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Nurse Appointed Surgeon General

On April 21, 2017, Sylvia Trent-Adams was named acting Surgeon General of the United States. She is a proud veteran of the nursing industry and the first non physician to serve as Surgeon General.

Sylvia Trent-Adams received her Bachelor of Science in nursing from Hampton University and Master in Science in nursing and health policy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Additionally, she earned her Doctorate from University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

Before being named Surgeon General, Sylvia Trent-Adams was an officer of the U.S. Army Nurse Corp for five years on the oncology unit of Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Additionally, she served as the Deputy Surgeon General and as the Chief Nurse Officer of the USPHS since November of 2013.

She is well known for her work to improve access to care for poor and underserved communities. She additionally demonstrated her proficiency as the successful Deputy Associate Administrator for the HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB), who facilitates the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program thru the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

From a nurse officer in the U.S. Army to Surgeon General of the United States, Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams PhD, RN, FAAN is a career public servant and has proudly represented the nursing profession. CEUFast and The National League for Nursing congratulates our new Surgeon General of the United States.

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