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Embracing Change and Revisiting Foundations: A Journey of Learning for Nurses

Written by Jennifer Huynh, BSN, RN, NCSN

The world of nursing is ever-changing, and recent events, such as the pandemic, have brought significant transformations within the medical field. These changes have underscored the importance of continuous learning for nurses. As healthcare professionals, we are always on a path of learning and growth, and maintaining our nursing license is a testament to our commitment to staying updated in our practice. In this blog post, we will delve into how nurses like you continue to be informed while juggling work, education, and home life demands.

Staying Current in a Dynamic Profession

As nurses, we are the heart and soul of the healthcare team. To keep pace with the constantly evolving medical landscape, we employ various strategies to stay informed and up-to-date. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by fostering open communication with our colleagues and actively participating in professional nursing organizations. These connections provide access to the latest research findings, best practices, and cutting-edge medical technologies.

For those eager to explore specialized areas of nursing, pursuing advanced degrees and certifications can open doors to exciting new opportunities. Additionally, many hospitals and healthcare institutions offer workshops, seminars, and training programs to ensure their nursing staff remains equipped with the latest techniques and practices.

Balancing Act: Work, Education, and Home Life

While we are passionate about learning and growing in our profession, we understand that balancing work, education, and family life can be challenging. Finding the time and energy to dedicate ourselves to continuing education is difficult, but we are resilient and adaptable professionals.

To tackle these challenges head-on, many create structured schedules that carve out dedicated time for learning and self-improvement. Whether setting aside a few hours each week to read studies or attending workshops during our days off, every effort we make helps us remain updated and expand our knowledge base.

Revisiting the Basics: A Foundation for Excellence

Over time, we may find ourselves in situations where specific foundational knowledge and skills become rusty or faded. While we can't remember every detail from our nursing school days, maintaining a solid foundation in nursing practice is crucial for providing the best possible care to our patients.

Let's take a moment to revisit some essential nursing basics that might benefit from a little refreshing:

Physical Anatomy: A deep understanding of human anatomy forms the bedrock of nursing practice. Knowledge of the human body's structure and function is vital for accurate assessments, administering treatments, and communicating with other healthcare professionals. From understanding the organs and their interconnections to recognizing how various systems collaborate, our proficiency in physical anatomy directly impacts the care we provide. Whether assessing respiratory conditions, comprehending heart conditions in cardiac care, or articulating our findings to physicians, a solid grasp of physical anatomy empowers us to be proficient caregivers and influential healthcare team members.

Assessment Skills: As you know, thorough and accurate patient assessments are the backbone of nursing practice. From taking vital signs to understanding a patient's medical history, honing our assessment skills guides us in providing tailored and effective care. For example, while you might excel in rapid triage in the emergency room, you might find it helpful to review long-term care assessments for patients in a rehabilitation setting.

Medication Management: Safely administering medications is of utmost importance. Brushing up on dosage calculations, drug interactions, and proper administration techniques helps prevent errors and ensures patient safety. If you work in oncology, you might feel confident administering chemotherapy drugs but want to reinforce your knowledge of pediatric medication dosages.

Infection Control: Our role in preventing infection spread is critical in healthcare settings. Reviewing proper hand hygiene, isolation protocols, and sterilization techniques is essential to maintain a safe environment for patients and our fellow healthcare providers. For instance, you might already have a firm grasp on preventing airborne infections in the intensive care unit. Still, you may find revisiting protocols to prevent infections linked to urinary catheters is beneficial.

Communication: Effective communication is the glue that holds our care team together. Collaborating with fellow healthcare professionals, interacting with patients and their families, and accurately conveying information are vital aspects of our role. For instance, if you excel in communicating with expectant mothers in a labor and delivery setting, you might consider seeking additional training to communicate effectively with patients facing language barriers or cognitive impairments.


In conclusion, nursing is a journey of constant learning and adaptation. Balancing our commitment to education with the demands of our work and personal lives can be challenging, but it is well worth the effort. By revisiting the basics and maintaining a solid foundation in our practice, we ensure that our care remains of the highest quality. Embracing change and committing to lifelong learning, we fortify the bedrock of our profession, ultimately benefitting our patients and the healthcare community. As nurses, we are not just caregivers but lifelong learners, continually striving to improve and positively impact the lives of those we serve.

About the Author:

Jennifer "Jenny" Huynh, BSN, RN, NCSN, graduated from the University of Massachusetts Lowell (Umass Lowell) and is certified as a school nurse. She has worked as an RN for six years, focusing on school nursing. Currently, Jenny is working on her Master's in Nursing Education and is an Adjunct Instructor at UMass Lowell.

Jenny is an independent contributor to CEUfast’s Nursing Blog Program. Please note that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this blog post are solely of the independent contributor and do not necessarily represent those of CEUfast. This is not medical advice. Always consult with your personal healthcare provider for any health-related questions or concerns.

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