A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), also called a PICC line, is a tube inserted into a vein in an extremity, most commonly the arm, and leads directly to the heart. PICC lines can be used . . .
The role of nurses has evolved significantly over time. While traditionally seen as caregivers within hospitals and clinics, nurses have increasingly stepped into entrepreneurial roles, leveraging the . . .
Heart disease remains a leading cause of mortality globally, significantly impacting individuals. Nurses are uniquely positioned to address this prevalent health issue through comprehensive patient ed . . .
Chronic disease poses a significant challenge to the healthcare system globally. Conditions such as diabetes, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and many others often requir . . .
Pediatric nursing is essential for safeguarding the health and well-being of children. Children are a vulnerable patient population that requires specialized care. Professionals in this field deliver . . .
Podcasts have quickly become one of the most popular and accessible ways to consume information in today’s fast-paced world. Their on-demand nature and versatility make them a perfect fit for busy pro . . .
Integrating technology into patient care has become essential for delivering services in the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. Nursing informatics, which combines nursing science with information . . .
Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health challenges in teens and adults today. While they affect everyone differently, both conditions can bring overwhelming feelings of sadness . . .
Postpartum depression is a mental health condition that affects many new mothers, often occurring in the weeks or months following childbirth. While bringing a new life into the world is often seen as . . .
In the second installment of our series, 'The Alarming Rise of Cancer in Young Adults,' this article delves into the impact that shifts in reproductive habits and hormonal treatments may have on cance . . .
People around the world face various health challenges that turn simple daily activities into daunting tasks. Overcoming these obstacles often requires more than medical treatments, such as innovative . . .
Emergency medical personnel and healthcare professionals have been one of the hardest hit industries dealing with the global pandemic. Many are working long, exhausting hours and risking their lives o . . .
Since its inception, CEUfast has been at the forefront of consistently making the continuing education (CE) process a hassle-free learning experience for nursing and healthcare professionals. With the . . .
When thinking about artificial intelligence (AI), many might picture this sleek robot from a science fiction movie, operating with a near-omniscient understanding of the world. In reality, however, it . . .
The heart symbol is deeply embedded in our society on a universal level — recognized all over the world as a representation of love, affection, compassion, and understanding. The easily deciphered sha . . .
On the surface, genetics can be a fascinating topic because it explains the remarkable diversity of inherited traits; on a deeper level, however, it can also unveil the intricate mechanism behind the . . .
Nurses Week is a time to celebrate all the dedicated, hard working, and compassionate nurses that are an integral part of the healthcare system. According to the American Nurses Association, this annu . . .
There are few groups for which this is more important than the healthcare community. That’s why CEUFast has set out to deliver a resource that provides nurses with the information they need to meet th . . .
What can we learn from pandemic movies, television shows, video games, and books about the ramifications of viral outbreaks? Explore fictional viruses in this creative, and compelling ways, in this in . . .
It’s no secret that the pandemic has rocked our world in many different ways. From our health to our wealth, the pandemic has placed major changes in our lives whether we were ready for it or not. And . . .
About a year ago, millions flocked to their closest grocery or convenience store in a hurry to buy up bottles of disinfectant, cleaning wipes and supplies, and – oddly enough – toilet paper. As news b . . .
The recent shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) have stretched across the globe and have brought to light the important role these items play to workers that spend most of their time in ha . . .
If you are a healthcare professional working on the front lines at a hospital or any type of facility that directly comes into contact with patients, you may have a higher risk of becoming exposed to . . .
The way in which science fiction has influenced medicine is truly out of this world. From Frankenstein to The Fifth Element, medical technology and procedures have been pushed into actual practice. We . . .
Apple is revolutionizing the way patients monitor their medical records by incorporating medical documents right into the Health app on iPhones. The records can include allergies, medications, immuniz . . .
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration created a website to help health care providers treat patient infections effectively. The new approach is part of an effort to combat antimicrobial resistance, wh . . .
There are more than 1 million solar installations spread throughout the country, and the numbers keep on growing. The amount of solar installations more than doubled from 2015 to 2016, and it is the f . . .
If you are a nursing student looking for some insight into the industry, or a seasoned nurse seeking some extra inspiration, these speeches will get you motivated. TED is a nonprofit organization focu . . .
One pint of blood can save as many as three lives but, blood transfusions cannot save lives if it is not easily accessible. More than 90 percent of roads in Africa wash out each year, creating a hurdl . . .
Such was the motto of Mary Eliza Mahoney. Today, Mahoney isnt a household name like Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing, or Mary Breckinridge, who pioneered the concept of family medica . . .
While hospitals continue to face a nationwide nursing shortage, a Texas-based startup created an on-demand solution to transforming healthcare staffing. The Praos Health app gives Texas nurses and hea . . .
Air-powered wheelchairs, mobile-device-operated robotic arms, 3D printing and interactive kitchens are just a few innovative research projects forming in a Pennsylvania-based laboratory.
A patient’s privacy should always be protected by their healthcare provider, but unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. Patient abuse has been an underlying issue in healthcare for quite some time . . .
As a nurse, you come in contact with problems all the time and you likely Macgyver your own solutions everyday. If you’ve ever wished for the ability to create real tools that would make your job easi . . .
Spring is in full swing, flowers are in bloom and people are outside, smelling the roses…and breaking their bones. While that means more patients and more paperwork for you, it shouldn’t have to mean . . .
Advancements in technology have been a boon to just about every industry, especially medicine. From improvements in treatment to tracking details about patients with electronic health records, the dig . . .
This spring, CEUFast is re-launching its site, offering the same high-quality CE courses on a cleaner, easier-to-use platform that offers more style and convenience than ever before.
Computed Tomography, more commonly known as CT scans have been used for decades to assess a patient who is believed to be seriously ill or injured.
When most of us think of thermometers, we think of a tool that reads our temperatures, but KINSA, the maker of the first FDA approved smart phone thermometer, has released a thermometer that is slated . . .
I have yet to come across a patient who gets excited about a colonoscopy. In fact, most patients avoid them like the plague, even
A stethoscope is a medical instrument used to listen to the sounds produced by the heart, lungs and chest. The word is derived from the French and Greek as the Greek word "stethos" means chest and the . . .
Nurses understand that the healthcare industry is one of constant change. The technology behind how we diagnose and treat our patients
Imagine your patient’s joy in being able to actually see his or her family! Nurses think about continuing education all the time. We just ...