Breastfeeding is a vital practice that has long been embraced in the Philippines and other countries, where it is recognized as essential for infant health and development. With strong cultural and le . . .
In the intensive care unit, a nurse reviewing a patient's chart before administering medication noticed a subtle discrepancy in the dosage. A quick cross-reference with the patient's renal function re . . .
From pagers to TikTok, healthcare teams are a melting pot of generations—so how do we get everyone speaking the same language? Modern healthcare teams are characterized by generational diversity, with . . .
Pediatric nursing is essential for safeguarding the health and well-being of children. Children are a vulnerable patient population that requires specialized care. Professionals in this field deliver . . .
The healthcare field is a dynamic and evolving landscape. As the backbone of patient care, nurses must continually adapt and learn to ensure they provide the highest quality of care. Staying ahead of . . .
Podcasts have quickly become one of the most popular and accessible ways to consume information in today’s fast-paced world. Their on-demand nature and versatility make them a perfect fit for busy pro . . .
New Year’s celebrations, while joyous, bring an alarming surge in hospital admissions. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol-related emergency room visits increa . . .
If you enjoy watching crime dramas as much as I do, you may have noticed that many episodes focus on bioterrorism. These shows captivate the audience and evoke fear by highlighting the reality of biot . . .
Spending the holidays in a hospital is a challenging experience for patients and their loved ones. The absence of traditions, family, friends, and the comforts of home can take a toll on emotional and . . .
The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for some, it can be a period of heightened stress and a time of crisis. Many healthcare workers, including nurses and firs . . .
Unexplained infertility is often one of the most challenging diagnoses for couples to face. This condition is characterized by the inability to conceive despite the absence of known reproductive healt . . .
The importance of gut health has rapidly expanded beyond its traditional scope in gastroenterology, capturing the attention of the wider medical and nursing communities. This increased interest is dri . . .
In poor regions, the issue of unsafe drinking water arises from pollutants like lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium. The health implications can be drastic, especially for sensitive groups such as chi . . .
Lead, cadmium, and mercury are widespread in the environment and can contaminate daily foods, including dark chocolate, which is known for its health advantages. This presents a challenge for both cho . . .
Walking through a dimly lit hospital hallway causes a chill to run down your spine. The whispers from the empty patient room where a person used to lie make you wonder if the spirits are now haunting . . .
In the United States, there are more than 1.5 million pediatric trauma cases each year (Bulut et al., 2006). Around 45% of pediatric emergency events are trauma-related. The other 55% are non-traumati . . .
With the 2024 Summer Olympics just around the corner, it's fascinating to get a glimpse behind the scenes at the unsung heroes who help athletes reach the pinnacle of their careers. These healthcare p . . .
After a long, cold winter, spring is famously known for its beauty — the blooming of flowers, the warming weather, and greenery renewal. However, for many individuals, this season also brings the onse . . .
The value of verbal de-escalation in workplace violence (WPV) is a growing concern in healthcare. Prevention of WPV can be challenging, even evasive. Aggression from patients and family members has be . . .
Emergency medical personnel and healthcare professionals have been one of the hardest hit industries dealing with the global pandemic. Many are working long, exhausting hours and risking their lives o . . .
When thinking about artificial intelligence (AI), many might picture this sleek robot from a science fiction movie, operating with a near-omniscient understanding of the world. In reality, however, it . . .
The heart symbol is deeply embedded in our society on a universal level — recognized all over the world as a representation of love, affection, compassion, and understanding. The easily deciphered sha . . .
On the surface, genetics can be a fascinating topic because it explains the remarkable diversity of inherited traits; on a deeper level, however, it can also unveil the intricate mechanism behind the . . .
Nurses Week is a time to celebrate all the dedicated, hard working, and compassionate nurses that are an integral part of the healthcare system. According to the American Nurses Association, this annu . . .
Does dark humor help? Why is it used as a coping mechanism? Is dark humor healthy, or is it destructive to ourselves and those around us? The answers to these intriguing questions have us doing a de . . .
Big, roomy, comfortable, and absolutely unfashionable, Crocs. Wear them everywhere, or only around the home, but if you are a Crocs person, you can’t imagine your life without them. If you aren’t a . . .
While some areas around the country might still be feeling cooler temperatures, most of the southern states have started warming up and feeling more like springtime. The days have started to get longe . . .
If there’s one thing that most humans can agree about, it’s that everyone typically wants to live a long, happy life and share it with someone they truly care about. Most people want to meet the perfe . . .
Nursing is the largest segment of the health-care industry and shows no signs of slowing down. Nurses play key roles in taking care of patients, ensuring that hospitals run smoothly, and supporting pa . . .
For many, deciding to go vegan can be a big lifestyle change. Maybe you’re looking to eat more healthy foods to better a health concern, or maybe you’re just trying to be more environmentally friendly . . .
The Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games – which was postponed until this year due to the pandemic – are set to begin near the end of July, making it one of the biggest events that have happened since the . . .
The New Year is just around the corner and to many that means it’s time for a fresh start. It means saying goodbye to the year 2020 – which many won’t miss – and saying hello to a New Year with new op . . .
Have you ever known someone with two left feet? They can’t seem to walk through the bedroom without tripping on the rug, stepping on the dog’s tail and then bumping into the dresser and knocking every . . .
REM cycles are fundamental to achieving healthy and refreshing sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement, which is apparent by the eyes tendency to rapidly move in multiple directions during this impor . . .
Have you ever heard the phrase – “you are what you eat?” Well, there’s a solid reasoning behind that saying that helps people make better decisions when it comes to food and eating healthier. In today . . .
If you are a healthcare professional, or work in an industry affected by the global pandemic, you may be feeling the effects from a long month of social distancing, stressful work environments and jus . . .
If you are a healthcare professional working on the front lines at a hospital or any type of facility that directly comes into contact with patients, you may have a higher risk of becoming exposed to . . .
If you’re in the medical field, it’s only natural that as the movie progresses, you’re scouting out and diagnosing character injuries as they happen. In this blog, we’re going to cover a few holiday c . . .
It’s been said that when a traumatic event happens to someone or something, a special type of energy from that event is released and left behind. This often leaves a lingering presence at that specifi . . .
Whether you’re ready or not, there comes a time in every girl’s life when wearing a bra becomes part of the journey into womanhood. The bra or “brassiere" has been around in one form or fashion for hu . . .
When National Adopt-A-Cat Month comes around each year in June, it’s hard to resist those precious purring, biscuit-kneading feline friends looking for a “fur-ever” home. But did you also know that ow . . .
Over the last few decades, the disappearance of long-term care facilities and psychiatric beds has escalated. This trend toward the deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients began in the early 20 . . .
If you haven’t seen the show, it should be warned that it’s not for the faint of heart. As many of the characters in the show experience terrible tragedies and undergo life or death situations. Throug . . .
Throughout the show of Game of Thrones (GOT), it’s not uncommon for the key characters to get badly hurt or injured in battle, or through other unfortunate circumstances, and to go through a healing a . . .
Nurses suffer from back pain, neck pain, stress and anxiety on a daily basis. A relaxing massage might just be the trick to rejuvenate and energyze a worn down nurse during this holiday season.
The way in which science fiction has influenced medicine is truly out of this world. From Frankenstein to The Fifth Element, medical technology and procedures have been pushed into actual practice. We . . .
Social media is a great place to learn interesting facts. It’s also a breeding ground for mis-information. That’s why we have compiled a few examples to keep you entertained and informed.
Essential oils have been all the rage, especially within the last several years. So, what exactly are they and what makes them so great? Don’t worry, we will delve into their history, how they are bei . . .
Nurses and other professionals in the healthcare industry work long hours, save lives and often forget to take time for themselves. Although this work is often selfless, some companies recognize this . . .
Apple is revolutionizing the way patients monitor their medical records by incorporating medical documents right into the Health app on iPhones. The records can include allergies, medications, immuniz . . .
Frustrated with the lack of health care in the homeless, Jim Withers, MD, decided bring healing directly to the needy on the street. In 1992, Dr. Withers started dressing as a homeless man to walk the . . .
One pint of blood can save as many as three lives but, blood transfusions cannot save lives if it is not easily accessible. More than 90 percent of roads in Africa wash out each year, creating a hurdl . . .
We all know that if you swallow your chewing gum, that wad is going to sit in your stomach undigested for seven years. But how do we know that? Someone probably told us—a parent, a classmate—or else w . . .
Air-powered wheelchairs, mobile-device-operated robotic arms, 3D printing and interactive kitchens are just a few innovative research projects forming in a Pennsylvania-based laboratory.
We’ve all fallen for a prank at one time or another. It’s okay to admit it; we’ve all been there for the rubber spider or cellophane under the toilet seat. But sometimes a hoax comes along and pulls t . . .
Hospitals, like courtrooms, are natural epicenters of drama and life-changing events. Is it any wonder then that we keep returning to them for entertainment? The doctors and nurses who walk the hallwa . . .
Working in a hospital, you’re bound to see some interesting things. Maybe miraculous, maybe terrifying, but occasionally just strange. You surely have your own stories to share around the campfire, bu . . .
As a nurse, you know the ins and outs of a hospital better than your average med show binge-watcher, including the moments when they add a little extra blood or romance for drama’s sake. To be fair, f . . .
While we embrace the notion that nurses are superheroes, we’re also like everybody else. Most of us would like nothing more than to be home with family, eating delicious food, laughing at old stories . . .
After months of development, CEUFast is excited to introduce something that’s loads of fun, and sure to keep your nursing skills sharp as a tack.
One thing that nurses always need more of is time, but it’s a limited commodity that’s not for sale and you can’t get it back. So many of us make up for it with hard work and long hours energized by o . . .
September is breast cancer awareness month, a condition that many nurses have treated. But did you know that working the night for an extended period of time increases your chances of developing bre . . .
You’re a nurse who is finally free, yippee! You may think to yourself, “Will I go shopping? Maybe the gym? A night out with my friends, perhaps?” Then it hits you, it’s your weekend and you don’t want . . .
Kati Kleber is a neuro critical care RN in Charlotte, North Carolina who has practiced nursing for the last 6 years. Kleber, a married new mother of one also is a popular nurse blogger who parlayed he . . .
Twelve-hour shifts and “barely there” lunch breaks can make a healthy, fit lifestyle a bit of a challenge for any nurse, but at least you can make healthy choices with the foods you do eat, right?
We want to thank all of the nurses who entered our Nurses Week “Caption This” contest in May. We had quite a few funny, creative entries, but the following quotes were the creme of the crop, so we ha . . .
It’s the first week of the new year and many of us nurses are ready for a fresh new start and a brand new lease on life. Just one problem. As many of you know, the inspiration and motivation to kee . . .
Nurses are some of the hardest working people on the planet and if anyone deserves to have something nice in their stocking this holiday season, it’s them. However, the Christmas holiday is so close, . . .
We all know the holidays are generally a happy-go-lucky, celebratory time of the year where family and friends get together to celebrate, but for many people, it can be a dark and painful time. Depre . . .
Nurses, the holidays are right around the corner, so that means lots of cheer, friends, family and yummy food. Working in the healthcare industry does little to stop us from indulging in a piece of p . . .
The Thanksgiving holiday is a time for family, friends and great food--but the following days are all about the biggest shopping days of the year: Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Thanks to all who entered our Nurses Stethoscope Giveaway! In case you missed it, here’s the list of winners. Be on the lookout for our next contest promotion.
So you still don’t have any costume ideas for halloween? No worries! You’re a nurse, you’re busy saving lives, and you shouldn’t have to rack your brain trying to figure out a costume, so we’ve throw . . .
As a nurse, you come in contact with problems all the time and you likely Macgyver your own solutions everyday. If you’ve ever wished for the ability to create real tools that would make your job easi . . .
Think you’ve got what it takes to be considered a nurse expert? What about a nurse celebrity? The 3 time emmy-winning show Dr. Oz, that’s who!
Comedian Joy Behar learned an important lesson over the last 24 hours. DONT. MESS. WITH. NURSES. The hashtag #NursesUnite took over social media after Behar made comments that made nurses across the w . . .
If anyone’s ever doubted whether patients are more than just a number to doctors and nurses, then they should hear the story of 12-year-old Sophia Petikas. This young patient got the surprise of a lif . . .
Exercise is widely accepted as a healthy, necessary activity that keeps weight under control and prevents a myriad of diseases, but when it comes to pregnant women working out, it makes a lot of peop . . .
As a nurse, you’ve clocked thousands of hours in your hospital, doctor’s office or clinic. You’ve built unbreakable bonds with your team and gone through similar victories and frustrations. So it’s no . . .
It’s your week---National Nurses Week, that is! It kicks off today, May 6, and ends on May 12, the birthday of nursing trailblazer Florence Nightingale.
The year is flying by, and before you know it Nurses Week 2015 will be here. CEUFast appreciates everything healthcare professionals do and we want to honor 7 deserving nurses.
If anyone deserves some love on Valentine’s Day, it’s nurses. You recognize that nurses deserve something special on this holiday of love, and while personalized items like mugs with “RN Jane Doe” is . . .
Most people who enter the nursing field do it because they love it, but that doesn’t mean that the job is without its difficulties. It’s demanding nature and long hours create a high stress atmosphere . . .
Some of the best holiday moments happen as friends and family are sharing delicious foods, so we here at CEUFast have decided to share some of our favorite recipes! In one way or another, these deligh . . .
When most of us think of thermometers, we think of a tool that reads our temperatures, but KINSA, the maker of the first FDA approved smart phone thermometer, has released a thermometer that is slated . . .
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Or are you one of the many who believe that there is no such thing as morning people and night people?
We all love old wives' tales. They are not only fun to learn, but some of them are actually true. I caution my patients to avoid relying upon them solely, however, because wives' tales can also be - w . . .
College hoops fans go crazy in the month of March. March Madness is an NCAA tradition gluing tons of sports fans to their television sets.
Sexual health is an important part of a healthy adult lifestyle. Having sex is good for us; our bodies were designed for sex. People are caught
You’ve managed to get through the holidays without overdoing it too much, I hope, but we have yet another impending junk food trap: the Super Bowl.
A stethoscope is a medical instrument used to listen to the sounds produced by the heart, lungs and chest. The word is derived from the French and Greek as the Greek word "stethos" means chest and the . . .
Many people fret over the increased risk of catching a cold or the flu during the winter months. The chances of you or your patients
Whether a person is injured, sick, bringing new life into the world or in the end stages of their life, he or she will often end up in the hospital.
During the holiday season many of the people who live in the U.S. celebrate with family, friends, and good food. Often, the traditional
As nurses, people turn to us for advice on a number of healthcare issues, and one of the most common problems people face is how to
Whether you’re off from work, taking in the fireworks or at a hospital treating folks who have injured themselves from the freak accidents that are all too common on the 4th of July, nurses should be . . .