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CEUfast Blog: Nursing Stories

Changing the World, Starting With Each Other

After being a nurse for almost 20 years in the labor and delivery field, I have seen good and bad and lots of ugly – the best and the worst often come in the same shift. In my current position, I have . . .

Miraculous Recoveries

Sometimes, horrible and terrifying injuries happen from accidents that leave us a stone’s throw away from death, and a trip to the emergency room is the best bet to staying alive. When you work in the . . .

School Nurses: Helping Students Stay Healthy

If you have ever felt sick at school or injured yourself on the playground, there’s a good chance that you made a little trip to the school nurse’s office to either take some medicine or get an injury . . .

Working Through the Back Pain

As we age through life, one of the most common medical problems we may experience is having some type of back pain. Whether it’s acute pain that suddenly happens and only lasts a few days or it’s chro . . .

Black History Month: Notable Nurses in the Industry

When the global pandemic began to spread across cities and towns around the country back in early 2020, many businesses closed down and people were asked to stay home as much as possible. When this ha . . .

Work from Home: Nurse Edition

When the global pandemic began to spread across cities and towns around the country back in early 2020, many businesses closed down and people were asked to stay home as much as possible. When this ha . . .

Dealing with Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

People have been dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace for decades. Recently however, more individuals have started to shed light on this issue, which has prompted a strong movement of putti . . .

Healthy Sleep Habits for Nurses

With the New Year starting recently, maybe you’ve made a resolution to try to get better and more efficient hours of sleeping during the night. As a working professional in the nursing industry, it’s . . .

Abandoned Hospitals: Uncovering the Forgotten Past

Most abandoned hospitals we see today were mental or psychiatric institutions that were built in mass-production beginning the 1800s, with the intentions of becoming the beacon of a more humane approa . . .

Famous Nurse: Anna Caroline Maxwell

Anna Caroline Maxwell, famously known as the American version of Florence Nightingale, was a pioneer of the nursing industry, a trade that has been around for over a hundred years and now employs near . . .

Florence Nightingale: The Mother of Modern Nursing

Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better. These powerful words—spoken by a woman steeped in conviction to help others—were reinforced by . . .

Nurses in the American Revolutionary War

“I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them,” said Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross. It seem . . .

Famous Nurses: Clara Barton, Angel of the Battlefield

Clara’s legacy is evident in many aspects of American history, including serving as a nurse during the Civil War, contributing to the women’s suffrage movement, and helping to establish the American R . . .

Stories to Tell around the Hospital Campfire

Working in a hospital, you’re bound to see some interesting things. Maybe miraculous, maybe terrifying, but occasionally just strange. You surely have your own stories to share around the campfire, bu . . .

Nurse Appointed Surgeon General

On April 21, 2017, Sylvia Trent-Adams was named acting Surgeon General of the United States. She is a proud veteran of the nursing industry and the first non physician to serve as Surgeon General.

Q and A Series: Getting to Know Author, Blogger and Social Media Influencer “Nurse Eye Roll” Kati Kleber

Kati Kleber is a neuro critical care RN in Charlotte, North Carolina who has practiced nursing for the last 6 years. Kleber, a married new mother of one also is a popular nurse blogger who parlayed he . . .

Nurse Chronicles Volume 5: Essay - Today, I am Your Nurse

Welcome to the first 2016 installment of Nurse Chronicles. Today, nurse and author Cindy Balch shares her perspective on how nurses embrace what often feels the worst moments of their patients’ lives, . . .

7 Ridiculously Easy Halloween Costume Ideas for Busy Nurses

So you still don’t have any costume ideas for halloween? No worries! You’re a nurse, you’re busy saving lives, and you shouldn’t have to rack your brain trying to figure out a costume, so we’ve throw . . .

CEUFast Nurse Chronicles, Volume 4

You may have heard of people working from home and thought, “that’d be a great opportunity to spend time with my family,” or “I could use the extra cash”, but then dismissed that option as a nurse. . . .

CEUFast Nurse Chronicles, Volume 3: Funny & Touching Stories From the Lives of Passionate Nurses

Welcome to the third installment of Nurse Chronicles. Nurse Chronicles is about creating a space where nurses can talk about the good the bad and the ugly. You can tell us who you are or you can remai . . .

CEUFast Nurse Chronicles, Volume 2: Funny & Touching Stories From the Lives of Passionate Nurses

Nurse Chronicles is a place where you can share any and all confessions, from the heart of a nurse. This series is about creating a space where nurses can talk about the good the bad and the ugly. You . . .

Meet SeeSee: The 90-year-old Nurse Who Keeps Going & Going

If we’ve ever needed an example of what it means to dedicate a lifetime to one’s career, look no further than Florence SeeSee Rigney---the oldest working nurse in the United States.

CEUFast Nurse Chronicles, Part 1: Funny & Touching Stories From the Lives of Passionate Nurses

Nursing isn’t the easiest profession in the world, but it’s one of the most rewarding professions by far. Over the last few weeks, we were fortunate enough to receive several dozen stories from nurses . . .


Hello everyone! My name is Julia Tortorice and I have been a Registered Nurse for more than three decades. As an RN, MBA, MSN and the lead nurse planner and CFO for CEUFast, Inc. since 2001 I am now f . . .