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Nurse Entrepreneurship: A Transforming Force in Business

The role of nurses has evolved significantly over time. While traditionally seen as caregivers within hospitals and clinics, nurses have increasingly stepped into entrepreneurial roles, leveraging the . . .

From Bedside to Boardroom: Nurse Leadership Paths

Nursing careers have significantly evolved in recent years, with an increasing number of nurses assuming leadership and administrative roles within healthcare settings. As healthcare systems become mo . . .

Becoming a Nurse: Essential Education & Training

Nursing consistently ranks as the most trusted profession year after year. Nursing professionals play a vital role in patient care, aiding individuals in their recovery from illnesses and injuries. Nu . . .

Resigning with Grace: Nurse's Resignation Letter Guide

If you’ve never had to resign from a job, consider yourself fortunate. However, for the millions of other employees worldwide who have had to leave their jobs for one reason or another, it is usually . . .

Supporting Nurses' Mental Health: Self-Care and Resilience Strategies

Nursing is a profession characterized by significant emotional and physical demands. Nurses frequently work in high-stress environments, facing long hours, emotional strain, and the necessity of makin . . .

Nurses' Role in Heart Disease Prevention

Heart disease remains a leading cause of mortality globally, significantly impacting individuals. Nurses are uniquely positioned to address this prevalent health issue through comprehensive patient ed . . .

Top Tips for New Nurses

Becoming a new nurse entering the field of the real world has proven to be a nerve-wracking experience for most, if not all, nurses in the profession. The good thing about this is every nurse you have . . .

Leadership in Nursing Amid Healthcare Reform

The healthcare sector is experiencing significant changes spurred by initiatives such as the Affordable Care Act and a move toward value-based care. These reforms are transforming healthcare service d . . .

Nursing Education's Future: Adapting After the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly altered nursing education worldwide, forcing institutions to adapt quickly. Traditional classrooms and clinical placements led to online learning and virtual simula . . .

Setting Boundaries to Prevent Nurse Burnout: A Nurse's Perspective

At the start of my nursing career, I worked 12:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. shifts for low pay. I stayed late every day to chart or pass meds. On top of all that, I endured verbal abuse from patients and oth . . .

The Role of a Nurse Assessor

Nurse assessors are nurses who ensure the delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care. They conduct comprehensive assessments, develop individualized care plans, and monitor patient progress in di . . .

Supporting Healthcare Workers Through Menopause

Menopause is an essential stage in a woman's life that usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55. It marks the end of the menstrual cycle. This change brings physical and emotional symptoms, such . . .

Nursing School Supplies: A Comprehensive Guide

Nursing school is challenging and demands that students be well-prepared and organized. In the United States, around 20% of students drop out of the program. Having the right supplies can greatly enha . . .

Global Health Nursing: Insights on International Assignments

Global health nursing is an essential field that tackles health disparities worldwide. Nurses on international assignments contribute significantly by sharing their skills and compassion with underser . . .

A Night-shifters Guide to a Good Day’s Sleep

Night shift… someone must do it. It has its perks–the slower pace (sometimes), increased autonomy, closer relationships with your colleagues, having the time and ability to learn your career without a . . .

Understanding and Addressing Workplace Violence in the Healthcare Setting

Workplace violence is a serious and growing problem in the healthcare setting. It refers to any act or threat of physical, verbal, or psychological aggression or harm that occurs in or is related to t . . .

Financial Wellness for Nurses

Nurses often incur debt financing their degrees while attending nursing school. The average nursing debt after graduating is around $40,000 to $55,000. The cost of healthcare education is rising, and . . .

Understanding and Addressing Mental Health in Nurses

Nurses have an undeniable amount of dedication and resilience when it comes to taking care of their patients. However, this dedication can sometimes come with a cost. The emotional intensity of nursin . . .

Safety Tips for Pregnant Nurses on the Job

Nursing is a demanding field of work that requires physical and mental strength. Often, nurses spend their time caring for others while not looking out for themselves. Balancing the responsibilities . . .

Fostering a Strong Nurse-Doctor Relationship

Verbal mistreatment harms nurses and patient care. The relationship between nurses and doctors can be challenging. Nurses are at the forefront of the impact. Research conducted by Alshehry et al. in 2 . . .

From High School Dreams to Healing Hands: My Journey to Becoming a Nurse

Embarking on the path of nursing is a profound and noble journey marked by compassion, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of others. The life of a nurse is an odyssey filled wi . . .

8 Reasons Why Nursing Is Still a Great Career Choice

Nurses were the unsung heroes of the pandemic, fighting an invisible threat on the front line. They worked around the clock, putting strangers ahead of their families and their own personal needs. Reg . . .

Knowing When It Is Time to Change Jobs: Signs & Strategies

In today's dynamic professional landscape, the decision to change jobs can be both daunting and exhilarating. The reasons for seeking new opportunities vary widely, from career growth and dissatisfact . . .

Effective Strategies for Managing Nursing Stress and Burnout

Nursing, a profession synonymous with care and compassion, is also one of relentless pressure and emotional upheaval. The job demands and ongoing healthcare challenges can lead to stress and burnout, . . .

Steps to Choosing Your Nursing Specialty

At the start of your career or even when you decide to switch specialties, choosing your nursing specialty is crucial. Deciding in favor of one nursing area does not mean rejecting others; it means th . . .

Perioperative Nurse: Nursing Specialties Breakdown

A perioperative nurse, also known as a surgical nurse, scrub nurse, or operating room nurse, is a registered nurse (RN) with training to assist in the operating room during surgeries. They take care o . . .

Navigating the Nursing Profession: Essential Tips for New Nurses

As you take your first steps into the world of nursing, you're about to embark on a challenging yet incredibly rewarding journey. Nursing is a profession that demands not only clinical skills but also . . .

Transitioning Patients to a Senior Living Residence

I’ve spent the majority of my nursing career working with aging adults—the last 25 years as a geriatric care manager (now called aging life specialist) running my own company. It’s a population I ador . . .

Labor and Delivery: Nursing Specialty Breakdown

Labor and delivery nurses (L&D nurses), also known as maternity or obstetric nurses, are specialized nurses who care for women during labor, delivery, and after delivery. L&D is stressful for all mom . . .

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner: Nursing Specialty Breakdown

Psychiatric NPs, or psychiatric nurse practitioners, are advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) who have advanced training and a master's (MSN) or a doctoral degree program (DNP) with a specializ . . .

Navigating the Journey: Insights for New Nurses

When I first became a nurse, I remember getting advice left and right from my instructors and fellow nurses, some brand new and many with years of experience. It was information overload, to say the l . . .

Tips for New Nurses Entering the Profession

Pursuing a career in nursing is an enriching and demanding path that calls for unwavering commitment, empathy, and ongoing education. As a new nurse entering the profession, you are about to embark on . . .

Embracing Change and Revisiting Foundations: A Journey of Learning for Nurses

The world of nursing is ever-changing, and recent events, such as the pandemic, have brought significant transformations within the medical field. These changes have underscored the importance of cont . . .

Changing the World, Starting With Each Other

After being a nurse for almost 20 years in the labor and delivery field, I have seen good and bad and lots of ugly – the best and the worst often come in the same shift. In my current position, I have . . .

Mastering Success: Empowering Nursing Practice with SMART Goals

As healthcare professionals, nurses play a vital role in patients' well-being, delivering quality care, and advancing the nursing profession as a whole. Setting goals is a fundamental aspect of person . . .

Personalities in Nursing

Yin and Yang, light and dark, are two very different sides of the same coin. Personalities in nursing are diverse and represented by a wide spectrum. But does your underlying personality impact what a . . .

Complete Guide to Nursing Specialties

Nursing is a career choice with a wide range of possibilities. It can give you the flexibility to work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other health-care facilities as well as in private prac . . .

Avoiding Burnout in Nursing

Burnout is a common consequence of working in a high-stress, fast-paced environment, especially in the healthcare industry. Nursing is a highly demanding and challenging profession and thus nurses bec . . .

A Nurse's Guide to Spotting Preeclampsia in Patients

Nurses are an integral part of patient care, especially for pregnant patients. Many nurses have the opportunity to form strong bonds with patients during the many monthly checkups, labor and delivery, . . .

Occupational Therapy Resource Guide

Occupations make up our daily lives. As children, these occupations include playing, learning, and socializing. However, sometimes, children struggle with those skills for one reason or another and ne . . .

The Degrees of Nursing Education

It's no secret that nursing is one of the most challenging and rewarding career fields. Nurses stand on the front lines of patient care, healing bodies and minds for a wide variety of patients. As nur . . .

A Nurse's ADHD Resource Library

ADHD, short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a mental health condition that may be diagnosed in children or adults, so it's important that it be included in education for nurses who wo . . .

The Importance of Critical Thinking in Nursing

There has never been a more important time where critical thinking skills are needed in the medical and nursing profession than today. Now more than ever, it’s important for nurse professionals to dev . . .

A History of Nursing Education

The nursing field has changed significantly over time to take into account the changing landscape of the health-care industry. The field has also adapted to add new professional standards and academic . . .

Advancing Your Nursing Career

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Maybe you feel like you need to take on more challenging tasks or even take on more responsibility? Or, perhaps you feel like you need to take your . . .

Working as a Nurse in a Nursing Home

One of the fastest growing job opportunities seen in the nursing industry lately has been centered on working at nursing homes and long-term care facilities. As the elderly population continues to gro . . .

Do You Need a Break from Work?

When we live in a society that works to make a living, it’s difficult to take a day off – let alone taking it off to focus on yourself. Working a job can be consuming, especially when you work long sh . . .

School Nurses: Helping Students Stay Healthy

If you have ever felt sick at school or injured yourself on the playground, there’s a good chance that you made a little trip to the school nurse’s office to either take some medicine or get an injury . . .

Surviving an Election Year

As if the year 2020 couldn’t get any more stressful, the upcoming election has been the cherry on top of an unprecedented, unforgiving year that seems like it will never end. If you watch the news, ha . . .

Is Your Resume Up To Date?

When you are a medical professional working a competitive job market, one of the best things you can do is keep your resume updated. Although you don’t have to do this every month, it is a good idea t . . .

Work from Home: Nurse Edition

When the global pandemic began to spread across cities and towns around the country back in early 2020, many businesses closed down and people were asked to stay home as much as possible. When this ha . . .

Dealing with Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

People have been dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace for decades. Recently however, more individuals have started to shed light on this issue, which has prompted a strong movement of putti . . .

Number of Emergency and Medical Workers per 100,000 People Across America |

Which metropolitan areas in the United States have the most emergency and medical workers per 100,000 residents? Are areas with a high number of nurses likely to have a high number of doctors as well?

Top Growing Professions in the U.S.

After a long hard day on the job, do you ever wonder about whether or not you chose the right career path? Well, we are here to tell you that being in the medical industry has its perks! One being tha . . .

A Positive Outlook for Future Nurse Opportunities

As with any industry, the job market tends to fluctuate from year to year with employment numbers, salary rates, and the future outlook for that particular job occupation. For the nursing industry, ho . . .

What to Expect as a Full-Time Working Mama-to-be

It is fairly common for women to become pregnant and remain working at their full-time jobs. However, that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to do, especially when you have a job that requires large amoun . . .

Why Choose Nursing as a Career Path?

As a youth, it’s fun to fantasize about what you want to be when you grow up, such as a doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, nurse, or entrepreneur. While it seems like a far stretch at the time, the p . . .

PTSD in Nursing: Are you experiencing on-the-job trauma?

For nurses, especially working in the critical care unit, experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event during a shift can be fairly common. In fact, a recent study showed that as many as 48 percent of . . .

CEUfast is Partnering with Providers to Meet the Hands-on Requirement for Florida LPN IV Certification

CEUfast is proud to announce we have developed a series of courses that meet the 24 hours of the online portion of the LPN IV Series continuing education. Additionally, we are partnering with faciliti . . .

Poor Mental Health Among Nurses Linked to Medical Errors, study finds

It’s a nurse’s duty to care for patients and improve the overall health of others, but how often do you stop to think about your own health? If you’re in the majority of nurses, you don’t focus on you . . .

Helping Hands Improve Health Worldwide With Volunteer Abroad Organization

Conducting an eye exam in Nepal, organizing medical outreach brigades to rural towns in Guatemala and assisting a dental clinic in Peru are just a few ways volunteers are helping understaffed medical . . .

Mary Eliza Mahoney: First African American Nurse

Such was the motto of Mary Eliza Mahoney. Today, Mahoney isnt a household name like Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing, or Mary Breckinridge, who pioneered the concept of family medica . . .

Know Your Legal Rights as a Nurse

Im just trying to do what Im supposed to do. That’s all. Spoken by Utah nurse Alex Wubbels moments before she was arrested, these words echo a fundamental truth about nurses. Nurses are supposed to pr . . .

Do Your Job and See the World: Opportunities to Nurse Abroad

Nursing abroad offers an extraordinary nursing experience with “touristy” activities on the side. Practicing nursing abroad not only means you provide help to those who desperately need it — it makes . . .

Men in Nursing: Breaking Stereotypes

Whether you are a male nurse or work by their side, here are a couple helpful reminders that break the all-too-common stereotypes about men in nursing.

Powerful Ways Working in Hospice Shows How to Live Life to the Fullest

Treating patients facing the twilight moments of their lives shares a valuable perspective with those who care for them. If you desire to learn how to live life more fully, take some lessons from peop . . .

Nurses Cashing In On Nursing Shortage, Earning Higher Salary, Better Perks

With hospitals offering great compensation packages, huge signing bonuses and luxury services for employees, it’s a good time to be a nurse.

Dear Introverts: You Don’t Have to Be Extroverted to Enjoy a Career in Nursing

If you aren’t much of a chatterbox and constant socializing sucks the energy out of you, you’re not alone.

Taking Off into a Travel Nursing Career

Did you know October 14 is National Travel Nurse Day? If you are a travel nurse, we salute you’re adventurous spirit, and if ever considered becoming one, it’s a great idea.

8 Things New Nurses Should Know

Getting your license is one of the most exciting moments of a new nurse’s life, but that’s obviously just the beginning of your career. There are many ups and downs you will face, and mistakes you wil . . .

Why the 'Baby Nurse' Business is a Great Opportunity for Real Nurses

Do you know many nurses making over $100 an hour? It’s not something all that common, but if you’re a nurse who happens to love babies, you may want to consider jumping on the “baby nurse” career path . . .

How to Be a Successful Nurse While Managing Your ADHD

Being a nurse is challenging enough, but if you’re a nurse with ADHD, it’s a real bear. With ADHD, you have a list of tasks to knock out when your mind has a hard time staying focused on one thing.

How to Cope with Tricky Patients and Bad Attitudes

Maybe a car crashed, or perhaps someone was walking when they got hit by a bus. He might have accidentally swallowed a bone, or she may have come down with a mysterious illness. Either way, the pe . . .

A How To “Step-By-Step Guide” for Florida Nurses Renewing Their License

The renewal period for Florida RNs in group 2 is coming up and there are quite a few stipulations Florida nurses must comply with in order to successfully renew their license. In an effort to keep t . . .

In the Nurses Unit: Secondary Trauma From the Emotional Weight of Tragedy

Most nurses will tell you they’ve seen everything when it comes to gruesome injuries and tragic deaths. They’ve got thick skin and and an elastic heart. It’s a part of their survival and what it tak . . .

Nurses Uniting To Put an End to Short Staffing, Safety Issues

Nursing may be considered the most ethical and honest profession in America, but that honor and recognition doesn’t always translate into a happy, fulfilling career.

Dealing With Nursing School Debt

A nurse’s education is one of the most precious things he or she can have, but one thing’s for certain: it isn’t free. While some people are fortunate enough to have paid for school through scholarsh . . .

The Lowdown on the Nurse License Compact (Multi-State License)

If you are an LPN, RN or APRN who is interested in travel nursing, or even if you’re a nursing student who wants to keep your options open, you should consider getting a multi-state license.

8 Nurse Hacks that Will Make Your Job Easier

Being a nurse is satisfying work, but it can also be hard. Thankfully, nurses are resilient, resourceful and creative when it comes to creating solutions that can make life easier. Here are a eight g . . .

Nurses Behaving Badly: When You Witness Co-worker Drug Abuse (Impaired Nurse)

Have you ever witnessed a fellow nurse put patients in danger because they were drunk or under the influence of some sort of substance? Without taking a formal poll from our readers, we’re pretty con . . .

Combat the Health Dangers of Being a Nightshift Nurse

One of the most challenging schedules a nurse can do is the night shift. U.S. Nurses are among the 15 million employees in the country who have this kind of schedule, referred to as shift work. It c . . .

5 Reasons Why New Nurses Should Wait Before Going After Management Roles

So, you’re barely out of nursing school and you’re interested getting a nurse management role. While you may wish to dive right into nursing management or administration after receiving your asn, bsn . . .

Moving on UP: Transitioning from CNA to LPN, LPN to RN

If you are thinking about advancing your nursing career from a CNA to an LPN, or an LPN to an RN and beyond, kudos to you. While going to school and studying for nurse exams is no easy feat, CNAs make . . .

Male Nurses Getting Paid More? What Female Nurses Can Do About It

There’s no question about it, nursing is a predominately female industry. Not only do women make up the majority of staff nursing positions, they’re also Chief Nursing Officers 90 percent of the time.

What a Rockstar Nurse Conference Looks Like: AONE 2015

Nurse leaders officially took over the city of Phoenix during the annual AONE conference April 15 - 18, and in a word, it was spectacular. If you’ve never heard of the AONE conference, it’s one of the . . .

What Nurses Love about Being Nurses

Nurses often experience more blood, stress and trauma in a week then most people can say they’ve experienced in a lifetime. They’re constantly on their feet, putting out fires, and dealing with diffic . . .

The Top 10 Mistakes Made By New Nurses

You've just graduated from nursing school. You've earned well-deserved congratulations, so congratulations, graduate! Nursing school taught you many, many things. At times, you most likely felt as if . . .

The Effects of Working the Night Shift

Night shift nurses might be the envy of some of their colleagues if they receive increased pay, but I can assure you that being a night shift nurse comes with a high cost: your health.

Prioritizing While in Nursing School

Nursing school will be an extremely rewarding and busy time in your life!

A History of Feminism and Midwifery

The word midwife comes from Old English, with the prefix 'mid' meaning with and 'wif' or 'wife' meaning woman.

How To Successfully Carry Code of Ethics for Nurses

We are bound by our nursing code to work in tandem with other medical professionals effectively and ethically.

Surviving Mandatory Overtime

All nurses face mandatory overtime. It is often a necessary part of the job, especially if there is an unanticipated emergency in your

10 Study Tips to Simplify Nursing School

When becoming a nursing student, you will be faced with learning a massive amount of crucial information within a couple of years. Glancing at the course outline isn't going to give you the tools nece . . .

The Scoop on the Registered Nurse Staffing Bill

In recent posts, I’ve talked briefly about the Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act of 2013. This important Act has the potential to save lives

Reducing Nurse Fatigue

The phrase 'health care' is very important to nurses. We got into the health care industry because we 'care'; it’s definitely ...

Least Favorite Nursing Duties

For the most part, I think all of us nurses love what we do. We wouldn't have become nurses in the first place if we didn't.

How to Prepare for the NCLEX Exam with BoardVitals

You may have graduated nursing school, but now you have another step before you can start saving lives. There’s only one thing standing between you and your goal of becoming a nurse: the NCLEX RN exam . . .

Best Places to be a Nurse

Longer life expectancies and health care advancements are just a couple factors contributing to the growing need for nurses. With more qualified professionals entering the field, nurses are searching . . .

Work at Home Jobs for Nurses

Tired of working long hours at the hospital and not seeing your family? Well, I have news for you. You can have an RN career from the comfort of your own home.You may have thought work at home opportu . . .

How Technology is Improving Home Care

Imagine your patient’s joy in being able to actually see his or her family! Nurses think about continuing education all the time. We just ...