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New Look, Customer-Requested Features Coming to CEUFast This Spring!

In the coming months, you may notice something’s a little different at!

This spring, CEUFast is re-launching its site, offering the same high-quality CE courses on a cleaner, easier-to-use platform that offers more style and convenience than ever before.

We’ve listened to our customers’ feedback and have been working on a new version of the site for more than three years.

CEUFast made sure to keep everything you love, while providing you with the tools you’ve asked for to help you succeed:
  •  Faster and easier navigation, whether you’re on your PC, tablet or mobile
  • A seamless experience across devices, allowing you to study and take your tests anywhere
  • An intuitive and organized system that allows you to find the courses you’re looking for in a snap
  • Better  management of previous certifications
  • Course hour totals for any given period to help you determine when you have met your requirements
CEUFast will also have a fresher, cleaner design to match our new features and updated feel.

To cap it off, we’ve brought a friendly owl mascot aboard to greet our customers!

She reflects our brand identity and supports our goals, which is always to provide you with an easy, but outstanding CE learning experience.

We’ve worked hard to provide our loyal customers with a seamless experience and we will be inviting you to spend time on our new site during beta testing soon.

Keep your eyes peeled for invitations to our beta test version of CEUFast!

Thanks for your continued support.

Let’s make 2015 the best year yet.  

Try CEUfast today!