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Blog Commenting Policy

Welcome to the CEUfast blog! We encourage open and respectful discussions in our comments section. To ensure a positive and constructive environment, we have established the following commenting policy:

Respectful and Civil Behavior

Please be courteous and respectful in your comments. Avoid personal attacks, offensive language, and disrespectful behavior. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Stay on Topic

Ensure that your comments are relevant to the blog post's topic. Off-topic comments may be removed to maintain the focus of the discussion.

No Spam or Self-Promotion

Do not use the comments section for self-promotion, advertising, or spam. Any comments with promotional content will be deleted.

No Outside Links

Please refrain from including any external links in your comments to maintain the integrity of our discussion space. We encourage contributions that focus on the topic and foster meaningful conversations. Any comments containing links will be removed.

Privacy and Personal Information

Do not share personal information, including your own or others', in the comments. This includes email addresses, phone numbers, or any other private information.

Avoid Profanity and Inappropriate Content

Profanity, hate speech, discriminatory remarks, or any other form of inappropriate content will not be tolerated and may result in the removal of comments and banning of users.

Be Constructive

We welcome constructive criticism and feedback. If you disagree with a point, express your views in a thoughtful and constructive manner.

No Trolling

Do not engage in trolling, baiting, or intentionally provoking others to disrupt the conversation. Such behavior will not be tolerated.


CEUfast reserves the right to moderate and remove comments that violate this policy. We may also ban users who repeatedly violate these guidelines.

Ownership and Licensing

By posting a comment on our blog, you grant CEUfast a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and worldwide license to use, modify, and display the comment. You retain ownership of your comment.

Feedback and Questions

If you have questions or concerns about our commenting policy or would like to report a comment that violates these guidelines, please contact us at

Thank you for being a part of our blog community. We value your contributions and look forward to engaging in meaningful discussions with you. Let's keep the conversation respectful and informative!

-The CEUfast Team