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How to Survive Your First Year in Nursing

Congratulations! You survived nursing school, and you passed the NCLEX. That’s an incredible feat in itself; you should give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve probably landed a job or worked as a gra . . .

Essential Pediatric Emergency Skills for Non-Pediatric Nurses

Pediatric patients are different from adults in size and anatomy, so the approaches to emergency care are different. Children have smaller airways and larger heads, making airway management difficult . . .

Managing the Measles Outbreak

The recent measles outbreak in Texas and New Mexico has raised public health concerns, with around 130 reported cases and at least 18 hospitalizations. The death of an unvaccinated child in West Texas . . .

Balancing the Demands of Nursing and Parenthood

Nursing is known for its demanding nature, requiring long hours, emotional fortitude, and unwavering dedication. Similarly, parenting involves an all-consuming responsibility, necessitating constant a . . .

Nurse Entrepreneurship: A Transforming Force in Business

The role of nurses has evolved significantly over time. While traditionally seen as caregivers within hospitals and clinics, nurses have increasingly stepped into entrepreneurial roles, leveraging the . . .

From Bedside to Boardroom: Nurse Leadership Paths

Nursing careers have significantly evolved in recent years, with an increasing number of nurses assuming leadership and administrative roles within healthcare settings. As healthcare systems become mo . . .

Trauma-Informed Care: Tools for Nurses to Assist Patients with Complex Histories

Trauma-informed care (TIC) acknowledges the prevalence and impact of trauma on patients' physical, emotional, and mental health. It prioritizes safety, trust, and collaboration and ensures that care i . . .

Resigning with Grace: Nurse's Resignation Letter Guide

If you’ve never had to resign from a job, consider yourself fortunate. However, for the millions of other employees worldwide who have had to leave their jobs for one reason or another, it is usually . . .

From Boomers to Zoomers: Navigating Generational Differences in Healthcare Teams

From pagers to TikTok, healthcare teams are a melting pot of generations—so how do we get everyone speaking the same language? Modern healthcare teams are characterized by generational diversity, with . . .

Supporting Nurses' Mental Health: Self-Care and Resilience Strategies

Nursing is a profession characterized by significant emotional and physical demands. Nurses frequently work in high-stress environments, facing long hours, emotional strain, and the necessity of makin . . .

Addressing Health Disparities Through Inclusive Nursing Practices

Health disparities refer to unequal access to quality healthcare and poorer health outcomes experienced by certain groups of people. These disparities are often linked to social, economic, and environ . . .

Top Tips for New Nurses

Becoming a new nurse entering the field of the real world has proven to be a nerve-wracking experience for most, if not all, nurses in the profession. The good thing about this is every nurse you have . . .

Leadership in Nursing Amid Healthcare Reform

The healthcare sector is experiencing significant changes spurred by initiatives such as the Affordable Care Act and a move toward value-based care. These reforms are transforming healthcare service d . . .

The Role of Cultural Competence and Inclusivity in Nursing

In the constantly changing healthcare field, ensuring high-quality patient care is a primary concern, especially in nursing. Nurses, who frequently have direct contact with patients, are crucial in pr . . .

Setting Boundaries to Prevent Nurse Burnout: A Nurse's Perspective

At the start of my nursing career, I worked 12:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. shifts for low pay. I stayed late every day to chart or pass meds. On top of all that, I endured verbal abuse from patients and oth . . .

The Role of a Nurse Assessor

Nurse assessors are nurses who ensure the delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care. They conduct comprehensive assessments, develop individualized care plans, and monitor patient progress in di . . .

Global Health Nursing: Insights on International Assignments

Global health nursing is an essential field that tackles health disparities worldwide. Nurses on international assignments contribute significantly by sharing their skills and compassion with underser . . .

A Night-shifters Guide to a Good Day’s Sleep

Night shift… someone must do it. It has its perks–the slower pace (sometimes), increased autonomy, closer relationships with your colleagues, having the time and ability to learn your career without a . . .

Understanding and Addressing Workplace Violence in the Healthcare Setting

Workplace violence is a serious and growing problem in the healthcare setting. It refers to any act or threat of physical, verbal, or psychological aggression or harm that occurs in or is related to t . . .

Understanding and Addressing Mental Health in Nurses

Nurses have an undeniable amount of dedication and resilience when it comes to taking care of their patients. However, this dedication can sometimes come with a cost. The emotional intensity of nursin . . .

Fostering a Strong Nurse-Doctor Relationship

Verbal mistreatment harms nurses and patient care. The relationship between nurses and doctors can be challenging. Nurses are at the forefront of the impact. Research conducted by Alshehry et al. in 2 . . .

Surviving Preceptorship: Tips for Nursing Students

We’ve all heard the saying: “nurses eat their young.” This refers to the phenomenon of newer nurses or nurses in training being bullied or treated poorly by more experienced nurses. This can be trauma . . .

From High School Dreams to Healing Hands: My Journey to Becoming a Nurse

Embarking on the path of nursing is a profound and noble journey marked by compassion, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of others. The life of a nurse is an odyssey filled wi . . .

Who’s Taking Care of Our Menopausal Nurses?

Contrary to popular belief, menopause just doesn’t show up one day out of the blue. The body starts letting women know it’s coming long before it arrives. This period, known as perimenopause, marks th . . .

8 Reasons Why Nursing Is Still a Great Career Choice

Nurses were the unsung heroes of the pandemic, fighting an invisible threat on the front line. They worked around the clock, putting strangers ahead of their families and their own personal needs. Reg . . .

Busting the 5 Biggest Myths of Travel Nursing

Travel nursing is exciting if you want to visit new places, explore regions, touch various lives, and serve people of different races and ethnicities. To become a travel nurse, you need to have one to . . .

Knowing When It Is Time to Change Jobs: Signs & Strategies

In today's dynamic professional landscape, the decision to change jobs can be both daunting and exhilarating. The reasons for seeking new opportunities vary widely, from career growth and dissatisfact . . .

Effective Strategies for Managing Nursing Stress and Burnout

Nursing, a profession synonymous with care and compassion, is also one of relentless pressure and emotional upheaval. The job demands and ongoing healthcare challenges can lead to stress and burnout, . . .

Social Media & Nurses: Ethics, Strategies, and Impact

The value of verbal de-escalation in workplace violence (WPV) is a growing concern in healthcare. Prevention of WPV can be challenging, even evasive. Aggression from patients and family members has be . . .

Breaking the Stigma: Substance Use Disorder in the Hospital Setting

Nursing stands out as one of the most demanding occupations, especially over the past few years, where nurses have faced nearly impossible odds – surviving a pandemic and enduring countless hours of o . . .

Navigating the Nursing Profession: Essential Tips for New Nurses

As you take your first steps into the world of nursing, you're about to embark on a challenging yet incredibly rewarding journey. Nursing is a profession that demands not only clinical skills but also . . .

Labor and Delivery: Nursing Specialty Breakdown

Labor and delivery nurses (L&D nurses), also known as maternity or obstetric nurses, are specialized nurses who care for women during labor, delivery, and after delivery. L&D is stressful for all mom . . .

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner: Nursing Specialty Breakdown

Psychiatric NPs, or psychiatric nurse practitioners, are advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) who have advanced training and a master's (MSN) or a doctoral degree program (DNP) with a specializ . . .

Navigating the Journey: Insights for New Nurses

When I first became a nurse, I remember getting advice left and right from my instructors and fellow nurses, some brand new and many with years of experience. It was information overload, to say the l . . .

Trust in Each Other

As nurses, we do what we can to help others heal. When we have family who are sick or injured, we have our heart that is affected as part of that injury – something like a second victim. This feeling . . .

Tips for New Nurses Entering the Profession

Pursuing a career in nursing is an enriching and demanding path that calls for unwavering commitment, empathy, and ongoing education. As a new nurse entering the profession, you are about to embark on . . .

Embracing Change and Revisiting Foundations: A Journey of Learning for Nurses

The world of nursing is ever-changing, and recent events, such as the pandemic, have brought significant transformations within the medical field. These changes have underscored the importance of cont . . .

Staying Sensitive to Diversity and Patient Care

Our country is full of many racial and ethnic groups that make up the cultural richness of diversity in our nation's landscape. Each corner of our country is an amalgamation of traditions, values, lan . . .

Helping Nursing Students Through the Pandemic

Nobody asked for the pandemic to hit the healthcare field, and it took us all by surprise. What came at the front-line nursing staff couldn't have been more stressful for us. Not just the fear of the . . .

Changing the World, Starting With Each Other

After being a nurse for almost 20 years in the labor and delivery field, I have seen good and bad and lots of ugly – the best and the worst often come in the same shift. In my current position, I have . . .

Mastering Success: Empowering Nursing Practice with SMART Goals

As healthcare professionals, nurses play a vital role in patients' well-being, delivering quality care, and advancing the nursing profession as a whole. Setting goals is a fundamental aspect of person . . .

Avoiding Burnout in Nursing

Burnout is a common consequence of working in a high-stress, fast-paced environment, especially in the healthcare industry. Nursing is a highly demanding and challenging profession and thus nurses bec . . .

Advancing Your Nursing Career

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Maybe you feel like you need to take on more challenging tasks or even take on more responsibility? Or, perhaps you feel like you need to take your . . .

Balancing Life as a Nurse

Maintaining a good balance of work and everyday life can sometimes be a difficult task, especially in today’s world where the Internet has made it easy to keep a steady stream of emails popping into o . . .

Black History Month: Notable Nurses in the Industry

When the global pandemic began to spread across cities and towns around the country back in early 2020, many businesses closed down and people were asked to stay home as much as possible. When this ha . . .

A Positive Outlook for Future Nurse Opportunities

As with any industry, the job market tends to fluctuate from year to year with employment numbers, salary rates, and the future outlook for that particular job occupation. For the nursing industry, ho . . .

Famous Nurse: Anna Caroline Maxwell

Anna Caroline Maxwell, famously known as the American version of Florence Nightingale, was a pioneer of the nursing industry, a trade that has been around for over a hundred years and now employs near . . .

Nursing in the Military: "Thank You for your Service"

Nurses in the military have been an essential part of our American Armed Forces since the American Revolution. Their dedication in aiding the injured and ill, along with their service to the United St . . .

How Nurses Help Fight the Opioid Epidemic

A nurses, is in a key position to help reduce America’s opioid epidemic. From education related to drug abuse to being an encouraging factor for patients to properly dispose of unused medication, the . . .

Helping Hands Improve Health Worldwide With Volunteer Abroad Organization

Conducting an eye exam in Nepal, organizing medical outreach brigades to rural towns in Guatemala and assisting a dental clinic in Peru are just a few ways volunteers are helping understaffed medical . . .

Mary Eliza Mahoney: First African American Nurse

Such was the motto of Mary Eliza Mahoney. Today, Mahoney isnt a household name like Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing, or Mary Breckinridge, who pioneered the concept of family medica . . .

Florence Nightingale: The Mother of Modern Nursing

Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better. These powerful words—spoken by a woman steeped in conviction to help others—were reinforced by . . .

Nurse Appointed Surgeon General

On April 21, 2017, Sylvia Trent-Adams was named acting Surgeon General of the United States. She is a proud veteran of the nursing industry and the first non physician to serve as Surgeon General.

Nurses Behaving Badly: When You Witness Co-worker Drug Abuse (Impaired Nurse)

Have you ever witnessed a fellow nurse put patients in danger because they were drunk or under the influence of some sort of substance? Without taking a formal poll from our readers, we’re pretty con . . .

5 Reasons Why New Nurses Should Wait Before Going After Management Roles

So, you’re barely out of nursing school and you’re interested getting a nurse management role. While you may wish to dive right into nursing management or administration after receiving your asn, bsn . . .

Moving on UP: Transitioning from CNA to LPN, LPN to RN

If you are thinking about advancing your nursing career from a CNA to an LPN, or an LPN to an RN and beyond, kudos to you. While going to school and studying for nurse exams is no easy feat, CNAs make . . .

Are Nurses Ready to Take On the Baby Boom Population?

There are many concerns facing the healthcare industry today, but one of the greatest ones is whether there will be enough nurses

How Nurses Are Promoting Good Health to Kids

One of the saddest things I currently see in health care is America's childhood obesity epidemic. Our children are suffering from...


Hello everyone! My name is Julia Tortorice and I have been a Registered Nurse for more than three decades. As an RN, MBA, MSN and the lead nurse planner and CFO for CEUFast, Inc. since 2001 I am now f . . .