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Help - License Validation Error: Number Will Not Validate

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License Validation Error: Number Will Not Validate

Last Updated: Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Created On: Sunday, December 15, 2019

Follow these steps:

Log into your account.

  1. From the "My Account" page, click on the "Edit Profile" link on the top left side of the page (under your name).
  2. Scroll down the page to the "My Licenses" are and click the "Edit" button located next to the license number you wish to update.
  3. Verify that your license number has been entered correctly in the following fields:  
  • The "State" field must match the state applicable to your license.
  • The "Profession Code" field must reflect the alphabetic portion of your license number (i.e. CNA, LPN, PN, RN, etc).
  • The "License Number" field should only contain the numerical portion of your license number.

The first and last name on your CEUfast account must match the first and last name on file with CE Broker.

  • If you have received an error stating that your name does not match, please note that many times this can be from a simple formatting difference, such as a space between surnames or a missing hyphen. It can also be caused by a data entry difference. For example, if CE Broker entered your first name as "Jane" and last name as "Doe" but you registered your first name as "Jane Q" (with your middle initial) on CEUfast, you will not be able to validate your license until your first name is updated to "Jane". The first name and last name you register with on CEUFast must match the first name and last name entered by CE Broker exactly in order to enable your license.

The "Date Issued" and "Date Expires" fields are not required unless you want to receive reminders that apply to your license renewal. You can obtain both of these exact dates from your state board of nursing license verification website.

If you are still unable to enable reporting for your license after following the above steps, please contact us at


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