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Mental Retardation; Special Healthcare Needs

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Author:    Patricia Shuman (RN, MSN)


American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (2011). Definition of Intellectual Disability. Retrieved January 31, 2011 from

Cooper, S. Morrison, J. Melville, C. Finlayson, J. Allan, L. Martin, G. & Robinson, N. (2006). Improving the health of people with intellectual disabilities: outcomes of a health screening programmed after 1 year. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 50 (9), 667-677.

Horrell, S. MacLean, W. & Conley, V. (2006), Patient and Parent/Guardian Perspectives on the Healthcare of Adults with Mental Retardation. Mental Retardation. 44 (4). 239-248.

Jones, M. McLafferty, E. Walley, R. Toland, J. & Melson, N. (2008). Inclusion in Primary care for people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. 12 (2). 93-109.

Lotan, G. & Ells, C. Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Participation in Decision Making: Ethical Considerations for Professional – Client Practice. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 48(2) 112-125.

PubMed Health. (2009). Mental Retardation. Retrieved January 31, 2011 from