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Not Receiving Emails from CEUfast?

Last Updated: Friday, May 15, 2020
Created On: Thursday, April 23, 2020

Guide to Whitelist Email

CEUfast wants to make sure emails are making their way to your inbox. This way you can ensure you’re up to date on renewal deadlines, new courses and the latest in the nursing industry. By adding CEUfast to your whitelist, you will be able to communicate with the support team if you ever need assistance with your account, or have a question for us. A great way to set this up is by adding CEUfast to your Whitelist, which is your safe sender list. This tells your email provider that our emails are not spam, and actually do belong in your inbox. 

Keep reading to find step-by-step instructions on how to add CEUfast to your whitelist. 

AOL Mail

  1. Click “Contacts” in the toolbar on the right side
  2. Select the “Add Contact” option
  3. Enter to add us to your list
  4. Click “Add Contact” to complete


  1. Click “Preferences” from the menu bar
  2. Click “Restrict Incoming Email” to view the settings
  3. Select “Yes to Enable Email Controls” 
  4. Click “Allow” to enable email addresses from the list
  5. Enter to add us to your list
  6. Click “Add” and “Update” to complete


  1. Open the Address Book 
  2. Click “Add Contact”
  3. Add CEUfast as a contact and save


  1. Open a previous email from CEUfast
  2. Click on the drop down arrow next to the “Reply” button
  3. Click “Add to contacts list” to complete

Apple Mail

  1. Open an email from CEUfast
  2. Select the email address in the header of the message
  3. Click “Add” to complete


  1. Open the Address Book, shown in the menu bar on top
  2. Click “Contacts” and “Add Contact
  3. Enter and save to complete

Windows Live Hotmail

  1. Open a previous email from CEUfast
  2. Select the “Add to Contacts” option to complete

Yahoo! Mail

  1. Open a previous email from CEUfast
  2. Select “Add to Contacts” then enter additional information in the popup if needed
  3. Click “Save” to complete

Microsoft Outlook 2003

  1. Open a previous email from CEUfast
  2. Right-click the “Click Here to Download Images” in the gray bar at the top of the email
  3. Select “Add sender to Senders Safe List” to complete

Outlook 2007

  1. In the email list view, right-click on an email from CEUfast
  2. Select “Junk E-mail” 
  3. Click “Add Sender to Safe Senders List” to complete

Outlook 2010

  1. Click the “Home” tab then go to the Junk folder
  2. Click “Junk E-mail Options” then “Safe Senders”
  3. Select “Add” and enter and additional information as you see fit
  4.  Click “OK” to complete

Mozilla Thunderbird for PC and Mac

  1. Open the Address Book
  2. Check to see that the Personal Address Book is the one highlighted
  3. Click “New Card”
  4. Under the Contact tab, enter and additional information if necessary
  5. Click “OK” to complete

Mac Mail

  1. Open the Address Book
  2. Click “File,” then “New Card”
  3. Enter and additional information if necessary
  4. Click “Edit” to complete

iOS Devices (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Tap on any message from CEUfast
  2. Select CEUfast in the “From” field at the top of the message
  3. Click “Create New Contact”

Android Devices (Samsung, Google Nexus, etc.)

  1. Open a previous email from CEUfast
  2. Select the picture next to the sender field
  3. Click “OK” to add to contacts and complete

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