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Nurse Entrepreneurship: A Transforming Force in Business

The role of nurses has evolved significantly over time. While traditionally seen as caregivers within hospitals and clinics, nurses have increasingly stepped into entrepreneurial roles, leveraging the . . .

Managing the Measles Outbreak in Texas

The recent measles outbreak in Texas and New Mexico has raised public health concerns, with around 130 reported cases and at least 18 hospitalizations. The death of an unvaccinated child in West Texas . . .

Myocardial Infarction: Different Symptoms, Same Diagnosis

Most people have seen a heart attack or myocardial infarction, as referred to by healthcare providers in a movie, or may have even known someone who has experienced one. The classic movie portrayal of . . .

From Bedside to Boardroom: Nurse Leadership Paths

Nursing careers have significantly evolved in recent years, with an increasing number of nurses assuming leadership and administrative roles within healthcare settings. As healthcare systems become mo . . .

Becoming a Nurse: Essential Education & Training

Nursing consistently ranks as the most trusted profession year after year. Nursing professionals play a vital role in patient care, aiding individuals in their recovery from illnesses and injuries. Nu . . .

Trauma-Informed Care: Tools for Nurses to Assist Patients with Complex Histories

Trauma-informed care (TIC) acknowledges the prevalence and impact of trauma on patients' physical, emotional, and mental health. It prioritizes safety, trust, and collaboration and ensures that care i . . .

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