proper dosing and timing.

The physician emphasizes that fever is not always harmful in simple infectious processes and reassures the parents about its role in fighting infections. This case study demonstrates the importance of parental education on fever management, dispelling myths, and promoting safe, evidence-based practices for pediatric care.

Temperature Methods and Variations

Though a normal body temperature can have different variances, the average is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This may fluctuate because of differing factors, such as age, time of day, etc. For example, some older adults may have a temperature of 96 or 97 degrees Fahrenheit, which is completely normal. A good rule of thumb for determining if a fever is present is a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher. Also, remember that humans may have an elevated body temperature in response to inflammation or an infection (National Library of Medicine, 2023).

Temperature can be checked in a variety of ways, such as (National Library of Medicine, 2024):

  • Orally- 98.6 degrees is the average normal temperature when using this method.
  • Axillary- This typically has a measurement of 0.5°F (0.3°C) to 1°F (0.6°C) below an oral temperature.
  • Rectally-Rectal temperature is the most accurate representation of the core measurement and is usually 0.5°F (0.3°C) to 1°F (0.6°C) higher than an oral temperature reading.
  • Skin/ forehead thermometer—These are commonly seen in clinics, but they often read lower than an oral temperature.
  • Ear- Also commonly seen in clinics, this method is similar to a forehead thermometer, calculating a temperature lower than oral as well.
  • Temporal artery thermometers detect heat emitted from the temporal artery, which is highly perfused. This method is reliable for estimating core temperature and demonstrates strong accuracy compared to other temperature measurement methods.
  • Bladder temperature sensors offer precise body temperature measurements. A small study indicated that urinary bladder sensors are more accurate than rectal or axillary temperature measurements.
  • Esophageal temperature probes measure core temperature accurately, though their reliability depends heavily on proper probe placement (Kovacs & Deutch, 2022).
  • Invasive cardiovascular catheter sensors, such as those in pulmonary artery catheters, provide temperature readings that are widely regarded as the most accurate reflection of core temperature.

Body Temperature Production and Maintenance

Maintaining a normal body temperature is essential for optimal physiological function (Lim, 2020).

Heat Production:

Muscular activity, whether voluntary (e.g., exercise) or involuntary (e.g., shivering), significantly contributes to heat production.

Heat Loss Mechanisms:

The body employs several methods to dissipate excess heat:

  • Radiation: The emission of infrared heat from the body's surface to the cooler surrounding environment.
  • Conduction: Heat transfer between skin to object contact.
  • Convection: Heat loss facilitated by the movement of air or water molecules across the skin, enhancing the transfer of heat away from the body.
  • Evaporation: Heat loss that occurs when sweat on the skin surface evaporates, consuming energy and thereby cooling the body. Insensible water loss, which includes evaporation from the respiratory tract and skin, also contributes to this process.
  • Urination: Minor heat loss can often occur with physiological processes, such as urination.

Thermoregulatory Control:

The area in the brain known as the hypothalamus is responsible for regulating body temperature. It functions analogously to a thermostat, maintaining a setpoint temperature by integrating inputs from:

  • Central Thermoreceptors: Detect changes in the temperature of blood flowing through the hypothalamus.
  • Peripheral Thermoreceptors: Located in the skin, deep tissues, and spinal cord, these receptors sense external temperature variations and relay information to the hypothalamus.

Responses to Temperature Deviations:

Heat exposure: When body temperature rises above the hypothalamic setpoint, the following cooling mechanisms are activated:

  • Vasodilation: Widens the blood vessels, which increases blood flow.
  • Peripheral Blood Shunting: Redistribution of blood from the core to the body's surface to enhance heat loss.
  • Increased Sweating: Activation of sweat glands to promote evaporative cooling.
  • Elevated Heart Rate and Cardiac Output: Enhancement of circulatory efficiency to transport heat to the periphery.
  • Reduced Metabolic Rate and Muscular Activity: Decreasing internal heat production by lowering metabolic and muscular activities.

Cold Exposure: Conversely, when body temperature falls below the setpoint, heat conservation mechanisms are initiated:

  • Vasoconstriction: Narrowing of blood vessels to reduce blood flow to the skin, minimizing heat loss.
  • Decreased Sweating: Reduction in sweat production to conserve heat.
  • Shivering: Involuntary muscle contractions that generate additional heat.
  • Increased Metabolic Rate: Elevation of metabolic processes to produce more heat.

By helping the body maintain a normal body temperature, we help the body maintain homeostasis (Lim, 2020).

Fever: Harmful or Helpful?

Fever can be both beneficial and harmful, depending on the situation. The same applies to its treatment. As a common response to infection, fever can be protective by supporting the immune system. Still, it may also cause harm in certain circumstances, creating confusion among the medical community and patients. While the typical response to fever is to treat it, it often signals that the immune system is working effectively to combat an infection (Wrotek et al., 2020).

Fever can directly harm bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens by being toxic to them and inhibiting their growth. It also enhances the expression and activity of heat shock proteins (HSPs), which help protect the host's cells and tissues from heat-related stress. At the same time, fever reduces the expression and activity of intracellular proteins that could otherwise damage the host under heat-stress conditions. Unless feedback mechanisms associated with hyperthermia cause body temperature to rise excessively, the body generally prevents fever from reaching levels that result in systemic harm. Hyperthermia will be discussed later in this course. Fever can also be a diagnostic and prognostic tool in clinical practice (Wrotek et al., 2020).

While fever helps fight infection, the body's basic enzymatic processes in cells and organs do not function optimally when the temperature is abnormally elevated. Producing a fever significantly increases the metabolic rate—up to six times the baseline level. For example, raising the body temperature from 37°C to 39°C increases the metabolic rate by approximately 25%, leading to higher cardiac output, heart rate, and oxygen demand(Wrotek et al., 2020).

Body temperature does not reach dangerously high levels for most individuals with a fever caused by a self-limiting infectious process. Although the fever may be unpleasant, it typically has no serious consequences. However, fever can impose significant stress on individuals with chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or pulmonary conditions. In some clinical scenarios, such as cerebral hemorrhage or septic shock, reducing fever may improve outcomes and lower mortality rates (Wrotek et al., 2020).

Fever: Signs and Symptoms

The typical signs of fever include chills, sweating, flushing, shivering, and an increased heart rate (tachycardia). Common symptoms also include joint pain (arthralgias), fatigue (malaise), and muscle aches (myalgias). Individuals with a straightforward febrile illness, such as influenza, may feel uncomfortable and unwell, potentially unable to work, but they are often still capable of performing basic daily activities.

Common interventions for fevers may include antipyretics, such as acetaminophen or NSAIDs. NSAIDS have more of an anti-inflammatory role than other medication classes but could produce a higher risk of infection when used (Wrotek et al., 2020).

Noticeable signs and symptoms usually accompany fever; the patient appears and feels sick, with a body temperature exceeding 38°C. However, the presentation of a febrile illness can vary significantly and may be less obvious in two specific populations: the elderly and young children. Additionally, febrile illnesses in children can sometimes lead to febrile seizures, a complication that will be addressed separately.

Fever as a Result of Infection

A temperature elevation is often a sign of an immune response. Microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens are responsible for producing infections. These pathogens act as pyrogens, triggering monocytes, macrophages, and Kupffer cells to produce and release cytokines. Cytokines are small proteins produced by immune system cells that are key in coordinating the immune response to illness or infection. Specific cytokines, including interferon, interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor, function as endogenous pyrogens. They stimulate the hypothalamus to increase the production of prostaglandin E2, leading to a rise in body temperature (Santacrose et al., 2023).

An increased level of PGE2 raises the "setpoint" of the temperature regulation center in the hypothalamus, leading to the onset of fever. When the setpoint is elevated, the thermoregulatory center mistakenly perceives the body's temperature as too low. This triggers mechanisms for heat production and conservation, resulting in the development of a fever. Increased levels of PGE2 are also produced in peripheral tissues, contributing to the arthralgias and myalgias—commonly known as aches and pains—that frequently accompany a febrile illness (Santacrose et al., 2023).

Non-Infectious Causes of Fever

While infection is the most common cause of fever, other factors such as autoimmune disorders, medications, endocrine conditions, inflammatory responses, malignancies, and vascular disorders can also lead to elevated body temperature.

Due to their pharmacologic effects, certain drugs can raise body temperature when taken in excessive amounts. This increase occurs through one or more of the following mechanisms:

  • Significantly elevating the metabolic rate
  • Intensely stimulating muscular activity
  • Suppressing heat loss mechanisms
  • Triggering an immune response

Conversely, medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., ibuprofen) and corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone) can suppress the fever response to infection. Below are commonly used medications that can elevate body temperature through these mechanisms (Hoffman et al., 2015).

Table 1: Drugs That Can Increase Body Temperature
  • Anticholinergics, e.g., antihistamines, benztropine, tricyclic anti-depressants
  • Hallucinogenic amphetamines, e.g., MDMA (a.k.a. ecstasy)
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
  • Salicylates
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can cause serotonin syndrome, increasing body temperature
  • Sympathomimetics, e.g., amphetamine, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Thyroid medications, e.g., levothyroxine
  • Vaccines

Drug Fever

Drug fever is a non-infectious cause of fever characterized by a febrile response resulting from administering a therapeutic dose of medication. The fever typically aligns with the timing of the drug administration and resolves once the medication is discontinued. While antimicrobials, anticonvulsants, and antiarrhythmics are frequently associated with drug fever, a wide variety of medications can trigger this condition (Someko et al., 2023).

Drug fever can occur at any time during treatment. Although it can manifest weeks, months, or even years after a medication is first prescribed, it most commonly develops within 7-10 days of starting the therapy. At least five known mechanisms are responsible for drug fever, with hypersensitivity reactions being the most common cause (Someko et al., 2023).

Table 2: Drugs Commonly Associated with Drug Fever (Spelman, 2024)
  • Antiarrhythmic drugs (quinidine, procainamide)
  • Antiepileptic drugs (barbiturates and phenytoin)
  • Antihypertensive drugs
  • Antimicrobials (sulfonamides, penicillin, nitrofurantoin, vancomycin, anti-malarial drugs)
  • Anti-Thyroid drugs
  • Contaminants such as quinine that accompany injected cocaine or heroin
  • H1- and H2-blocking antihistamines
  • Iodides
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (including salicylates)


Three other conditions that may cause a fever include hyperthermia, malignant hyperthermia, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. These are distinct from typical febrile illnesses in the following ways (Chow & Tripp, 2023):

  • They are not caused by cytokine-mediated effects on the hypothalamus, rendering antipyretics ineffective.
  • The body temperature is often significantly higher than fevers caused by infections.
  • They are associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality.

Hyperthermia is defined as a body temperature exceeding 40.1°C (104°F) and is caused by:

  • High environmental heat
  • Significantly increased metabolic or muscular activity
  • Decreased function of the body’s heat dissipation mechanisms
  • A combination of these factors

Causes of hyperthermia may include heatstroke and certain drugs. Hyperthermia is extremely dangerous, as body temperatures at this level can denature proteins in the central nervous system, leading to irreversible brain damage. Systemic complications of hyperthermia include acid-base disturbances, coagulation abnormalities, liver damage, rhabdomyolysis, and seizures (Chow & Tripp, 2023).

Drug-induced hyperthermia is relatively common and occurs when certain medications elevate body temperature (Chow & Tripp, 2023).

Malignant Hyperthermia

Malignant hyperthermia is a life-threatening reaction that occurs during general anesthesia and is often tied to a genetic predisposition. If not caught and treated early, malignant hyperthermia can be fatal. Preventative and treatment modalities include (Hopkins et al., 2021):

  • Assessing a thorough family history during the preoperative stage
  • Monitoring ETCO2 during the operative procedure to assess for higher carbon dioxide production
  • Focus on the top three indicators to reduce negative outcomes from malignant hyperthermia:
    1. Identify and stop the triggering agent
    2. Administer intravenous dantrolene
    3. Cool the body down

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

After the use of specific types of antipsychotic medications, some people may develop a rare reaction called Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS). These reactions can become life-threatening if not recognized and treated early enough. NMS is believed to result from a significant blockade of dopamine activity in the central nervous system. This reduction in dopamine disrupts normal thermoregulation in the hypothalamus and causes continued tense and sustained muscular contraction, which can lead to hyperthermia (Wijdicks & Ropper, 2024).

A genetic correlation may be present in some. While NMS is uncommon, its incidence is estimated to be a very small percentage among patients treated with neuroleptics. Symptom onset typically occurs within the first two weeks of initiating neuroleptic therapy, but it can develop after a single dose or even years into ongoing treatment (Wijdicks & Ropper, 2024).

NMS requires prompt recognition and treatment, as delays can lead to serious complications, including rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, and cardiac arrhythmias. Discontinuation of the offending agent, supportive care, and pharmacological interventions, such as dopamine agonists (e.g., bromocriptine) or muscle relaxants (e.g., dantrolene), are commonly used to manage the condition. Early diagnosis and treatment are critical to improving outcomes (Wijdicks & Ropper, 2024).

The classic clinical signs of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) include autonomic dysfunction, delirium, hyperthermia, metabolic abnormalities, and severe muscular rigidity. Body temperatures as high as 40°C (104°F) are commonly observed in NMS.

Management of NMS requires immediate and aggressive supportive care, which includes physical cooling methods to manage hyperthermia and prevent complications. Pharmacological interventions, such as amantadine, bromocriptine (a dopamine agonist), and dantrolene (a muscle relaxant), are frequently used as antidotes in the treatment of NMS. However, current evidence on their efficacy remains limited, with most recommendations based on case reports and clinical experience rather than robust clinical trials.

Supportive care remains the goal of treatment, prioritizing hydration, electrolyte balance, and discontinuation of the offending antipsychotic medication. Prompt intervention reduces morbidity and prevents potentially life-threatening complications (Wijdicks & Ropper, 2024).

Fever: Medication Management

Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen are often used to manage fevers. Aspirin is rarely used as an antipyretic due to specific risks, which will be discussed later.

NSAIDs reduce fever by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzymes, decreasing prostaglandin production. This results in the re-adjustment of the hypothalamic temperature setpoint to normal levels. The exact mechanism by which acetaminophen reduces fever is not fully understood, but it likely involves its effects on the hypothalamic temperature-regulating center (Mehmood et al., 2024).

Both ibuprofen and acetaminophen are effective for fever reduction, though ibuprofen has been shown to be slightly more effective. The safety profiles of the two drugs are generally similar, but there are notable differences. Ibuprofen is more likely to cause gastrointestinal discomfort and should be used with caution in individuals who are dehydrated or have renal impairment.

Acetaminophen, while generally well-tolerated, is a leading cause of liver failure when taken in therapeutic overdoses.

Alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen is sometimes recommended for managing fever in children, but there is no definitive evidence that this approach is more effective than a single medication.

Cooling blankets and sponge baths are non-pharmacological interventions often recommended for fever management (Mehmood et al., 2024).

Deciding When to Treat a Fever

Determining when and how to treat a fever depends on the specific circumstances. Fever management should not be automatic but evaluated on a case-by-case basis, similar to any other therapeutic intervention. Fever may not always require treatment or intervention. Decisions about fever reduction should consider the patient’s individual needs, the potential benefits, and the risks associated with intervention.

For most patients, including adults and children, fever is commonly associated with a mild, self-limiting infectious illness such as influenza. In these cases, specific treatment of the underlying condition is often more critical than addressing the fever itself. Research indicates that fever typically resolves within a few days without intervention, and there is limited evidence that treating fever in these situations shortens the duration of illness.

However, there are specific scenarios where fever reduction may be beneficial. Managing a fever can improve a patient’s comfort, which can be particularly important in cases of significant distress. Additionally, fever management may be necessary for individuals with chronic cardiac or pulmonary conditions. These patients have reduced physiological reserves, and the increased metabolic demand and oxygen consumption associated with a fever could pose a risk to their health.

The decision to treat a fever should always consider the clinical context, balancing the patient’s comfort with the risks and benefits of intervention. Specific situations where fever reduction may be advantageous are discussed in detail below.

Neonates and Infants

Due to their age, neonates and infants are more challenging to assess than older children, as the physical exam provides limited information. These younger patients have fewer behavioral indicators that help determine the severity or specific cause of illness.

The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against using acetaminophen for febrile infants under six months old. In this age group, fever may be the only sign of a serious infection, so infections should be ruled out before considering any symptomatic treatment for the fever (Long & Gottlieb, 2021).


In most cases, fever in children is caused by a self-limiting viral illness, often making temperature reduction unnecessary. However, lowering the fever can improve the child's comfort, help maintain proper hydration, and provide the added benefit of pain relief through the analgesic effects of antipyretics.


Fever plays a dual role in sepsis, amplifying the inflammatory response and decreasing the pathogen load. Recent literature suggests that reducing fever in septic patients may offer benefits without significant risks (Doman et al., 2023).

Status Epilepticus

Fever lowers the seizure threshold, and reducing fever is often recommended for patients experiencing status epilepticus (Pavone et al., 2022).


Fever is recognized as a risk factor for adverse outcomes in stroke patients. The American Stroke Association guidelines and other expert recommendations advocate for fever reduction in these cases (Greer et al., 2024).

Fever in Neonates and Infants

Evaluating neonates and infants is a higher priority than simply reducing the fever, but it is not without challenges. Assessing neonates and infants is difficult because of their young age and inability to communicate when something is wrong. This makes diagnosing illnesses in this population more difficult compared to older children. Additionally, fever in neonates and infants is more likely to be associated with a serious bacterial infection (SBI). Components that providers should include in their assessment include (Smitherman et al., 2024):

  • Assessing for a change in behavior
  • Elevated rectal temperature
  • Prematurity history
  • Other comorbid conditions
  • Related symptoms
  • Recent exposures
  • Socioeconomic status/ social determinants of health

Viral illness is the most common cause of fever in infancy, with the most common viruses being (Smitherman et al., 2024):

  • Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
  • Varicella-Zoster
  • Enterovirus
  • Influenza
  • Adenovirus
  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
  • Covid-19

Bacterial infections are less common reasons for fever in this age group but may refer to bacteremia, bacterial meningitis, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, soft tissue infections, septic arthritis, and even bacterial gastroenteritis. The most common pathogens responsible for bacterial infections may include (Smitherman et al., 2024):

  • Escherichia Coli (E. Coli)
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Staphylococcus Aureus
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Salmonella
  • Enterococcus faecalis
  • Enterobacter cloacae
  • Moraxella catarrhalis
  • Klebsiella
  • Citrobacter

Infections occurring within the first week of life are often the result of vertical transmission from the mother.

Febrile Seizures

Febrile seizures are a common complication of febrile illnesses in children and represent the most frequent cause of seizures in the pediatric population. A febrile seizure occurs in a child aged 6 to 60 months with a body temperature of ≥38°C (100.4°F), without a central nervous system infection, metabolic disturbance, or a prior history of afebrile seizures. Most febrile seizures will occur within the first 24 hours of an illness. Symptoms of a febrile seizure may include (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2024):

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Uncontrollable shaking/jerking/stiffness
  • Abnormal eye movements
  • Loss of bodily functions, such as urinating

Febrile seizures are the most common type of seizures occurring in children, though the exact incidence is uncertain. These seizures are most frequently linked to common infectious illnesses, such as otitis media and upper respiratory infections.

Age is the strongest risk factor for febrile seizures, but several other factors may also increase the risk, including (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2024):

  • Antenatal complications
  • Daycare attendance
  • Developmental delays
  • Family history of febrile seizures
  • Male gender
  • High peak body temperature
  • Hypocalcemia
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Deficiencies in iron, selenium, and zinc
  • Microcytic hypochromic anemia

Childhood vaccinations have been suspected to be associated with febrile seizures, but health experts state this is extremely rare. The fever, not the vaccination, likely precipitates children who develop a febrile seizure after receiving a vaccine (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2024).

The majority of febrile seizures are classified as simple febrile seizures. These seizures are generalized, last less than 15 minutes, occur only once within 24 hours, and have no post-seizure complications or lasting effects. Additionally, children experiencing simple febrile seizures typically have no prior history of neurological disease (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2024).

While rare, serious neurological complications can occasionally occur following a simple febrile seizure, particularly if the seizure was prolonged or severe, the child had an exceptionally high fever, or the seizure was linked to infections such as measles or salmonella (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2024).

Treating Febrile Seizures

Most febrile seizures do not require any treatment. However, parents should monitor their child, note the start of the seizure, what the child looked like, how long the seizure lasted, etc. An ambulance should be called if a seizure lasts more than several minutes. Parents or bystanders should also facilitate safety for the child by ensuring they don’t hit their head and helping them to the floor so they won’t fall off of surfaces.  Do not restrain them, and never place anything inside the mouth. Sometimes, people may vomit or aspirate and choke, so placing the child on their side is the safest position for them. If this is a first-time seizure, medical attention should be sought. Medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help with the fever, but this may not prevent a febrile seizure(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2024). The rationale for this is that seizures aren’t typically caused by the fever itself but rather by the underlying illness.

Fever Management in Infants

Infants up to 90 days old are at a heightened risk of serious bacterial infections (SBI) and require a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare provider. Their immune systems are still underdeveloped at this age, and many have not yet received vaccinations, leaving them with reduced protective defenses against infections (Smitherman et al., 2024).

Table 3: Risk Factors for Serious Bacterial Infections in Babies (Smitherman et al., 2024)
  • Age <28 days
  • Ill appearance
  • Rectal temperature ≥38.5°C (101.3°F; infants 22 to 60 days old only)
  • Prematurity (gestational age <37 weeks)
  • Recent antibiotics
  • Comorbidities or chronic illness
  • Maternal risk for early-onset sepsis (neonates <14 days only, any one of the following):
    • Peripartum fever
    • Prolonged rupture of membranes
    • Vaginal culture positive for group B Streptococcus
  • Focal infection

Upon evaluation, providers should pay close attention to physical appearance, vital signs, and information shared by the responsible guardian. Oftentimes, several diagnostic studies may be performed, such as (Smitherman et al., 2024):

  • Blood culture
  • Chest radiograph in patients with signs of a respiratory illness
  • Complete blood count (CBC) with differential
  • C-reactive protein (CRP)
  • Procalcitonin (PCT)
  • Urinalysis
  • Urine culture (by transurethral bladder catheterization or suprapubic aspiration.

Depending on the results of these tests, a lumbar puncture should be performed, and empirical antibiotic therapy should be started (Smitherman et al., 2024).

Key Points for Discussing Fever and Febrile Illnesses with Parents

General Information(Ward, 2024)

  • Fever as a Defense Mechanism: Fever is a natural response to illness and may help shorten its duration.
  • Fever Severity and Illness: The degree of fever does not necessarily indicate how severe the illness is.
  • Fever and Febrile Seizures: Lowering a fever does not prevent febrile seizures.
  • Safety of High Fevers: A high fever will not cause brain damage or serious harm to a child.
  • Purpose of Treating Fever: The primary reason for lowering a fever is to improve the child’s comfort and maintain proper hydration.
  • Duration of Illness: Reducing fever will not shorten the duration of the illness.


  • OTC Cough and Cold Medications: Over-the-counter cough and cold products, many of which include antipyretics. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) generally recommends against these unless necessary.
  • Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen: These medications are safe and effective when used correctly. Parents should strictly follow dosing instructions and never exceed the recommended dose.
  • Aspirin Warning: Aspirin should never be given to children under 19 years old due to its association with Reye's syndrome, a rare but serious disease.

Home Care

  • Simple Illnesses: Most fevers are caused by self-limiting viral infections like colds or the flu, which typically resolve with rest, fluids, and time.
  • Consulting the Pediatrician: Parents should always discuss fever management with their pediatrician for advice tailored to their child’s condition.
  • Unnecessary Medications: Antibiotics, vitamins, minerals, and antihistamines are ineffective for fevers caused by simple illnesses and should only be used if recommended by a healthcare provider.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Parents should bring their child to a pediatrician in the following situations:

  • Infants ≤ 90 Days Old: A rectal temperature of 38ºC (100.4ºF) or higher, even if the infant appears well.
  • Children 3 to 36 Months:
    • Rectal temperature of 38ºC (100.4ºF) or higher lasting more than three days, especially if the child appears unwell or refuses fluids.
    • Rectal temperature of 38.9ºC (102ºF) or higher.
  • High Fevers:
    • Oral, otic, rectal, or forehead temperature of 40ºC (104ºF) or higher.
    • Axillary (armpit) temperature of 39.4ºC (103ºF) or higher.
  • Seizures: The child experiences a seizure with a fever.
  • Chronic Medical Conditions: The child has a fever and a pre-existing condition such as cancer, heart disease, or sickle cell anemia.
  • Rashes: A fever accompanied by the development of a rash.

Addressing these points can help parents better understand fever management and know when to seek medical care for their child.

Adults with Fever of Unknown Origin

In adults, febrile illnesses are often self-limiting viral infections, have an identifiable cause, or can be quickly diagnosed. However, if a fever persists despite a thorough evaluation and the cause remains undetermined, it is classified as a fever of unknown origin (FUO). Criteria for this determination include a temperature greater than 38ºC on multiple occasions, lasting at least three weeks, and with an unclear source of an infection/trigger for the fever (Haidar & Singh, 2022).

Educating Adults About Fever Management

Many of the same principles for managing fever in children apply to adults. Adults experiencing a fever should prioritize rest and staying well-hydrated.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medications generally provide limited benefits and may pose risks due to potential interactions with prescription medications. For example:

  • Dextromethorphan: Is a common cough suppressant and can lead to serotonin syndrome when combined with antidepressants like fluoxetine or paroxetine.
  • Phenylephrine: Is a decongestant and sympathomimetic. Due to its potential to elevate blood pressure, it should be used cautiously by individuals with cardiovascular conditions.


Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are effective options for reducing fever, but adults—particularly older adults—should consult a healthcare provider before use.

  • Acetaminophen: This may not be safe for individuals with liver disease, as it can exacerbate liver damage.
  • Ibuprofen: Should be avoided or used with caution in those with gastric ulcers or other gastrointestinal issues.

Aspirin Use

While aspirin may be an effective antipyretic, it is not the preferred choice for adult fever management. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are generally safer options, especially for older adults, due to aspirin’s increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and other side effects. By educating adults on these considerations, they can make informed decisions about managing fever while minimizing potential risks.

Fever in the Elderly

Infection is a common cause of illness and fever in older adults. However, advancing age increases the likelihood that a fever may result from a non-infectious source, a medical condition, or a medication.

An important consideration is that older adults may not always develop a fever when infected. Up to 50% of elderly patients with severe infections, such as bacteremia or meningitis, may not develop a fever. Since an older adult’s baseline core temperature is often lower than average, even slight elevations may not meet the standard definition of fever. This altered febrile response is well-documented, but its exact cause remains unclear. Possible explanations include reduced hypothalamic sensitivity, diminished production or activity of endogenous pyrogens, or insufficient levels of prostaglandin E2.

Older adults presenting with a fever may not have other symptoms that often accompany a fever, such as chills, sweating, or flushing. Instead, signs like confusion, shortness of breath, reduced activity, or impaired mobility may suggest an illness. To ensure timely intervention, it is important to consider the possibility of an infectious process when an older adult experiences a sudden change in mental or physical function.

The Infectious Diseases Society of America criteria for defining fever in the elderly population include (O’Grady et al., 2023):

  • A single oral temperature > 37.8°C (100°F)
  • Multiple oral temperatures > 37.2°C (99°F) or rectal temperatures > 37.5°C (99.5°F)
  • Persistent tympanic temperature > 37.2°C (99°F)
  • An increase of > 1.1°C (2°F) above the baseline temperature


Fever is characterized by an elevated body temperature and is commonly regarded as a protective response by the body’s immune or inflammatory systems. The hypothalamus in the brain regulates body temperature, similar to a thermostat, and factors such as muscular activity and cytokine production play significant roles in heat generation and the immune response. It is particularly prevalent in children and is one of the most common symptoms of illness. While the threshold for treating a fever is often set at 100.4°F, the primary goal is not to eliminate the fever but to ensure the child’s comfort and promote oral intake. Although infections are the most frequent cause of fever, other conditions like autoimmune disorders, medications, and malignancies can also result in an elevated body temperature. Symptoms often include chills, sweating, joint pain, fatigue, and muscle aches. While fever can have protective effects, it can also be harmful in certain situations, and medications like NSAIDs are typically preferred for treatment in children over acetaminophen. Education on proper fever management, especially regarding avoiding aspirin in children, is crucial for families. Additionally, rare conditions such as malignant hyperthermia, which is linked to anesthesia, require special attention.

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Implicit Bias Statement

CEUFast, Inc. is committed to furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). While reflecting on this course content, CEUFast, Inc. would like you to consider your individual perspective and question your own biases. Remember, implicit bias is a form of bias that impacts our practice as healthcare professionals. Implicit bias occurs when we have automatic prejudices, judgments, and/or a general attitude towards a person or a group of people based on associated stereotypes we have formed over time. These automatic thoughts occur without our conscious knowledge and without our intentional desire to discriminate. The concern with implicit bias is that this can impact our actions and decisions with our workplace leadership, colleagues, and even our patients. While it is our universal goal to treat everyone equally, our implicit biases can influence our interactions, assessments, communication, prioritization, and decision-making concerning patients, which can ultimately adversely impact health outcomes. It is important to keep this in mind in order to intentionally work to self-identify our own risk areas where our implicit biases might influence our behaviors. Together, we can cease perpetuating stereotypes and remind each other to remain mindful to help avoid reacting according to biases that are contrary to our conscious beliefs and values.


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