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CEUfast Nurse Chronicles, Volume 2: Funny & Touching Stories From the Lives of Passionate Nurses 

Welcome to the second installment of Nurse Chronicles. If you missed the first one, you can read it here: CEUFast Nurse Chronicles, Part 1: Funny & Touching Stories From the Lives of Passionate Nurses 

Nurse Chronicles is a place where you can share any and all confessions, from the heart of a nurse.

This series is about creating a space where nurses can talk about the good the bad and the ugly. You can tell us who you are or you can remain anonymous, it’s up to you.


Here’s the second wave of stories we’ve received. Grab a cup of joe or something yummy to nibble on and enjoy.  


Why I Became a Nurse

“I never thought I was going to be a nurse like my mom and my aunt. But I knew I needed to be a nurse/ARNP after I saw amazing nurses/ARNP's care for my dad after he had a heart attack at age 49. You never think your family will be sick or get sick, but seeing my dad intubated and sedated was not an easy sight. After he recovered, it was awesome to see the nurses with such care, knowledge, and compassion to encourage this previously sedentary, unhealthy relatively young man, my father, and turn him around. My father currently works, still climbing ladders up to roofs and decorations for his house. He plays golf and couldn't touch a cigarette if you paid him. My family and my love for caring for others continues to drive my passion for my patients, friends and even my family.”

- Stephanie, ARNP?


Accepting A Patient’s Choice to Die

“One of my greatest and saddest times at my job was that I fell in love with this elderly lady.  

I was called into a meeting that I had to translate in Spanish to her. The meeting was about me asking her if she wanted to become a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate Order). Well, she said, “Yes, I would like to be DNR.”  I kept repeating the question more than 20 times,  in multiple simple ways, so that she could understand me,  and she said, “I want to be a dnr!!” My tears started rolling down my face and I started to cry. She said, “Don't cry...I lived 90 years I already, lived long enough” and she started crying. I cried because I fell in love with her, just like I fall in love with every other resident. But the simple fact is that I just wanted her to know that I would love to save her life and bring her back to life. But that's her choice and I have to respect that. It was a very sad day for me to know that if anything happen to her, I am NOT able to help her and bring her back to life.”

- Frances Avila (CNA)


Nursing Saved Young Mother’s Life


“Became a nurse at 24 to support my two baby girls. It saved our lives, that was in 1970. I was able to raise three children and never was without a job. There were times I needed to work two or three jobs and the flexibility of nursing allowed that. The children are grown and I'm the proud grandmother of nine grandchildren. Should be retired but I'm still nursing because it's what fulfills me. I've been with the same Home Health Company since 1999. I've been a delivery room nurse, med-surg, nurse, rehab nurse, psych nurse and a correctional nurse. My hands have helped bring into this world, helped heal and recover from illness/accidents, helped calm anxiety, helped ease pain and helped leave this world in a gentle and dignified way. I have been honored by the gratitude of those I have cared for and their families. This is my 45th year as an LPN and not the last. I love what I do.”

- Sandi Rannet-Gray, LPN


Love Connection

“It was my first year out of nursing school. I worked as a charge nurse in a long term facility. Every night we would get a medication delivery. The person who would deliver the meds was a cute guy and he would flirt with me all the time. One night, he left me a note with his phone number on it and it said to call him if I would like to go out some time. So I waited almost a week. I didn't want to seem too eager, then I called him. We started dating weeks turned into months and before we knew it the months became 1 year. We got engaged, then married. We have two children-- a boy and a girl. This month on June 24th,  we will celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary!  My husband often will tell people that he met me in a nursing home when he was delivering meds. Not the best place I guess, because it sounds like I was a patient but then he says she's a nurse. It's not often you can say you met your spouse in a nursing home.”  

- Christine, RN


Crappy Situation

“Had a patient who said her water broke and she was sure there was meconium ( newborn first stool) in the amniotic fluid. She brought in glass with fluid and a full grow adult turd in a baggy. That was not meconium.”

- Anonymous Healthcare Worker


If you have a story you would like to share with us, send it in, along with your name and position. Or if you wish to remain anonymous, just give us your position and location (City, State).


Email your stories to


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