Think you’ve got what it takes to be considered a nurse expert?
What about a nurse celebrity?
The 3 time emmy-winning show Dr. Oz, that’s who!
Think you’ve got what it takes to be considered a nurse expert?
What about a nurse celebrity?
The 3 time emmy-winning show Dr. Oz, that’s who!
On Monday’s episode of the Dr. Oz Show (Watch the Sept 21 airing here:) , Dr. Mehmet Oz announced that he was launching the first ever search for a nurse to join his core group of experts.
The episode was dedicated to nurses and a guest appearance was made by Kelley Johnson, a nurse who participated in the Miss America pageant as Miss Colorado earlier this month.
Johnson became a household name after she performed a monologue about her nursing career in the pageant, and even more so after nurses rallied in support when The View co-hosts mocked her performance.
Positive nurse movements like #nurseunite and #showmeyourstethoscope have spawned out of that incident, and most recently, Dr. Oz’s praise of nurses.
“I have depended on the wisdom, guidance, support and nurturing of nurses the entirety of my career as a surgeon...I have worked alongside nurses every step of my medical career and it's time that a nurse joins my core team of medical experts,” Dr. Oz said.
“The same wisdom and passion for healing that is so critical with patients should also take place on our stage."
We wholeheartedly agree, a nurse’s presence is needed right alongside doctor figures on television, just as we’re needed in real life.
So if you or any nurses you know are passionate, engaging and strong communicators, why not give this a shot?
Get involved in discussions on treatment, politics that affect health care and represent your industry on the national stage.
You can also get others to nominate you in addition to nominating yourself.
To Nominate Yourself or Another Nurse Go to www.doctoroz.com and click on #nursesearch or visit http://www.doctoroz.com/page/nominate-your-favorite-nurse-nursesearch.
Be sure to have the nominee’s first name, last name, place of employment, your job title or specialty and email address. You will also need to upload an image and you will be asked to describe why you or the person you’re nominating embodies the very best of the nursing profession. You can also get creative and share videos, audio, essays and anything else you can think of that will get you to stand out from the crowd.
The candidates will be reviewed and a decision will be made this fall. The winner will participate in segments as a health expert and give their perspective on numerous health related topics.
Good luck guys and gals.
Can’t wait to see you on the big screen!