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CEUfast Blog: Patient Care

Breastfeeding and Infant Nutrition: Benefits, Barriers, and Support Systems

Breastfeeding is a vital practice that has long been embraced in the Philippines and other countries, where it is recognized as essential for infant health and development. With strong cultural and le . . .

Essential Pediatric Emergency Skills for Non-Pediatric Nurses

Pediatric patients are different from adults in size and anatomy, so the approaches to emergency care are different. Children have smaller airways and larger heads, making airway management difficult . . .

Managing the Measles Outbreak

The recent measles outbreak in Texas and New Mexico has raised public health concerns, with around 130 reported cases and at least 18 hospitalizations. The death of an unvaccinated child in West Texas . . .

Caring for Your PICC: What You Need to Know

A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), also called a PICC line, is a tube inserted into a vein in an extremity, most commonly the arm, and leads directly to the heart. PICC lines can be used . . .

Luck or Expertise? The Truth Behind Nursing’s ‘Lucky’ Moments

In the intensive care unit, a nurse reviewing a patient's chart before administering medication noticed a subtle discrepancy in the dosage. A quick cross-reference with the patient's renal function re . . .

Myocardial Infarction: Different Symptoms, Same Diagnosis

Most people have seen a heart attack or myocardial infarction, as referred to by healthcare providers in a movie, or may have even known someone who has experienced one. The classic movie portrayal of . . .

Trauma-Informed Care: Tools for Nurses to Assist Patients with Complex Histories

Trauma-informed care (TIC) acknowledges the prevalence and impact of trauma on patients' physical, emotional, and mental health. It prioritizes safety, trust, and collaboration and ensures that care i . . .

Nurses' Role in Heart Disease Prevention

Heart disease remains a leading cause of mortality globally, significantly impacting individuals. Nurses are uniquely positioned to address this prevalent health issue through comprehensive patient ed . . .

Addressing Health Disparities Through Inclusive Nursing Practices

Health disparities refer to unequal access to quality healthcare and poorer health outcomes experienced by certain groups of people. These disparities are often linked to social, economic, and environ . . .

Remote Patient Monitoring: Transforming Chronic Disease Management

Chronic disease poses a significant challenge to the healthcare system globally. Conditions such as diabetes, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and many others often requir . . .

Innovative Nursing Techniques in Pediatric Care

Pediatric nursing is essential for safeguarding the health and well-being of children. Children are a vulnerable patient population that requires specialized care. Professionals in this field deliver . . .

The Role of Cultural Competence and Inclusivity in Nursing

In the constantly changing healthcare field, ensuring high-quality patient care is a primary concern, especially in nursing. Nurses, who frequently have direct contact with patients, are crucial in pr . . .

Top Nursing Trends and Predictions for 2025

The healthcare field is a dynamic and evolving landscape. As the backbone of patient care, nurses must continually adapt and learn to ensure they provide the highest quality of care. Staying ahead of . . .

Deep Vein Thrombosis: Am I at Risk?

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot in the deep veins of an extremity, most commonly the leg. If not treated properly, a DVT can lead to a pulmonary embolism (PE), in which the blood clot becom . . .

Let's Talk About CMV

Many viruses around the world impact society, from COVID-19 to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza. But have you ever heard of cytomegalovirus (CMV)? CMV is a common viral infection that b . . .

Holistic Nursing - Incorporating Complementary Therapies in Patient Treatment

Holistic nursing is an advancing approach to patient care that centers on treating the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—rather than merely addressing physical symptoms. This nursing philosophy aims . . .

First Severe H5N1 Case in U.S.: Key Information for Healthcare Workers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced the first confirmed severe case of H5N1 avian influenza (bird flu) in a human within the United States (U.S.) after exposure to a bac . . .

A Nurse's View on Preparing for and Responding to Public Health Crises

Recently, public health emergencies have become more common. We have seen global pandemics like COVID-19 and natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires. These events put a lot of stress on health . . .

How to Make the Holiday Special for Your Patients in the Hospital

Spending the holidays in a hospital is a challenging experience for patients and their loved ones. The absence of traditions, family, friends, and the comforts of home can take a toll on emotional and . . .

Finding Hope in the Face of Unexplained Infertility

Unexplained infertility is often one of the most challenging diagnoses for couples to face. This condition is characterized by the inability to conceive despite the absence of known reproductive healt . . .

Contraception Explained: Options and How They Work

Contraception is used to prevent a pregnancy. It can be done in various ways. However, a commonly used contraception method is contraceptive pill intake for women. According to the Centers for Disease . . .

Ethical Dilemmas Nurses Face and How to Solve Them

Ethical dilemmas often pose unique challenges in nursing. Oftentimes, nurses must make difficult decisions that balance their professional responsibilities with ethical principles like autonomy, benef . . .

Surge in 'Walking Pneumonia' Cases Among Young Children

As schools have reopened and colder weather has begun, respiratory infections in school-aged children are becoming more common. However, a recent trend is emerging in pediatric care: cases of “walking . . .

Managing Chronic Diseases: The Nurse’s Role

The rise of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, presents challenges for healthcare systems and has significant implications for the well-being of millions of individuals. Nurses and . . .

Supporting Healthcare Workers Through Menopause

Menopause is an essential stage in a woman's life that usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55. It marks the end of the menstrual cycle. This change brings physical and emotional symptoms, such . . .

Nursing in Rural and Underserved Regions

Nursing in rural and underserved areas presents unique challenges and benefits that affect healthcare professionals and their communities. Understanding these factors is crucial for improving patient . . .

Thanksgiving on the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit: A Nurse’s Story

The halls of the bone marrow transplant unit on the pediatric oncology floor usher in a completely different scene than what takes place 100 feet below this hospital, in the mirage of the Dallas Marke . . .

Impacts of Metallic Contaminants on Potable Water in Economically Disadvantaged Regions

In poor regions, the issue of unsafe drinking water arises from pollutants like lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium. The health implications can be drastic, especially for sensitive groups such as chi . . .

Unveiling Hidden Dangers: Lead and Heavy Metals in Common Foods

Lead, cadmium, and mercury are widespread in the environment and can contaminate daily foods, including dark chocolate, which is known for its health advantages. This presents a challenge for both cho . . .

Nurse’s Guide to Morphine

Morphine is a Schedule II opioid agonist. Clinically, it is used as an opioid analgesic for the relief of moderate to severe pain or acute and chronic pain. It is also used for analgesia during labor, . . .

Depression and Anxiety Support Resources and Exercises for Teens

Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health challenges in teens and adults today. While they affect everyone differently, both conditions can bring overwhelming feelings of sadness . . .

Postpartum Depression Resources for New Moms

Postpartum depression is a mental health condition that affects many new mothers, often occurring in the weeks or months following childbirth. While bringing a new life into the world is often seen as . . .

LGBTQ+ Resources for Families

Supporting LGBTQ+ individuals and families is really important for making our society fair and welcoming to everyone. It's more than just being OK with different people; it's about actively accepting . . .

Understanding the Mpox Outbreak: Key Facts for Healthcare Workers

The recent increase in Monkeypox (Mpox) cases has captured the global healthcare community's attention. Once thought to be a rare zoonotic disease, the current outbreak has quickly spread across conti . . .

Nurses Guide To Allopurinol

Gout affects 3.9% of the US adult population, or about 9.2 million people. It is more common in men and older adults. Allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, is essential to treat gout. Allopurinol . . .

What is Hypokalemia?

Hypokalemia is a condition where the serum potassium level falls below 3.5 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L). The normal serum potassium levels are 3.5 to 5.2 mEq/L, depending on the scale used. The . . .

Part 3: A Crisis Unveiled: Addressing the High Maternal Mortality Rates Among Black Mothers

The challenge of maternal health inequities remains significant, especially for Black women who are at a higher risk of adverse health outcomes. Community engagement and policy renovation are critical . . .

Part 2: A Crisis Unveiled: Addressing the High Maternal Mortality Rates Among Black Mothers

Comprehending the issue of systemic racism in healthcare is essential for tackling the inequities that disproportionately impact marginalized groups, especially Black mothers. This group often encount . . .

Part 1: A Crisis Unveiled: Addressing the High Maternal Mortality Rates Among Black Mothers

In the United States, the likelihood of death due to pregnancy-related causes in Black mothers is three to four times that of White mothers. This severe discrepancy goes beyond numbers; it signifies a . . .

A Nurse's Guide to Human Anatomy

Nurses are the backbone of the health-care system. They administer medication, communicate and liaise with doctors, maintain records, and help to make sure that patients get good care. Nurses are high . . .

Understanding Mastitis: What Nurses Need to Know

Mastitis is inflammation of the breast tissue, either of one or both breasts, causing swelling, redness, and pain in the affected area. It usually occurs because of an infection. Mastitis is common in . . .

Hydrocodone Safety and Monitoring: A Guide for Nurses

Hydrocodone is a Schedule II opioid agonist clinically used as a narcotic analgesic. It is used to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain and as a continuous management of severe chronic pain. Hyd . . .

The Complexity of Patient Autonomy

As nurses, we spend our lives tackling problems, finding solutions, and fixing things. However, what do we do when someone doesn’t want to be fixed? What happens when their priorities don’t align with . . .

The Alarming Rise of Cancer in Young Adults - Part 3: Ongoing Research and Support

In the final installment of our series, "The Alarming Rise of Cancer in Young Adults," we explore essential research, policy backing, and preventive tactics crucial for addressing this increasing heal . . .

The Alarming Rise of Cancer in Young Adults - Part 2: Health Challenges and Technology Innovation

In the second installment of our series, 'The Alarming Rise of Cancer in Young Adults,' this article delves into the impact that shifts in reproductive habits and hormonal treatments may have on cance . . .

The Alarming Rise of Cancer in Young Adults - Part 1: Unraveling Causes and Championing Prevention

Cancer is increasingly becoming a critical concern among people under the age of 50, marking a shift in the demographic typically associated with this devastating disease. This rising trend is not onl . . .

Paper vs. Electronic Charting: A Critical Analysis for Nurses

Healthcare informatics is continuously changing how nurses document patient information. Initially, nurses used paper charting systems to record clinical data. Charting may have included vital signs, . . .

Silent Strokes: From Detection to Prevention

In the United States, approximately 795,000 people suffer from strokes each year, with nearly 140,000 resulting in fatalities. However, a lesser-known yet equally concerning phenomenon is the occurren . . .

The Importance of Objective Assessment in Hospice Care

Nurses are routinely tasked with completing assessments of patients to determine hospice eligibility. Local coverage determinations (LCDs) for hospice guide the determination of terminal status and he . . .

Nurses’ Guide to Barbiturates: Uses, Effects and Safety Tips

Barbiturates, a class of central nervous system (CNS) depressants, have long been used for their sedative and hypnotic properties. They work by depressing the sensory and motor cortex of the brain, le . . .

Nurses Guide to Metformin

Metformin is most commonly sold under the brand names Glucophage and Riomet. It is a biguanide antihyperglycemic agent used to manage type II diabetes mellitus. Its off-label uses include polycystic o . . .

Innovative Healthcare Tech for Patient Empowerment

People around the world face various health challenges that turn simple daily activities into daunting tasks. Overcoming these obstacles often requires more than medical treatments, such as innovative . . .

What Is Hypernatremia?

Hypernatremia occurs when the sodium levels in the body rise above the normal value. Sodium is an electrolyte, and if it gets too high or low, it can result in life-threatening consequences. Therefore . . .

Nurses Guide To Lisinopril

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost half the population of individuals living in the United States has hypertension, which comprises around 119.9 million people. . . .

Just an Ordinary Day

It began as an ordinary shift, caring for Children’s Medical Center of Dallas patients. I was working on the oncology/bone marrow transplant unit and loved this aspect of my career. The day was paced . . .

The Innate Immune System

Fair warning – I am not an expert in the field of immunology; instead, I’m a curious nurse who likes to study the immune system for my own understanding and, hopefully, find it helpful in my daily wor . . .

Seasonal Allergies: Breathe Easy This Spring

After a long, cold winter, spring is famously known for its beauty — the blooming of flowers, the warming weather, and greenery renewal. However, for many individuals, this season also brings the onse . . .

Is Talk Cheap?

The value of verbal de-escalation in workplace violence (WPV) is a growing concern in healthcare. Prevention of WPV can be challenging, even evasive. Aggression from patients and family members has be . . .

Tear-Stained Justice

The basic principles of nursing ethics: accountability, justice, nonmaleficence, autonomy, beneficence, fidelity, and veracity seem so basic on paper, simple, really. We can easily memorize their defi . . .

GERD: Navigating Gastroesophageal Reflux

GERD, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a prevalent condition affecting approximately 40% of individuals at some point during their lifetime. This syndrome arises due to the retrograde . . .

Antibiotic Resistance and How to Fight It

Antibiotics are life-saving drugs given when a patient is diagnosed with a bacterial infection. With an increasing number of infections, the rate of antibiotic use is also increasing rapidly. However, . . .

Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight

Three million Americans have glaucoma, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was previously believed that glaucoma was caused by high intraocular pressure, but it is now reco . . .

Understanding Nitrogen Mustards: Therapeutic Uses and Nursing Care

Nitrogen mustards were developed as a potential chemical warfare tool in the 1920s and 1930s. They are vesicants or blister agents, similar to sulfur mustards. Nitrogen mustards come in various smells . . .

Patients with Lung Cancer: Navigating the Challenges

In the United States, lung cancer remains the leading cause of death for men and women. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that it is the second most common cancer diagnosis after . . .

Navigating the Nursing Profession: Essential Tips for New Nurses

As you take your first steps into the world of nursing, you're about to embark on a challenging yet incredibly rewarding journey. Nursing is a profession that demands not only clinical skills but also . . .

Managing Adverse Drug Reactions: A Nursing Perspective

Nurses routinely encounter adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in their practice, requiring keen awareness of varied symptoms like skin rashes, gastrointestinal issues, or respiratory problems. Effective ma . . .

Transitioning Patients to a Senior Living Residence

I’ve spent the majority of my nursing career working with aging adults—the last 25 years as a geriatric care manager (now called aging life specialist) running my own company. It’s a population I ador . . .

Bladder Cancer Basics for Healthcare Professionals

After prostate cancer, bladder cancer is the second most common cancer of the genitourinary system. It accounts for 2% of cancer deaths in the United States and 4% of approximately all cancers. The Am . . .

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner: Nursing Specialty Breakdown

Psychiatric NPs, or psychiatric nurse practitioners, are advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) who have advanced training and a master's (MSN) or a doctoral degree program (DNP) with a specializ . . .

Nurses of the Philippines: A Legacy of Healing

Nurses from the Philippines have a long history of playing a crucial role in addressing nursing shortages overseas, particularly in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and va . . .

Bile Acid Sequestrants: Lipid-Lowering Agents with a Twist

Bile acid sequestrants, also referred to as bile acid resins or BARs, are medications classified under antihyperlipidemic agents. They are primarily utilized to decrease lipid levels in the bloodstrea . . .

Exploring Secondary Skin Lesions: Unveiling Complications and Care

Welcome back to our ongoing exploration of skin lesions. If you found our previous discussion on primary lesions enlightening, you're in for another informative treat. Our skin, our body's protective . . .

Unlocking IV Solutions

The practice of injecting solutions into the veins has occurred since the 1600s, but the ideal practice of injecting intravenous (IV) solutions is not even a century old. Lack of modern science and av . . .

Understanding Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

In recent years, the healthcare community has witnessed a concerning uptick in neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) incidences. This condition, characterized by withdrawal symptoms in newborns exposed t . . .

Decoding Primary Skin Lesions: A Comprehensive Guide

Let's continue exploring the skin – the body's largest and most sensitive organ. With its remarkable complexity, the skin is a frontline defense against external factors and a canvas for age-associate . . .

Unveiling the Skin: Exploring the Body's Remarkable Shield

Let's dive into the fascinating world of skin. As you may know, the skin is the largest organ system in the body – making up approximately 20% of our body weight. Beyond its protective role, the integ . . .

Trust in Each Other

As nurses, we do what we can to help others heal. When we have family who are sick or injured, we have our heart that is affected as part of that injury – something like a second victim. This feeling . . .

Leprosy: An Ancient Disease in Modern Medicine

With a historical background shrouded in myth, stigma, and dread, leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, is a bacterial illness that has recently made headlines in the news. Though mostly eradicated . . .

Tips for New Nurses Entering the Profession

Pursuing a career in nursing is an enriching and demanding path that calls for unwavering commitment, empathy, and ongoing education. As a new nurse entering the profession, you are about to embark on . . .

Complete Fractures Unveiled: Understanding Various Types and Implications Across Age Groups

As we continue our journey of reviewing fractures, this post will focus on an essential category: complete fractures. These fractures involve a break in the continuity of a bone, and by delving into s . . .

Understanding Incomplete Fractures: A Closer Look at Methods of Injury and Typical Location

Welcome back to our continuous fracture education series. In this blog post, we shift our focus to incomplete fractures, delving into their methods of injury and common locations. To fully grasp these . . .

Foundations and Basics of Nursing: Unraveling the World of Fractures and Essential Care

Today, we begin reinforcing our foundational nursing knowledge, focusing on fractures. Throughout this series, we'll delve into various essential topics, covering various aspects of nursing without ad . . .

Embracing Change and Revisiting Foundations: A Journey of Learning for Nurses

The world of nursing is ever-changing, and recent events, such as the pandemic, have brought significant transformations within the medical field. These changes have underscored the importance of cont . . .

Staying Sensitive to Diversity and Patient Care

Our country is full of many racial and ethnic groups that make up the cultural richness of diversity in our nation's landscape. Each corner of our country is an amalgamation of traditions, values, lan . . .

Helping Nursing Students Through the Pandemic

Nobody asked for the pandemic to hit the healthcare field, and it took us all by surprise. What came at the front-line nursing staff couldn't have been more stressful for us. Not just the fear of the . . .

Malaria: The Silent Threat to Public Health

A large portion of the Sunshine State comprises natural wetland habitats that create a soggy, swampy environment – perfect for breeding pesky mosquitoes that enjoy the warm, humid weather in the summe . . .

Two Critical Chemotherapies Face Nationwide Shortage

Picture this: You were recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. You have accepted the diagnosis enough to show up for the first round of chemo. Maybe you have already had surgery and are still in pain . . .

A Closer Look at Eating Disorders

As we live in a fast-paced, appearance-focused society, the prevalence of eating disorders has become a growing concern for many globally. At least 28.8 million Americans will have an eating disorder . . .

Choosing the Best Birth Setting: Birthing Center vs. Hospital

Giving birth to a newborn is an exciting time for expectant parents, especially when it’s the first time. As expecting mothers-to-be, you want to ensure the best possible care and environment for you . . .

Mastering Success: Empowering Nursing Practice with SMART Goals

As healthcare professionals, nurses play a vital role in patients' well-being, delivering quality care, and advancing the nursing profession as a whole. Setting goals is a fundamental aspect of person . . .

A Postpartum Guide to Practical Self Care for New Mothers

Regardless of if you're at the end of your first pregnancy or your third, self-care is crucial to your recovery and mental and physical well-being. Most new mothers find it challenging to make time fo . . .

Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Guide for Parents

When a child is officially diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, there's a lot for their parents to process and accept. Every parent wants their child to be happy and well-adjusted, and for people . . .

Complete Guide to Nursing Specialties

Nursing is a career choice with a wide range of possibilities. It can give you the flexibility to work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other health-care facilities as well as in private prac . . .

Time Well Spent – How Nurses Impact Patient Diagnosis and Satisfaction

A recent study published in The American Journal of Medicine looked at the amount of time nurses spend with patients versus the assigned physician. The study determined, unsurprisingly, that nurses sp . . .

Suicide Prevention Guide for Youth and Young Adults

Life can be overwhelming, filled with feelings of sadness, anger, and doubt. For children especially, these feelings can be so strong that suicide may seem like the only way to make them stop. No matt . . .

A Nurse's Guide to Sports Concussions

Any nurse that regularly interacts with student-athletes needs to be aware of how to identify a concussion. School nurses are especially important when it comes to evaluating and treating head injurie . . .

Important First Aid Skills for the Average Person

First aid is a fast, reactive medical response to accident or injury. Knowing simple first aid can prevent the loss of lives, especially when waiting for medical professionals to arrive. Having a basi . . .

Food Handling Safety: Food Safety Basics

Proper food handling safety means knowing how to purchase, store, and prepare food so that the chance of catching or spreading bacteria like E. coli and salmonella.

A Nurse's Guide to Spotting Preeclampsia in Patients

Nurses are an integral part of patient care, especially for pregnant patients. Many nurses have the opportunity to form strong bonds with patients during the many monthly checkups, labor and delivery, . . .

Nursing Your Mental Health: A Resource Guide to Anxiety and Depression

Depression and anxiety are two conditions that affect a large part of the population. One survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) showed that 8.4 percent of ad . . .

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Why Does It Happen and How To Avoid It

Have you ever had this weird and unusual pain going through your hand and/or fingers when you are picking something up or opening a box? Well that tingling, numbness, or burning sensation that you mig . . .

A Nurse's Guide to Outdoor First Aid

At first glance, camping probably sounds like a relatively safe activity. However, being out in the wilderness has its shares of risks, and it's best to be prepared for accidents and mishaps. Bring al . . .

Most Common Injuries Seen in the ER

If you work in the emergency room, there probably isn’t much that you haven’t seen before. Although it’s an emergency room where each case is different and you have to be ready for whatever comes thro . . .

Preeclampsia: What You Need to Know

You may have known someone who experienced a complication during their pregnancy and delivery called Preeclampsia. And hopefully, whoever that person was, received the proper medical care they needed . . .

Occupational Therapy Resource Guide

Occupations make up our daily lives. As children, these occupations include playing, learning, and socializing. However, sometimes, children struggle with those skills for one reason or another and ne . . .

COVID-19 Resources for Nurses

During the COVID-19 crisis, nurses are heroes. It is crucial that these healthcare workers, who are vital to society, carve some time out for self-care. After all, you cannot pour from an empty cup. H . . .

The U.S. Cities With the Highest Prevalence of Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. Anxiety and depression disorders affect 40 million adults in the country. While these disorders are treatable, they can sign . . .

A Nurse's ADHD Resource Library

ADHD, short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a mental health condition that may be diagnosed in children or adults, so it's important that it be included in education for nurses who wo . . .

The Importance of Critical Thinking in Nursing

There has never been a more important time where critical thinking skills are needed in the medical and nursing profession than today. Now more than ever, it’s important for nurse professionals to dev . . .

Tips for Postpartum Care

We often get so consumed with the excitement and joy that a newly born baby brings us that we forget that there’s an entire recovery process women must go through after giving birth. It’s common to he . . .

Lyme Disease Cases and Rates in the U.S.

While the nature of Lyme disease symptoms makes it difficult to know exactly how many people get Lyme disease each year, the CDC reported that there were 23,453 cases in 2019. Lyme disease frequency m . . .

Ways to Stay Healthy During a Busy Life

It’s never too late to start healthier life habits, especially when we live in such a fast-paced world where life comes at you fast and it’s difficult to slow down and take time to put your health as . . .

What We Know About Omicron

Although it sounds like it should be the name of the next hero or villain that enters the Hollywood scene, Omicron has become the next coronavirus variant to make its way around the world. It’s still . . .

Miraculous Recoveries

Sometimes, horrible and terrifying injuries happen from accidents that leave us a stone’s throw away from death, and a trip to the emergency room is the best bet to staying alive. When you work in the . . .

Balancing Life as a Nurse

Maintaining a good balance of work and everyday life can sometimes be a difficult task, especially in today’s world where the Internet has made it easy to keep a steady stream of emails popping into o . . .

RSV Cases on the Rise: What You Need to Know

Although RSV has been around for quite some time and might seem like just another cold, it’s been recently making national headlines due to climbing rates of cases around the United States. RSV, or re . . .

Working as a Nurse in a Nursing Home

One of the fastest growing job opportunities seen in the nursing industry lately has been centered on working at nursing homes and long-term care facilities. As the elderly population continues to gro . . .

The COVID Delta Variant: What you Need to Know

As if one strain of the coronavirus wasn’t enough, recent headlines have swept the nation about a “Delta variant” and possible other variants of the Coronavirus going around. This highly contagious st . . .

Do You Need a Break from Work?

When we live in a society that works to make a living, it’s difficult to take a day off – let alone taking it off to focus on yourself. Working a job can be consuming, especially when you work long sh . . .

Working Through the Back Pain

As we age through life, one of the most common medical problems we may experience is having some type of back pain. Whether it’s acute pain that suddenly happens and only lasts a few days or it’s chro . . .

Protecting Your Skin During the Summer

With the summer season inching closer, you’ll probably find yourself spending more time outside under the heat of the sun. While school is out, swimming, boating, camping, hiking or just enjoying the . . .

Risk of Spreading COVID-19 on Surfaces is Low, CDC Says

About a year ago, millions flocked to their closest grocery or convenience store in a hurry to buy up bottles of disinfectant, cleaning wipes and supplies, and – oddly enough – toilet paper. As news b . . .

Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’

The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on millions of people, businesses and societies around the world for over a year now, causing global implications and a never-ending feeling of getting back . . .

What’s Your Heart Disease Risk as a Woman?

Did you know that heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States? Sadly, it’s true. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to protect and prevent yourself from becoming pa . . .

Providing Advocacy & Support for People on the Spectrum

As society continues to evolve, so does our understanding of how certain disorders impact the way we function in life. We have come a long way in recognizing disorders such as autism and are better ab . . .

The Evolution of Blood Pressure Measuring

Having your blood pressure checked and monitored by a medical professional is an essential part of your general health. When you go for a check-up or appointment, getting your blood pressure checked i . . .

Side Effect or Allergic Reaction? Learn the Difference!

Have you ever been prescribed a medication that brought on unpleasant side effects? We’ve all been there, right? We’ve all experienced an upset stomach, diarrhea, dry mouth, excessive sleepiness, etc. . . .

Living with Bipolar Disorder

Recently, a mental health condition known as bipolar disorder made front headlines when an “A-list” celebrity came forward and made his diagnosis known to the world. And although it’s been around for . . .

Common Breastfeeding Struggles

Although breastfeeding is said to be one of the best ways to give your precious little one the right nutrients he or she needs, it can sometimes be the most difficult. For many different reasons, moth . . .

What do you know about Human Trafficking?

In recent days, social media and the 24-hour news cycle has paid more attention to a horrendous act sweeping our country that’s impacting children around the world. Although human trafficking has been . . .

Clumsiness Sent Me to the ER

Have you ever known someone with two left feet? They can’t seem to walk through the bedroom without tripping on the rug, stepping on the dog’s tail and then bumping into the dresser and knocking every . . .

The Importance of REM Sleep

REM cycles are fundamental to achieving healthy and refreshing sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement, which is apparent by the eyes tendency to rapidly move in multiple directions during this impor . . .

CDC Reports Antibiotic Resistant Strain of Meningitis

Up until now, the majority of Neisseria meningitidis cases in the United States have been successfully treated with antibiotics. It has now been discovered that meningococcal cases that contain a blaR . . .

You Are What You Eat

Have you ever heard the phrase – “you are what you eat?” Well, there’s a solid reasoning behind that saying that helps people make better decisions when it comes to food and eating healthier. In today . . .

To All the Nurses Out There – How Are You Feeling?

We just finished with the month of April, which might have felt like one of the longest months of the year. Many nurses and healthcare professionals were placed on the front lines, battling something . . .

How Yoga, Meditation and other Healing Arts can Affect Your Health

If you are a healthcare professional, or work in an industry affected by the global pandemic, you may be feeling the effects from a long month of social distancing, stressful work environments and jus . . .

Heroes on the Frontline of the Pandemic

While many Americans, and people around the world, have been asked to stay home in self-isolation to combat the ever-spreading coronavirus or COVID-19, healthcare workers have been placed on the front . . .

Caring for the Elderly Population

As adults are living longer, we are beginning to see a shift in how long life expectancy has an affect on a person’s health, and how it affects those around us such as people caring for the elderly. L . . .

What to Expect as a Full-Time Working Mama-to-be

It is fairly common for women to become pregnant and remain working at their full-time jobs. However, that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to do, especially when you have a job that requires large amoun . . .

Chinese Coronavirus: Know the Facts & Stay Protected

If you’ve been paying attention to the national news lately, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard someone talking about the Chinese Coronavirus. It’s a potentially deadly virus that has sickened mo . . .

How CBD Affects Our Health

Although it’s part of the cannabis (cannabaceae) family, the ingredient cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is becoming increasingly popular among new health trends and healthy living topics around the gl . . .

The Past, Present & Future of Dealing with HIV/AIDS

The HIV/AIDS epidemic, 30 years ago, was an interesting time filled with much uncertainty for people working in the healthcare industry. At the time, there was little known about what exactly caused t . . .

Diagnosis Leukemia

Getting diagnosed with leukemia can be a scary time in anyone’s life, especially when hearing the startling fact that over 60,000 Americans are estimated to get the cancer-related disease by the end o . . .

National Diabetes Month: Making a Healthy Change

With all the sweet treats, scrumptious meals and holiday traditions that center around this precious time of the year, it’s tough to be conscious about maintaining an adequate weight and healthy lifes . . .

Mysterious E-Cigarette & Vaping-Related Lung Injuries

If you’re like the average “vaper” or e-cigarette user, it’s most likely that you picked up the habit after hearing it was a potentially better alternative to smoking cigarettes. However, recent news . . .

How Canine Companions Benefit Your Health

There’s no secret when they say, “dogs are man’s best friend”. Whether it’s providing some type of therapy, becoming a traveling companion, or even sniffing out cancer-related illnesses, our canine fr . . .

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Awareness Month

As more and more women are affected every day by this extremely common hormonal imbalance and metabolism disorder, it’s good to know that you’re not alone in your fight against Polycystic Ovary Syndro . . .

New Cell Research on ‘Aging Better’

You’re only as old as you feel. And as time progresses, that old, feel-good saying might become more of a reality as new technology and research emerges to help people in old age live healthier lives. . . .

The Keto Diet: Will it Enhance My Performance?

By now, you’ve probably encountered a friend or family member who’s tried the famous “keto” diet, right? Or maybe you’ve tried the diet yourself? Either way, it’s a popular, trending diet that has mad . . .

PTSD in Nursing: Are you experiencing on-the-job trauma?

For nurses, especially working in the critical care unit, experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event during a shift can be fairly common. In fact, a recent study showed that as many as 48 percent of . . .

The Importance of Self-Care Among Nurses

Near the end of a long, demanding shift, do you ever contemplate why you got into the nursing profession in the first place? Sometimes, it’s good to reflect on your life and make sure that you’re taki . . .

Mental Health Awareness: The Downfall of Mental Institutions

Over the last few decades, the disappearance of long-term care facilities and psychiatric beds has escalated. This trend toward the deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients began in the early 20 . . .

Parkinson’s Disease: Signs, Risks and Treatments

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that primarily affects the part of your brain that’s responsible for movement, according to the Parkinson’s Foundation. People living with this disea . . .

The Wonder Years-Working with Adolescents

Adolescents pose a challenge to health care professionals. Whether it be stubbornness or unwillingness to accept that their actions have consequences, or difficulty to communicate clear and factual in . . .

How Essential are Essential Oils?

Essential oils have been all the rage, especially within the last several years. So, what exactly are they and what makes them so great? Don’t worry, we will delve into their history, how they are bei . . .

How Nurses Help Fight the Opioid Epidemic

A nurses, is in a key position to help reduce America’s opioid epidemic. From education related to drug abuse to being an encouraging factor for patients to properly dispose of unused medication, the . . .

Poor Mental Health Among Nurses Linked to Medical Errors, study finds

It’s a nurse’s duty to care for patients and improve the overall health of others, but how often do you stop to think about your own health? If you’re in the majority of nurses, you don’t focus on you . . .

6 Myths You've Heard About Diabetes

More than 30 million people are living with diabetes, a chronic disease where there is a high level of sugar in the blood. Of those millions, nearly 28 percent do not know they even have this disease . . .

Know Your Legal Rights as a Nurse

Im just trying to do what Im supposed to do. That’s all. Spoken by Utah nurse Alex Wubbels moments before she was arrested, these words echo a fundamental truth about nurses. Nurses are supposed to pr . . .

Recognizing Postpartum Depression in Mothers

At the very least, postpartum disorders interfere with a mother's ability to care for herself and her child. At the most severe, they're life-threatening. With one in nine women experiencing postpartu . . .

Breaking the Chain of Infection

According to the CDC, 1 in 25 hospital patients have at least one healthcare - associated infection on any given day.

Lyme Disease Cases On the Rise in the Northeast

A rising mice population results in a surge in the number of Lyme disease cases diagnosed.

Nursing and Medicine in the Vietnam War

In 1956, Majors Francis Smith, Helen Smith, and Jane Baker arrived in Saigon to serve with the United States Military Assistance Advisory Group’s Medical Training Team. Their assignment was to train t . . .

Preventing Dangerous Effects of Polypharmacy in Elderly Patients

Polypharmacy, or taking multiple prescription medications to manage just one health issue, is becoming an epidemic in elderly patients.

Eating around Gluten: Navigating Celiac Disease

Although gluten free may be a household term, most aren’t aware why such a need for wheat-free products exists and why it’s important for those living with celiac disease to manage its effects.

Men in Nursing: Breaking Stereotypes

Whether you are a male nurse or work by their side, here are a couple helpful reminders that break the all-too-common stereotypes about men in nursing.

Hidden Pain: Recognizing and Treating Victims of Abuse

Abuse affects all of us in some way, so we must be more alert. CEUFast offers multiple courses on how to recognize and treat abuse in children, adults, and the elderly, but here are a few introductory . . .

Tricks to Win Over Pint-sized Patients

Working with pint-sized patients is rewarding, but it does require a few tricks to get the job done. Here are four strategies that are sure to bring big results when treating your smallest patients

Powerful Ways Working in Hospice Shows How to Live Life to the Fullest

Treating patients facing the twilight moments of their lives shares a valuable perspective with those who care for them. If you desire to learn how to live life more fully, take some lessons from peop . . .

Nurses: Bedside Manner Matters

Difficult patients are nothing nice to deal with as a nurse, but it isn’t easy for patients to deal with cold, indifferent health professionals either.

Recognizing Patients who are Bipolar

A new day, a new patient; no two patients are ever the same. In fact, one patient might not seem like the same person from one moment to the next. While it can be something as simple as a temporary re . . .

8 Things New Nurses Should Know

Getting your license is one of the most exciting moments of a new nurse’s life, but that’s obviously just the beginning of your career. There are many ups and downs you will face, and mistakes you wil . . .

Why the 'Baby Nurse' Business is a Great Opportunity for Real Nurses

Do you know many nurses making over $100 an hour? It’s not something all that common, but if you’re a nurse who happens to love babies, you may want to consider jumping on the “baby nurse” career path . . .

Night Shift Nurses May have Higher Breast Cancer Risk

September is breast cancer awareness month, a condition that many nurses have treated. But did you know that working the night for an extended period of time increases your chances of developing bre . . .

Nurses Are Key in HIV/AIDs Treatment

A lot has changed since the HIV epidemic hit the United States in the 1980s, but nurses have always been at the helm of treating these patients since the beginning. Nurses have worked all over the U . . .

How to Be a Successful Nurse While Managing Your ADHD

Being a nurse is challenging enough, but if you’re a nurse with ADHD, it’s a real bear. With ADHD, you have a list of tasks to knock out when your mind has a hard time staying focused on one thing.

How to Cope with Tricky Patients and Bad Attitudes

Maybe a car crashed, or perhaps someone was walking when they got hit by a bus. He might have accidentally swallowed a bone, or she may have come down with a mysterious illness. Either way, the pe . . .

The Important Part Nurses Play in Wound Care

Nurses who specialize in wound care are dedicated to treating the most difficult, non-healing wounds. About half of patients who develop a diabetic foot ulcer will die within five years, according to . . .

Through the Eyes of an Alzheimer’s Patient: What They're Experiencing

When you look at your face in the mirror, you recognize your skin, your eyes, your imperfections, and your smile, because it’s you. But could you imagine looking at your reflection one day and having . . .

What To Do When An Asthma Patient Walks In

A patient walks in and tells you she is struggling to breathe. Her chest is tight, she may have a dry cough and her skin is losing color. She’s starting to wheeze, there might be mucous secretions and . . .

So Nurses Know: The Latest Developments with the Zika Virus

In February, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Zika a global health emergency. As of May, 49 countries reported new infections and the number of Zika cases are continuously rising, particul . . .

Nearly a Quarter of Seniors Leave Hospitals With Superbugs on Their Hands

The Center For Disease Control says about 2 million people get sick from a superbug each year and 23,000 die from super bugs. So imagine how frightening it is to learn that 1 in 4 senior citizen pat . . .

8 Nurse Hacks that Will Make Your Job Easier

Being a nurse is satisfying work, but it can also be hard. Thankfully, nurses are resilient, resourceful and creative when it comes to creating solutions that can make life easier. Here are a eight g . . .

Zika, Sexual Transmission and Brain Damaged Babies: Don’t Be Alarmed, Be Informed

As health professionals, many have heard a lot of buzz about the Zika Virus. It’s a disease that’s not exactly new, but the details as to “where” the virus is showing up and “how” it’s transmitted tr . . .

The Holiday Blues: Dealing With Depression During the Happiest Time of the Year

We all know the holidays are generally a happy-go-lucky, celebratory time of the year where family and friends get together to celebrate, but for many people, it can be a dark and painful time. Depre . . .

Body Mechanics Won't Cut It: Dealing with Nurse Back Injuries

Nurses work hard to take care of their patients every day. Unfortunately, many of them pay for it with back pain. Nursing is a physically demanding career, and with the lifting, transferring and repo . . .

Stop Bashing Prenatal Fitness: Working Out While Pregnant is More Than Okay

Exercise is widely accepted as a healthy, necessary activity that keeps weight under control and prevents a myriad of diseases, but when it comes to pregnant women working out, it makes a lot of peop . . .

Open Conversation: Can We Tackle the Hand Washing Crisis in Health Care?

Hospitals across the nation are filled with some of the most educated, brightest minds in medicine. So sometimes, it’s a bit baffling that something as simple as washing hands is a huge problem for ma . . .

Nursing and Medicine During World War II

World War II changed the world in many different ways. One of these way involved the medical field, or specifically, nursing. Nursing is a key element of healthcare and during times of war it can be t . . .

Researchers Find 'Off Switch' To Chronic Pain

From debilitating injuries to crippling cancers, millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain.

Dealing With Hard To Please, Difficult Patients

If there’s one thing that every nurse will come across in his or her career, it’s a difficult patient.

Great Snacks to Keep Diabetes at Bay

As nurses, you dedicate your lives to taking care of others, so you know first-hand just how easy it is to ignore your own health and make poor food choices.

Get More Zzzzs: Why Less than 7 Hours of Sleep Can Hurt Your Nursing Career

You may be working in the healthcare profession, but that doesn’t mean you always take care of your health. But believe us, we aren’t judging, with long work hours and a laundry list of things to do, . . .

A Nurse's Checklist For Donning and Doffing Procedures

In a continued effort to keep nurses safe when treating patients with Ebola, the Center for Disease Control recently updated their personal protective equipment procedures.

Nurses: Feeling Unprepared To Handle Ebola? Education is Key

When the 2014 outbreak of Ebola began to wreak havoc in West Africa back in February, multiple reports stated that health care givers attempting to treat patients became infected with the disease them . . .

CEUFast Course Overview: Breastfeeding

One of the most natural things to a new mother and her infant is breastfeeding, yet many of America's mothers do not breastfeed their newborns.

So, You've Got a Doctor's Appointment You Say?

Even if you are the most dutiful of patients who schedules your physical like clockwork every year, you might not be getting the most out of your annual checkup.

The Effects of Working the Night Shift

Night shift nurses might be the envy of some of their colleagues if they receive increased pay, but I can assure you that being a night shift nurse comes with a high cost: your health.

CEUFast Course Overview: Child Abuse Course

One of the most important things we must know when working in healthcare is how to identify child abuse and neglect. You might be thinking that child abuse is easily identifiable, but it isn't, not al . . .

Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: What Is the Difference Between the Two?

There is tremendous debate surrounding the benefits of prebiotics and probiotics in a person's overall health care routine. This debate is also fueled by the media, which commercializes health benefit . . .

Implementing Nutrition Basics: How to Teach Your Child to Eat Right

Children are notoriously fussy eaters, often preferring sweets to greens. I can't say that I blame them. At times, a candy bar sounds much better than a plate

Colonoscopy Technology Breakthrough

I have yet to come across a patient who gets excited about a colonoscopy. In fact, most patients avoid them like the plague, even

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Nurses

Learn to recognize the signs of PTSD so you can get help if you need it.

How Medicine Can Make You Sick

No matter who does the prescribing, dosing, and administering, make sure you know all there is to know about the medicines you are taking!

A Guide to Understanding Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease is an incurable form of dementia that progressively becomes worse and eventually leads to death. The disease typically affects seniors over the age of 65, but may strike those youn . . .

What Are Normal Sexual Averages?

Sexual health is an important part of a healthy adult lifestyle. Having sex is good for us; our bodies were designed for sex. People are caught

A Kid's Guide to Health

Do you know how important your health is? Many kids today aren't aware of just how important good health really is. It's easy to make bad choices, and chances are you know someone who may not make the . . .

Surviving Mandatory Overtime

All nurses face mandatory overtime. It is often a necessary part of the job, especially if there is an unanticipated emergency in your

Nursing and Medicine During World War I

World War I was a profound event that played an important role in the placement and future advancement of women within the military. It demonstrated not only that women were capable of duties supporti . . .

A Guide To Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Many people around the world associate Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with soldiers returning from war. The horrors that soldiers experience on the battleground often do cause PTSD, but the dis . . .

How Saving Lives With Blood Is Advancing

As nurses, we know that one of the most critical lifesaving tools we need at our disposal is blood. Whether the patient is in need of

Medical Resource: A Guide to Understanding Autism

As communities become more diverse, nurses have to learn how to work with different groups of people. That includes children, teenagers, and adults living with autism.

Beating the Winter Blues

We all suffer from the winter blues every once in a while, but many people suffer from a more severe form of the winter depression called

The Dramatic Progress in The Fight Against AIDS

As I look back on the AIDS pandemic over the last 32 years, I’m amazed at how far we have come in finding treatments for this horrible disease

Avoiding Weight Gain After Knee Surgery

Recovering from knee surgery can be a long and arduous process, but replacing the joint is far better than suffering from the debilitating

Are Nurses Ready to Take On the Baby Boom Population?

There are many concerns facing the healthcare industry today, but one of the greatest ones is whether there will be enough nurses

The Importance of Self Breast Exams

Alright ladies, do not make me come over there! Nothing in women’s health is more important than breast self-exams. Period. Okay, well, there

Reducing Nurse Fatigue

The phrase 'health care' is very important to nurses. We got into the health care industry because we 'care'; it’s definitely ...

How Nurses Are Promoting Good Health to Kids

One of the saddest things I currently see in health care is America's childhood obesity epidemic. Our children are suffering from...

Nursing and Medicine in the Korean War

Within a month of landing on the beach in Korea in 1950, nurse Margaret (Zane) Fleming and her fellow nurses with the 1st Mobile Army Surgical Hospital were attacked. The group of 13 Army nurses was t . . .

Least Favorite Nursing Duties

For the most part, I think all of us nurses love what we do. We wouldn't have become nurses in the first place if we didn't.

Work at Home Jobs for Nurses

Tired of working long hours at the hospital and not seeing your family? Well, I have news for you. You can have an RN career from the comfort of your own home.You may have thought work at home opportu . . .

How Technology is Improving Home Care

Imagine your patient’s joy in being able to actually see his or her family! Nurses think about continuing education all the time. We just ...