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(46)  Results for: infection control

This course discusses safe practices for Medication Aides to prevent the spread of infection while administering medications to residents.
This course discusses 1) The process of transmission of infectious pathogens, 2) Basic infection control procedures and techniques, 3) How specific infectious pathogens are transmitted and the infection control procedures/techniques used to prevent their transmission, 4) Hospital-acquired infections – e.g.., specific pathogens like influenza and pneumonia, 5) Treatment of occupational exposure to hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and HIV, and 6) Sepsis.
This course discusses 1) The process of transmission of infectious pathogens, 2) Basic infection control procedures and techniques, 3) How specific infectious pathogens are transmitted and the infection control procedures/techniques used to prevent their transmission, 4) Hospital-acquired infections – e.g.., specific pathogens like influenza and pneumonia, 5) Treatment of occupational exposure to hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and HIV, and 6) Sepsis.
This course discusses IV legalities, infection control, safe injection, and documentation. The scope of practice for LPNs is described, including competency and knowledge requirements. Along with infection control, exposure prevention and post-exposure recommendations are discussed. As documentation is an essential aspect of patient care, quality documentation and technical tips are provided.
Controlled substances are powerful medications that must be prescribed and administered responsibly to reduce the associated risks. This course discusses the five schedules used to classify substances and how to safely prescribe them. Readers will learn the difference between physical dependence, psychological dependence and addiction as well as the risk factors for substance abuse.
This course discusses pain management and methods to assess patients at risk for opiate abuse. It also provides safe and effective prescribing tips for advanced practice registered nurses who are holders of a Certificate of Fitness to prescribe to address controlled substance prescribing practices in Tennessee.
This course discusses pain management and methods to assess patients at risk for opiate abuse. It also provides safe and effective prescribing tips for advanced practice registered nurses who are holders of a Certificate of Fitness to prescribe to address controlled substance prescribing practices in Tennessee.
This course discusses: Drug Diversion and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances, Training and Administration of an Opioid Antagonist, and Substance Use Disorder Training and Other Relevant Training Guidelines “Best practice prescribing of controlled substances training”, and Prescription Monitoring Program information. The Federal and State laws regarding Prescribing and Monitoring Controlled Substances.
This course discusses: Drug Diversion and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances, Training and Administration of an Opioid Antagonist, and Substance Use Disorder Training and Other Relevant Training Guidelines “Best practice prescribing of controlled substances training”, and Prescription Monitoring Program information. The Federal and State laws regarding Prescribing and Monitoring Controlled Substances.
This course discusses: Drug Diversion and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances, Training and Administration of an Opioid Antagonist, and Substance Use Disorder Training and Other Relevant Training Guidelines “Best practice prescribing of controlled substances training”, and Prescription Monitoring Program information. The Federal and State laws regarding Prescribing and Monitoring Controlled Substances.
This course discusses: Drug Diversion and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances, Training and Administration of an Opioid Antagonist, and Substance Use Disorder Training and Other Relevant Training Guidelines “Best practice prescribing of controlled substances training”, and Prescription Monitoring Program information. The Federal and State laws regarding Prescribing and Monitoring Controlled Substances.
This course discusses neonatal infections, including maternal risk factors and common organisms responsible for infection. The course also reviews the presentation and signs and symptoms of various infections.
This course discusses: Drug Diversion and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances, Training and Administration of an Opioid Antagonist, and Substance Use Disorder Training and Other Relevant Training Guidelines “Best practice prescribing of controlled substances training”, and Prescription Monitoring Program information. The Federal and State laws regarding Prescribing and Monitoring Controlled Substances.
This course discusses: Drug Diversion and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances, Training and Administration of an Opioid Antagonist, and Substance Use Disorder Training and Other Relevant Training Guidelines “Best practice prescribing of controlled substances training”, and Prescription Monitoring Program information. The Federal and State laws regarding Prescribing and Monitoring Controlled Substances.
This course discusses: Drug Diversion and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances, Training and Administration of an Opioid Antagonist, and Substance Use Disorder Training and Other Relevant Training Guidelines “Best practice prescribing of controlled substances training”, and Prescription Monitoring Program information. The Federal and State laws regarding Prescribing and Monitoring Controlled Substances.
This course covers drug diversion and best practices when prescribing, dispensing or administering controlled substances to patients. Learners will explore the principles in managing chronic pain patients with opioids, dealing with drug addiction and drug diversion. Health professionals should be able to educate patients about prescription substance abuse issues while prescribing opioids after taking this course.
This course discusses how to screen, identify, and treat sexually transmitted infections in adults and pediatrics. This course also discusses risk factors, complications, and special population considerations for sexually transmitted infections.
This course discusses how to screen, identify, and treat sexually transmitted infections in adults and pediatrics. This course also discusses risk factors, complications, and special population considerations for sexually transmitted infections.
This course discusses the disease processes of UTIs, the etiology of bacteria colonization of the bladder, testing methods, and current data on treatments and antibiotic stewardship. This course also discusses at-risk populations and why they are at risk. The different types of UTIs, prevalence, research findings, and other facts related to UTIs are briefly mentioned.
This course discusses neonatal infections, including maternal risk factors and common organisms responsible for infection. The course also reviews the presentation and signs and symptoms of various infections.
This course discusses the many uses for the urinary catheter, the etiology of the ubiquitous catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI), and CAUTI bundles.
This course discusses ways to help learners gain education in addiction, pain management, and palliative care.
This course introduces lymphedema diagnosis and management basics. Specifically, how to screen, diagnose, and manage lymphedema, including compression, the differences between short stretch/long stretch bandages and why it is important to know this, and where and when to refer patients to lymphedema specialists.
This course goes over the common issue of medical errors and how to apply strategies for prevention. Those who take this CE will be able to discuss the impact of human error, identify where these errors tend to happen and explain programs that reduce medical errors.
This course discusses the issues/topics of insulin, insulin administration, other injectable diabetic medications, and commonly used oral diabetic medications.
This course discusses the issues/topics of insulin, insulin administration, other injectable diabetic medications, and commonly used oral diabetic medications.
This course discusses the role of the CNA in the care of patients with respiratory conditions.
This course discusses the current clinical practice guidelines for HIV/AIDS, including symptomatic presentations and management strategies.
This course discusses the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and its end-stage Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), along with strategies for extending the disease process and allowing for a high-quality life despite the presence of an otherwise terminal disease.
This course introduces lymphedema diagnosis and management basics. Specifically, how to screen, diagnose, and manage lymphedema, including compression, the differences between short stretch/long stretch bandages and why it is important to know this, and where and when to refer patients to lymphedema specialists.
This course discusses the current clinical practice guidelines for HIV/AIDS, including symptomatic presentations and management strategies.
This course discusses the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and its end-stage Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), along with strategies for extending the disease process and allowing for a high-quality life despite the presence of an otherwise terminal disease.
Patients have the right to care, treatment, and services that safeguard their personal dignity and respect their cultural, psychosocial, and spiritual values. These values often affect the patient's treatment needs and preferences. By understanding and respecting patients and their values, healthcare workers can help meet patients' needs for treatment and services and protect their rights. When a patient has dementia or is not conscious, there is a tendency to consider them as objects instead of a person.
In children, COVID-19 is usually mild. However, in rare cases, children can be severely affected, and clinical manifestations may differ from adults. In April of 2020, reports from the United Kingdom (UK) documented a presentation in children similar to incomplete Kawasaki disease (KD) or toxic shock syndrome.3,4 Since then, there have been reports of similarly affected children in other parts of the world.5-12 This new syndrome had been termed Multisystem Inflammatory syndrome in Children (MIS-C). Children who present with clinical features of MIS-C should be tested for SARS-CoV-2 and referred promptly to a specialist in pediatric infectious disease, rheumatology, cardiology, or critical care.
This course discusses pain management considerations prior to wound cleansing and debridement, a brief review of the TIME mnemonic from the prior course (Wound Series 2b: Wound Care), a more in-depth breakdown of this mnemonic to emphasize common debridement methods and how to differentiate inflammation of a wound versus an active infection, and an explanation of how to determine when it is appropriate to utilize antimicrobial wound cleansing solutions versus less cytotoxic methods.
Malaria is a significant and deadly global health problem affecting millions yearly. It is a deadly disease that can be prevented; therefore, it is essential to understand malaria transmission. This course discusses epidemiology, symptomatology, and treatment of malaria.
This course discusses respiratory illnesses as a major cause of sickness and healthcare utilization in children. In the vulnerable pediatric population, these illnesses can rapidly progress from mild to life-threatening. Healthcare providers must have the knowledge and skills to accurately assess and differentiate between various respiratory conditions to provide timely intervention and treatment. It is vital clinicians provide patients and caregivers with comprehensive and clear education regarding the treatment and prevention of respiratory illness.
This course updates annual training topics required for the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (TJC), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). It also includes medical device reporting, patient’s rights, Medical Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and workplace safety. This course does not address facility-specific information.
This course discusses respiratory illnesses as a major cause of sickness and healthcare utilization in children. In the vulnerable pediatric population, these illnesses can rapidly progress from mild to life-threatening. Healthcare providers must have the knowledge and skills to accurately assess and differentiate between various respiratory conditions to provide timely intervention and treatment. It is vital clinicians provide patients and caregivers with comprehensive and clear education regarding the treatment and prevention of respiratory illness.
This course discusses an early warning system in obstetrics that should trigger a response based on patient assessment and close monitoring.
This course discusses how pregnancy, labor, and delivery are normal physiological processes, but complications can arise. These complications can occur in the antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum period. Many of these complications are high-risk and low volume, meaning they can be devastating but do not occur often. This course will discuss some of the most common obstetric complications to watch out for, including their associated risk factors and the respective care required for treatment.
This course updates annual training topics required for the CNAs and HHAs to practice safely in a healthcare environment.
This course discusses how pregnancy, labor, and delivery are normal physiological processes, but complications can arise. These complications can occur in the antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum period. Many of these complications are high-risk and low volume, meaning they can be devastating but do not occur often. This course will discuss some of the most common obstetric complications to watch out for, including their associated risk factors and the respective care required for treatment.
This course discusses pain management considerations prior to wound cleansing and debridement, a brief review of the TIME mnemonic from the prior course (Wound Series 2b: Wound Care), a more in-depth breakdown of this mnemonic to emphasize common debridement methods and how to differentiate inflammation of a wound versus an active infection, and an explanation of how to determine when it is appropriate to utilize antimicrobial wound cleansing solutions versus less cytotoxic methods.
This course discusses how to identify and respond to patients who present with the signs and symptoms of Mpox.
This course discusses how to identify and respond to patients who present with the signs and symptoms of Mpox.