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Polypharmacy CE Now Available on CEUFast 

April 15, 2016


(Lake City, Fla.) It’s not unusual to see elderly patients taking a slew of medication. In fact, it’s pretty common place, but it can also be rather dangerous.


CEUfast has created a three (3) hour course on the topic entitled Polypharmacy: Is It the New normal for the Elderly Patient?


Writing prescriptions for a condition or multiple conditions is the most frequent medical intervention clinicians perform, and it’s understandable, considering a number of issues rely on meds to manage pain or disease.


However, it’s important that healthcare providers must be aware of the side effects of these prescriptions, how they may interact with other drugs or supplements the patient may be taking, all of the other conditions the patient might be dealing with, all while carefully evaluate the risk to benefit ratio.


After completing this CE, users will be able to define polypharmacy and understand the difference between an adverse drug reaction and an adverse drug effect.

The course also delves into the different classes of adverse drug reactions as well as the effects of polypharmacy on the elderly population at large.

As patient advocates, healthcare providers will also get a better understanding of how to avoid polypharmacy when possible and mitigate the effects of polypharmacy when it’s needed.


To get started on this course, click here.


You can take the test for free. To get your certificate, be sure to subscribe to CEUfast here.



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