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Free Nursing Aide CEUs

We currently offer ONE Free Nursing Aide CE course and one free Nurse CE (To check out our one free Nursing CE course, click here for details.)

Our free nursing aide ceus will always be available on this page. Additionally, please explore our growing library of courses. ALL of our nursing continuing education courses are free to read and enjoy without cost, obligation, or even a blood draw :-)

Personal Care of Patients for CNAs and HHAs

(1 contact hour)
This course provides CNAs and HHAs with essential knowledge and skills to deliver effective personal care to patients. Topics include hygiene, mobility assistance, nutritional support, and fostering emotional well-being. Emphasizing safety and compassion, the course equips caregivers to enhance patient comfort and quality of life.
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Accredited ANCC Provider
ANCC Approved Provider.
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For applicable states and professions.
free nursing ceus

50 Courses and growing

Choose from a variety of topics, including many state required courses all written by our expert authors and peer reviewed. Our library of continuing education courses for Nurse Aides is continually refreshed with new and revised courses for your ANCC accredited nursing ceus.