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CEUfast Blog: Famous Nurses

A History of Nursing Education

The nursing field has changed significantly over time to take into account the changing landscape of the health-care industry. The field has also adapted to add new professional standards and academic . . .

The World’s First-Ever Registered Nurse: Ellen Dougherty

With the millions of registered nurses in the world today, it’s hard to imagine a time when the official regulation of the nursing industry was only a mere concept. By the early 1900’s, however, Ellen . . .

Nursing in the Military: "Thank You for your Service"

Nurses in the military have been an essential part of our American Armed Forces since the American Revolution. Their dedication in aiding the injured and ill, along with their service to the United St . . .

Florence Nightingale: The Mother of Modern Nursing

Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better. These powerful words—spoken by a woman steeped in conviction to help others—were reinforced by . . .

Nurses in the American Revolutionary War

“I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them,” said Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross. It seem . . .

Famous Nurses: Clara Barton, Angel of the Battlefield

Clara’s legacy is evident in many aspects of American history, including serving as a nurse during the Civil War, contributing to the women’s suffrage movement, and helping to establish the American R . . .

Nursing and Medicine in the Vietnam War

In 1956, Majors Francis Smith, Helen Smith, and Jane Baker arrived in Saigon to serve with the United States Military Assistance Advisory Group’s Medical Training Team. Their assignment was to train t . . .

Four Amazing Women who Changed the History of Nursing in America

March isn’t just the month that kicks off spring, it’s National Women’s History Month! In honor of a month that celebrates women’s contributions to the United States, we’ve decided to shine a light on . . .

Ten of the Most Influential Nurses in History

Being a nurse myself, you might think I'm a little biased in writing this blog post, but there are amazing nurses who have deeply affected the world in which we live.

America's First Trained Nurse Linda Richards

Linda Richards pioneered the way for individuals interested in the field of nursing. Despite being christened Malinda Ann Judson Sinclair Richards after a missionary, she found her niche with taking c . . .